Very few of us can stand flying economy, but that’s about to become a pun on words. With China’s Spring Airlines’ new proposition to increase capacity by up to 40% on short-haul flights, the budget carrier announced its interest in a seat design called SkyRider, which are semi-standing, saddle-style, vertical seats.
The SkyRider seats are designed to force passengers to bear some of their weight on their legs, with their backs “rested” against the seatback directly ahead. Much like a roller coaster at an amusement park, seatbelts on these SkyRider “seats” secure the passenger by the shoulders and upper body, instead of across the hips/lap.
While normal domestic economy seats usually have a pitch (the distance between your seat and the seat in front of you) of around 30″, this new engineering features a pitch of only 23″ – talk about a tight squeeze!
Just curious, would you ever consider flying in a “vertical standing seat?” if it truly was offered as a discount? If so, exactly how much of a discount in fare would it take for you to bite the bullet?
that looks like a roller coaster seat!
That’s a quad workout all right! #wallsquats
f*** no
I’d consider it on flights of an hour or less (definitely no longer) and only then if it was 50% off standard prices.
These have been pitched for several years now. When I first heard of them, everyone said RyanAir would be first customer. The “news” is someone may actually be putting them in planes. But is there a link to a press release stating this as fact?
Next steps, eliminating toilets, and offering adult diapers for sale.
Wow… that’s disgusting. Companies are really going to great lengths to make people hate flying… I don’t see that happening in the US, though. Where the average adult is usually bigger in size and width than in the rest of the world, maybe it’ll fly in Asia, not here.
I wouldn’t fly like this.
no fun if the flight is loaded and delayed on the tarmac,
I’d love to have seen this photo of her sitting in the second row of seats instead of the first!! Look how far her knees stick out- and she is tiny! Crowbar anyone?
Only for individuals 5’5″ or shorter.
Of course, China doesn’t have the obesity epidemic we have rendering such a concept unpractical.
how about just make slanted board with 5-10deg recline as STANDING spots ? that would allow 17″ pitch and eliminate the roller coaster part all together.
seriously, China Spring could be offering free seats and i still wouldn’t bother considering them if this is their seat
Heaven forbid you need to evacuate in a hurry.
no way…my fat ass won’t fit in there!
Just occurred to me what that little “pod” below the seat might be.
Personal bedpan.
only on <1hr flights and only if they were priced at about $25 each way.
This must be done wearing heals at all times.