Picture this: Mom and I strategically stationed on my dining room table, sipping tea and catching up on on some quality mother/daughter time. Dad sits patiently on his computer at work. Sounds like a normal afternoon, right? Sure…
However, the reality was: I told mom that we had to delay having lunch until after 1pm, and that we had to keep refreshing our Facebook pages to get the early-access code in order to try our luck at the Wyndham Rewards Daily Getaways pre-sale, which we’d be competing against the entire blog-o-sphere and their moms (literally) in the fight for the points.
In the meantime, Dad and I are frantically emailing back and forth, as he makes sure he provides me his CC info (Amex of course for the 10% discount) & Wyndham Rewards account number to ensure we are one of the lucky ones when the hour strikes 12 noon.
Noon comes along and we were able to only score one 16,000 point package for the price of $49.50… Boo…
“Let’s get a quick lunch now, Ang; I’m starving”, says Mom.
“No, we have to wait until after 1 pm. We need more points.”, I reply.
1pm rolls around, at the speed of light, I secure a 48,000 point package. My heart races as I enter my billing information. Kevin chooses the wrong time to call me, and I frantically hang up, telling him that I am dealing with some urgent time-sensitive matters at the moment. I can only imagine what he thought.
Dad emails me and lets me know that he got the 32,000 point package for $99.
In total, we happily got 96,000 points for the price of $297.
We plan on transferring the points to 38,400 United miles, which we will use to help us get to Istanbul in the fall.
Crazy points family? I think so…
Now it’s lunch time!
How did you make out?
Sounds familiar :)
I was able to get 130k points and my husband 78k. Watching me with my two computers going was probably a site to see!
Had a frustrating time, since twice my purchase made it through to the credit card information page and then failed! Third time was the charm, everything went through perfectly, so I am the proud recipient of 32,000 points for $99. That’s 100% more successful than I expected, so I’m smiling despite the initial hassle :)
I have no immediate need for the points, so I’m going to sit tight for a few months until I’m actually ready to make a redemption. They’ll probably get me 12,800 miles closer to a United award, but I’d consider a transfer to AA/DL/US instead for a transfer bonus (or Grand Slam hit). Maybe even Southwest so I can use up my lonely AirTran credits…
Scored the 50,000 and 32,000 point package during the presale. Got zilch during the regular sale :-(
Jealous! We only got the 32k.
Was able to get 2 during presage (16,000 & 48,000) and two during main sale (50,000 & 28,000). Will either transfer them to UA or AA.
Got 28K for $68 at 1pm…figured that had best cpp return
Scored 16K at noon sale and 38K and 50K at 1pm for grand total of 98K for $308 not bad will use 45K on Amtrak points. The rest for UA miles.
Got 32K during pre-sale and 50K + 48K during regular. Total of 130K for $376.2. Not bad since that translates to ~ 51200 miles
Man, everyone seems luckier than me! Stayed up until 2:30 am in Japan and was only able to score 16,000 points with the presale and NOTHING with the regular sale.
Congrats to all those who got points. I’m hoping for better luck next year!
What are the routes and mileage costs of your trip to Istanbul. I am planning a trip there myself.
Snagged 32k at pre-sale; 48k & 2x 16k at regular sale. Total haul: 112k
No luck for me but I guess that happens – luckily I should still have enough points for a Grand Slam hit in the fall.