Got this in my e-mail today – 500 United MileagePlus miles for creating a new account with e-Rewards. I totally love easy ways to get more miles, especially United miles because it’s the airline I fly most frequently. Enjoy!
Quick Tips:
- You must complete your first survey within 90 days of enrolling to receive your award miles. This one-time bonus of 500 Award miles is only available to newly enrolled e-Rewards members.
- If you already have an e-Rewards account like I do (I signed up during last year’s U.S. Airways Grand Slam Promotion), I recommend creating a new account using an alternative email address and providing your MileagePlus Account number.
- Don’t forget to activate your account on the verification page by entering your confirmation code which will be sent to your email. Accounts will not be active (aka no 500 bonus miles) until you do so.
- After your complete your profile with E-Rewards, there will be a page that instructs you to choose two “Welcome Gifts”. One of them is 4,500 Club Carlson points, which I recommend you choose. Here’s why: my guess is that e-Rewards will create a new Club Carlson account for you using the information you provide during registration (I even went as far as using a different address when registering). Once your new Club Carlson account is created, do know that Club Carlson allows instant point transfers from one account to another simply by calling and asking for a transfer. I plan on “transferring” my 4,500 new Club Carlson Gold Points into my current account. Catch my drift? :)
I have not been able to get this link to work all day.
I'm sorry , I just tried the link on the blog as well as the original link in my email; it looks like this offer is no longer available :(
FYI, I saw this promotion last week and I tried using the separate email address approach and I was told my United account number was already in use and could not sign up again.
Aw bummer… the seperate email approach worked for me because I only had an e-rewards account linked to my US airways dividend miles. I guess this offfer is a case of YMMV (your miles may vary)
I got an email for the offer. Pretty confident it's targeted.Only bummer – mine was for 250 miles, not 500! Ouch.I used to do E-Rewards all the time and burn the points for $25 Express Gift cards (same rate as 1,000 miles). Hadn't done it in ages. Going to take the 250 point offer, & see about the 4,500 Club Carlson points. Might as well.- David