A few updates:
- Shortly after sending my complaint to Uber, I received a favorable response and apology from customer service, including an adjustment of the fare from XL to X. I also learned that to protect rider and driver privacy, riders and drivers cannot view ratings for a specific trip. Driver-partners will never see exactly which rider or which trip received a specific rating and vice versa.
- For those commenters questioning the fact that it was indeed just my husband and I in the car, I can assure that we didn’t get *that* lucky in Vegas.
- For those commenters who think it’s ridiculous that I even gave him a 4, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Looking back, he deserved a 2.
- For those commenters who think there are pieces missing to my account, you’re right; somewhere in the middle of the ride, we learned that he was a part-time sushi chef and was good friends with the owner of our favorite local restaurant.
In general, it’s always sad when a few bad apples ruin things for the masses. I’ve always been an Uber loyalist, and have always raved about the service I’ve used for years.
Even though I’ve had some less than stellar experiences (everything from being in a car that was side swiped, the occasional rude driver, and even a “kidnapping scare†during my brother’s first ride), I still love Uber, and I have close to 100 rides under my belt.
The good thing about Uber is that both drivers and passengers are rated at the end of the ride to help weed out “bad applesâ€. We all know how important maintaining a good rating is, and I always make sure I rate honestly and accurately to encourage good service.
For example, you’re not getting a 5-star rating from me if you’re rude, you’re smoking, chatting on your phone while driving me, or engaging in other unprofessional activity.
Sadly, it looks like I’ve encountered a bad apple 2 days ago when my husband and I rode home from Newark airport. It was 1:30 in the morning, and we just returned from Las Vegas. We were tired, and couldn’t wait to get home to the kids. We called an Uber and were assigned a driver with a 4.7 rating.
The driver called immediately and said “can I pick you up somewhere else? There are too many police at arrivals.” Fine, no problem. We went upstairs to the departures level to meet him. When we entered the car, we weren’t greeted at all, and for the entire ride, he was asking us to navigate for him because he was too busy talking loudly on the phone in another language while he was driving.
I was getting annoyed after he almost missed an exit for the 3rd time. Midway through the ride, I texted my husband, who was sitting next to me, saying “Wow. 3 stars. 4 at most”.
When we arrived home he said, “Make sure you give me 5 stars.”. I took it with a grain of salt and got my ride receipt of $40 and change. I decided to be nice and give him 4 stars, even though that’s a stretch.
I guess he didn’t like that too much.
About an hour ago, I received an email in my inbox saying that I would be charged the UberXL fare based on the number of passengers in the car. My new bill was $72 and change. So his interpretation of my rating was telling Uber he drove 4-6 passengers?!? Um no. I was fuming.
I remember hearing about plenty of sneaky driver scams, but this one takes the cake. I later researched and learned through an Uber drivers’ forum that drivers do this to customers as a way to “get back at them”.
I immediately contacted Uber and shared my complaint, and if this doesn’t get resolved, I will absolutely file a chargeback. This type of fraud should be taken very seriously, and I hope this driver is permanently removed from the program.
Have you ever been a victim of a similar scam while using Uber?
Meh, you gave him 4, next time stick to your guns, if you felt it was a 1 or 3, give him a 3…are we supposed to be afraid of these idiots?
I’m a driver, and often think riders are too demanding on drivers (assuming we know where you are or what you want when you didn’t actually give us that information) but I think this guy deserved a 1. We as drivers need to treat customers well. If we do, please give us 5. And if we repeatedly and knowingly disregard your needs a 1 is appropriate
You cannot generalize all “riders” based on your feelings. You should have said “I’ve encountered riders that were demanding”. If you have a negative attitude towards all riders prematurely then you’ll probably end up receiving negative experiences.
You have to be one of those rude riders that has been banned from driving due to your poor driving records and now think ride share drivers ought to keep kissing up to you.
Instead of appreciate being picked up, and consider all the expenses and risks that ride share drivers are subject to, jerks just complain trying to get drivers deactivated. Ride share companies should note how many times a rider complains about drivers, and ultimately adjust ratings and reactivate accounts.
I drive and have a great experience.
Not sure why you interpreted that as negative.
After four years as a a driver with over 10k rides, I can tell you that you are extremely wrong by thinking that if a driver is nice, he/she will receive a positive rating at the end of the ride. Many times, passengers are extremely entitled and rude, and will give you a bad rating if you decline to accommodate certain illegal activities. I would suggest that you do some research before you speak on this matter. I would also like to find out your rating as a passenger. I would not be surprised if you were to be one of “the many” passengers willing to complain about something so trivial in order to get a free ride.
I can tell you this is 100% true because no matter how nice I am as driver to people it seems that some riders spend the entire trip looking for reason not like me. Just saying it’s bad on both sides
We can generalize all we want, when you’ve taken well over 2k fares, it’s very easy to see who the passive aggressive overly entitled jerk is that thinks it’s okay act friendly and then bash the driver hard on the review regardless of how good the driver was. Because of people like this, I won’t pick up anyone with less than a 4.9 rating, amazingly enough after I started paying attention to rider ratings, I have not had a single fare below 5 stars in well over two months now.
I think too much control is given to riders. Drivers are bending over backwards to please riders because we need them, but the rudeness of passengers often are unbearable. Uber has set up a culture where customers often are very rude to drivers and it will dearly cost Uber, if they don’t change their policy to make it fair to passengers and drivers alike.
Navigation is a bogus rating. Drivers cannot know all the areas by heart. Some time when starting a ride it takes a minute for the GPS to start and if you start driving, it might just take you to a few unnecessary blocks. Ask the rider what direction is best to go might cost you a for navigation. CRAZY
Just had a similar experience today. Ordered X…got a GMC Acadia which I guess is XL. Gave “Ashley” 5 stars and $5 tip. Four hours later I get an email that my fare was adjusted to XL price. I’m sure she didn’t think I’d notice the email alert. Unbelievable. This driver is flat out stealing from people.
U r the idiot. Tip ur drivers like u tip for other services u get. U riders get very cheap rides but don’t think twice about how much gas and other maintenance cost.
I agree with you totally. If you pay for your bar tabs or you dine out and pay with a credit card, you still tip those people for good services. You should do the same to your driver be it a taxi or Uber if they provide you with good service.
I’m an Uber driver as well, and I agree that passengers should tip. They receive a ride that is usually half the price of a taxi and they won’t tip a dime! Just another cheapskate rider that thinks getting something for nothing is okay!
Yes, yes, of course, people should tip. But the driver should be deactivated for fraudulently reporting an more passengers to increase the fare to XL. If they were 3-4 with luggage, I can see making that adjustment. Two people? No way!
I disagree a tip is required it is a given cor the quality of the service. If you have a bad waiter who keeps messing up you are not going to give him a great tip. Driver lije any other worker should not ceel they deserve a tip just because.
Was the uber ride free ?Because then, that’s really “nothing” !
I don’t tip anybody, anywhere, anymore, at anytime. I also don’t use Uber and couldn’t care less what anybody thinks of my tipless life.
Tipping is a problem here in America, because so many people think we all can afford to tip, and that we all should with huge amounts.
As much as possible, I simply refuse to hire services that would require a tip, and also don’t eat out anymore. I’m not rich but live comfortably, by my standards, in a small city.
People who whine about tips in the the stories I’ve read online, and speak about compromising food orders; this Uber crap over upcharging; and all the other stories have completely changed my thinking on services requiring tips.
I am not yet eligible for social security and am disabled without disability, so I simply don’t have the funds, nor the care, to subsidize anyone with tips. I, personally, do not have any income. I am disabled without disability benefits.
I don’t want “spit in my food” or upcharges on my credit card, or anything in between, so I have to live a basic life and do without.
My spouse still works but only for another couple years, so we do have some income, but still not enough to justify living ”the spoiled life”. Yet, we fall under the guise of bad tippers (when we could tip) and therefore “punished” as if we’re bad tippers, when the tippee had no clue our ride; our meal; our whatever, was but a rare happening, such as having a birthday dinner out once a year, and now we need to come up with a huge tip, more than we can afford, so pluck it. I just don’t care anymore to eat out at all or hire a service. It’s no that I/we never tipped, but it sure reads like “you all” are having pissing contests over people not tipping “enough”.
The money I’ve saved is for our retirement is not for your tips. So I simply don’t celebrate anything at all anymore, unless, maybe, I could if I’d move to Europe.
I don’t want to see/hear anymore stories like, “What your server hates about you”; “What your Uber driver wishes you knew…” or anything else. Just be thankful you have a job at all, and stop looking for jobs based upon tips.
yes tip uber drivers always or take a taxi and pay triple
Wow I’m appalled at both sides comments. A tip is optional. Most my customers tip and based on what I’m reading I ask myself why. Could it have something to do with being courteous, having empathy, treating others the way you wish to be treated. When someone is rude maybe taking a minute to ask yourself what that person may be going through to act that way, giving them the benefit of doubt that since they just met you their issue more than likely has nothing to do with you. Uber and Lyft fail in that they take no responsibility for issues created by the app, and programming issue. For the having to stop for gas issues, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gotten “a rider has been added to your queue back to back 10 in a row where I have not even been afforded the opportunity to reject, and sometimes too much going on with traffic, occupants in the car, etc to turn off the app. I live in a small city, where. Far too often I’ve been sent 20 or more miles away to pick up a passenger going 2 blocks and once completed stuck driving 20 miles back to my town. In the case of back to backs added to my queue where I’ve been caught without gas needing to stop, it has burdened me, and often burdened the customer in this example riders 5 thru 10 who waited an unacceptable amount of time to get a ride to begin with. Some would argue that there mm ay have not been any other ride shares available in these examples but I can assure you there were and are others available. Those drivers that scam people, well they will answer one day which is no solice for those being scammed, report the issue to Uber/Lyft, but don’t automatically assume the driver did it, because I have personally witnessed app issues that when I reported them i was told that my issue was a first and that there was nothing could be done. Pretty sure what they meant was that I was ob,vi0usly lying. As an IT Project Manager managing technology leveraging software and business process improvement projects, I can assure you even a change in weather effects these apps. Again point is Drivers put 7p with a lot, and struggle to earn a living as does everyone else not entitled needing to work to sustain life. Flip sid3, passengers put up with a lot and struggle. I’ve had numerous customers that wouldn’t even be in the car had crappy circumstances they were comfortable in sharing with me not left them without transportation. Wow now I know why my customer is acting a retain way, and I assumed they were just jerks…a drop of empathy, and an explanation as to why they waited an additional 5 minutes ,due to my still having another customer in the car and they relive I’m not a dirtbag. Before long we are chatting like old friends, happily throwing out 5 ratings, not feeling so alone in the world realizing we have more in common then wse thought, and are both in a better place while waiting on the next interaction with the next person. Integrity, empathy, selflessness, thoughtfulnes, benefit of the doubt since we don’t have any clue what might effect a person’s attitude are all ideologies that facilitate harmony. Alas they are concepts that are from long ago probably a decade oh my, no longer practiced, having been replaced with new and improved concepts like entitlement, 0 tolerance, 0 esponsibility, not my job. Take a minute, question inaccuracies, encourage good behavior,and doing whats right, especially when you know there is no one watching, with the knowledge that when you expire, integrity may be the only thing you can take with you. If a young person attempts respect, with a Sir or Maam, accept it and praise them for their effort. If respect makes you feel old you should question your grzsp on your own reality not admonish that younger person for a positive behavior of which very few still exist. Give each other a brake on occasion, stop holding others to standards you don’t aspire to, think before you speak and realize that although anyone can speak their mind about anything without reprisal or fear of taking one on the nose, thats its better to be thougnt of as a fool, then to open ones mouth and remove all doubt. My chowing to inject my ancient philosophies after having waded through these comments is in no way reflective, or in response to the previousser comment. I just picked here to stop scrolling and leave my comment. I started reading this thread to see if I could find out why lyft didn’t simply provide window decals that stick to windshields of their own accord reusable infinite times like Uber doeslthat didn’t require a person to buy additional hardware, convolusion, confusion and over engineering to make work and simply stick to the window. The navy seal motto works for the elite why not try it. KISS. Keep it simple stuoid. Everyone have a blessed and extra ordinary day
hey moron, Uber has advertised from day one as service where TIPS ARE INCLUDED. If that weren’t the case, they would allow PAX to tip using the app. I as well as many other people don’t carry cash in their pockets. Its a service industry, better get in line. If driving uber isn’t making you enough money, perhaps you should get a real job?
If you don’t like it get a better job. No one is forcing you to take a job that requires litle to no skill. You should receive little compensation. It’s how markets work.
Actually, by your logic, the price of trips should cost more. Market dictates when demand is high, the price rises. When demand is lower, it generally brings the price down. Just saying.
You sir are what idiots are made of.
An Über driver has a 20k vehicle, has to have great interpersonal skills and desk with drunks or idiots like you.
That’s more than some people payed for a in state degree and more polite than any corporate job.
Think, or at least try to, before you talk.
Uber smacker, you are the smartest person and most logical person I have seen all day… I have hope!
How bout drivers let you cheap ass riders drive your own cars or pay twice the rate and call a damn cab! If you want a servant, take your ass to India!
So true they are pathetic not to tip.
Hey Moron,
Uber got sued because tips aren’t included. Get with 2016. Even if “tips were included”… how could you be so cheap and thoughtless as to not even give a driver 2 bucks for carting you around? I bet you are the same guy that stiffs a bartender because “its not worth 2 dollars to poor a beer”. You are a loser
2 dollar veer does not deserve 2 dollar tip.
Pour is spelled “pour” and people don’t carry cash these days unless they are buying drugs and they damn sure aren’t giving it to an uber driver who isn’t doing anything.. you think what you have is skill, but immigrants show up everyday and drive cabs for cheaper wages although the company makes more. You are all just entitled first world fucks who are too lazy to get a real job
Hey Moron, learn to know what you’re talking about before you do so on a public forum. Tips are not, and were never included in fare.
Really Uber has lied forever about tips are built I to the fare. BUT reality is no that’s just Corporate BS BECAUSE Uber knows if you could pay some poor basrard way below 3rd world country minimim wages you certainly could and would. You want a world of Walmart prices on everything in life and to he’ll with common decency in a human beings pay!!
Uber no longer claims tips are included. The truth is, they never were. after settling lawsuits in California and massachusetts Uber now admits tips are not included and allows drivers to display signs asking for tips.
Uber LIED TO CUSTOMERS regarding tipping being included and got sued. They had to stop using that language
Uber is a real job, people like you make drivers rude to riders. next time take a cab. Uber is a business, drivers put up with a lot of scrap from riders. My husband and I turned are car into a money maker. I uber in the morning and he uber at night. we do that so it’s one of us at home at all times. we make over 4000 a week. how we make that because we cater are riders. we have IPad to watch movies or they can listen to their favorite music. we have water, juice, snack, me and husband still get bad ratings. no tip. by the way tips not included in the ride. uber driver give customer service . some services are bad give them bad rating, but if a driver give you ride and nothing wrong happened give them 5stars. As a uber driver I have a lot more to say. Be grateful for uber company if not take a taxi.
I can understand being upset at bad ratings if you are going out of your way like that, but are you really complaining you don’t get a couple dollars as a tip when you make 4k WEEKLY?! Me and my bf only make 2k MONTHLY and feel we live pretty good. We could have our student loans paid off in like 3 months, buy a new car out of pocket, live in the nicest apartment complex in town, and basically whatever we wanted!
Then what are you complaining about?
On one hand, the terrible customers are stiffing you by getting half-priced rides, on the other hand, you’re making all the money you want.
Do you think you’d be getting all of those rides if they weren’t half-priced? You’re benefitting more than we are.
Instead of thanking them for giving you the opportunity to make all of that sweet money to do whatever you want with, you tell us how we should appreciate you, and pay more for you, and … basically, think more about you.
You seem to be completely unaware that the terrible, awful, selfish passengers are the only reason you’re making this money.
Hey, you’re welcome. Don’t mention it.
Apparently, the pleasure is all mine, and I should pay more for it, even when I don’t have to.
It’s always the other guy that doesn’t pay/do enough. Always.
It’s never, ever, EVER you. Is it?
Please tell me something–is there anywhere in the process of ordering an Uber ride a potential rider may request an English-speaking driver?
More specifically, may a rider request a driver for whom English is her/his native language?
If the answers are “No” to the above, then “political correctness” be damned and Uber needs to modify its design such that riders are paired with drivers with who they may best communicate. Otherwise, the potential for misunderstanding of directions and about Uber services is great and will lead to conflict.
Tips arent included though. It even states that you are not required to tip and I’ve been driving over for over a year and have never seen a tip breakdown in any of my pay stubs
Not only does UberX….ploit not tip, but the entitled demographics that take advantage of uber schmucks, can pretty much get away with anything. One of my drivers freelances doing Uber Suv in my vehicle. A couple of weeks ago some Some bimbo literally a bimbo loaded her cat and her kennel in the leather backseat of a suburban SUV, somehow the kennel made a tear in the seat uber brushed off their liability to the insurance company, and the insurance company in turn disobligated itself by making me liable for a $1000 deductible. Now I have a tear in my leather seat and nobody is responsible .
I am so angry I had a person damage my trunk area with their luggage and they sent me to James river insurance and claim the damage is worth $375 but with a $1000 deductible. What a scam!
Same thing happened to me, a true authentic bimbo about 23 years old maybe 33 dating a 60-year-old man loaded a kennel with the stinky pee’d cat, instead of loading the kennel in the back of my SUV puts it in the backseat making a tear on the leather seat. When I brought it up to uber’s attention they did the same thing, they brushed it off and loaded the liability to someone else as in James River insurance, the repair was about $350 but the deductible was $1000.
NO – uber does NOT advertise no tips! Uber once advertised the tip was included but then stopped giving the fee to the drive and began keeping the service fee. They no longer advertise no tipping, it is just what people remember from years past.
People do need to tip an Uber drivers they don’t understand that we don’t make all that they have to pay we get our pay after Uber takes their cut what they don’t understand is sometimes were Drivin12 miles to pick them up take them two miles up the Street a tip would be nice we make about $2 for this trip
Yeah, after reading all of these comments, I’m really motivated to tip now. I mean, crapping on people … yeah, that’s the way to get them to open their wallets.
You guys really are painfully unintelligent, and you should get on your hands and knees and thank whoever you believe in that there’s even a way for people with double-digit IQs to make what you make.
One thing is certain, though … people who talk you guys do not deserve more tips. That much is unequivocal. It doesn’t matter what you guys are given, you would never in a million years appreciate it.
I’m not criticizing really, it’s just the psychology of a certain subset of the population. You look outward, demand this and that, and have little to no self-awareness. You’ll babble on the phone for 30 minutes, then turn around and demand and 5 start rating. You simply don’t have the self-awareness to stop and ask yourself “Now do I deserve 5 stars? Did I provide impeccable service? What could I have done better?”
My goodness no.
Instead, it’s “pathetic non-tipping customers are scum and owe me more for my great service!”
There used to be a saying. The customer is always right.
No, it wasn’t always accurate, and no one took it literally, but … see … as the provider of a service … the customer is not supposed to need to think about you. You’re supposed to think about the customer.
How did it happen that, in 2017, customers now owe the business, and are rated according to how well they please the business.
The word’s gone nuts, and all of this narcissism is going to incur the mother of all backlashes one day.
It knock this nonsense off while you’re ahead, but let’s face it, you’ve never listened to another person in your entire life.
Why start now?
Read the small print.. its only for UberTaxi for tip within the app but uberX ,XL or black read the small print ya Moron Shawn
Tips are NOT part of the ride at all get your facts straight uber just sued and loss over them lying about us getting tips from the fare! Half the price of a taxi and no tip people should be ashamed of themselves.
How much business do you think you’d have if the prices were the same price as a taxi?
It is highly unlikely that people people with your sense of entitlement and hostility provide good service. Most likely, you already get far more than you deserve.
I hope one day that you get your wish, and people will shame themselves into not taking Uber anymore.
At least they won’t have you to kick around anymore, and you can finally rid yourself of those pesky tightwad customers who don’t pay give you more of their money.
The majority of people in this country own cars. Once it becomes less economically advantageous to use an Uber, they will use their cars. I mean, when taxis were the only option, private vehicle ownership exploded.
If you want to return to that time and place, hey, I’m all for it. Good luck.
One of the reasons I started taking Uber was so I didn’t have to carry cash and muck about with tips.
What’s the advantage when that’s no longer the case?
It’s not that much cheaper, really. At least not in my city where “surge pricing” is more or less always in play, and rides are 2x to 4x the normal rate.
Double-digit IQs know nothing of competitive advantages, though. “Gimme some money” is what it all boils down too, and you’d drive yourselves out of business if only someone gave you the chance to do so.
Regardless of what you think of them, be glad for the people in the office buildings that keep a steady stream of terrible, awful customers coming to you.
It’s clear that you would burn that bridge as soon as you had an opportunity to do so.
FYI sir, you are misinformed! As a driver for uber, there aren’t any tips included onto your card! That is an option to disburse a monetary tip to your driver. As far as UBER is concerned, you are not required to tip. But, UBER also says, if the rider insists, then accept. I do agree, if a driver isn’t meeting your needs or expertise, then give him nothing! But, if he or she does, why not? Just as many would do for others in the service industry, we deserve the same respect as they. However, as you were downplaying UBER NOT BEING A REAL JOB, it is a degree of substance at whatever job a person does regardless of how, what or where that person’s educational background or economic status allowed that person to succeed. We should all reap what is sown?
As a driver for uber, it is an option to disburse a monetary tip to your driver. As far as UBER is concerned, you are not required to tip. But, UBER also says, if the rider insists, then accept. I do agree, if a driver isn’t meeting needs or expertise, then give nothing! But, if he or she does, why not? Just as many would do for others in the service industry, we deserve the same respect as they. However, many riders, and drivers as well, were downplaying UBER NOT BEING A REAL job? It is the degree of substance at whatever job a person does, regardless of how, what or where that person’s educational background or economic status allowed that person to succeed. We should all reap what is sown?
And as events have confirmed, the tip is NOT included in the fare, and never has been, and uber still tries to discourage tipping with the wording they use in their apps. Not to mention tipping has nothing to do with the OP whatsoever.
A “real job”, is any task you provide for someone who cannot or will not complete themselves…this can be walking a dog, building a bridge, interpreting for a foreign diplomat or mowing someones lawn. There are no greater demands than the services provided by the garbage truck guys than there are for secretaries or electricians. Without their invaluable services our world as we know it would come to a screetching halt. Do they all earn the same amount of money, sadly, no..they do not…however, should someone who went to earn degrees make more money while sitting lunching on the company dime cushy nice bonuses while a guy gets up at 3am to drive a huge bulky truck down impossible roads lifting heavy smelly items for 9 hours a day,drive through traffic and make less money for a 12 hour day than the office guy makes in 3 hours? Then and here is the kicker…at the end of the year, the guy sitting around his air conditioned office in his cushy chair is taxed LESS than the garbage truck laborer who made a fraction of his take home. This is because rich people are so MARIE ANTOINETTE ….SO…IF YOU DONT WANT TO HAVE LOW INCOME THEN GET ANOTHER JOB…IF YOU DONT LIKE PEOPLE TREATING YOU LIKE SHIT IF YOU DONT LIKE NOT BEING PAID FOR DRIVING IN TRAFFIC AND HAVING A LIFE OUTSIDE OF DRIVING THEN PERHAPS YOU SHOULD GET A JOB AS THE PRESIDENT THEN YOU WOULD BE HAPPY BETTER THAN BEING PISSED OFF YOU COULD JUST LIKE THE PRESIDENT…BE HAPPIER BEING PISSED ON.
you can tip in the app it’s sad seems only kind and understanding people tip. it’s funny when you drop somone off at a mansion and they don’t even tip a dollar. uber pays it’s driver pretty low considering you potentially have some ones life in your hands and the you can’t put a price on that
K i need to interject here, Personally I am prior military where I was an MP. I have a license in insurance property and casualty. I am also license in Food Sanitation in the state I live in. On top of all of that I am going to college for education. Even though I have these licenses skills and extensive experience I am unable and have been unable to get a job for the past 4 months even though I have posted my application on 5 different websites. Placed adds everywhere looking for work and applied at so many places, Both online and in location, I cant even keep count now. Hell Ive done everything I can think of looking for work with the exception of standing out in 110 degree weather with a full suit on passing out my resume to any passing driver I see which would be dangerous because my home address is LISTED on my resume. Out of all of that i have gotten 8 interviews and no offers with the exception to one which turned out to be a scam. Now because of these I am have opted to driver for uber for the pure fact that I need to work to try and make ends meet so I don’t go delinquent on any payments, So I can keep food on the table and the lights on in my home. Saying that these people are without skill or to tell them to get a better job int exactly as easy as you might think it is in this day and age no matter how you might think or hope it really is and to say otherwise is an insult to people like myself who has been busting there ass every minute of everyday to get one.
You are ash idiot, out i get bad service, i don’t tip. That goes for any industry. This guy didn’t deserve a tip, not should he be working in this industry. Gives the rest of us a bad name.
It really sounds like you’re actually defending this guy and feel that drivers should receive tips regardless of the quality of service. To that I say: Hell no! A driver who gives crappy service should not be tipped! As a driver you have ONE job: Get a person from point A to point B. If you can’t do that efficiently I.E. needing the passengers to navigate FOR you because you’re too busy talking on the phone, and you STILL miss the turn off THREE TIMES then HELL NO you don’t deserve a tip!
I want tips from my customers, so I strive to be the best at my job. I’m always professional (NO NON-EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS), and I sure as hell pay attention TO MY JOB so I’m not missing turns. On top of that I also do my best to make my passengers feel comfortable and welcome which includes AT LEAST greeting them but I also go out of my way to be as friendly as possible and provide water, mints, gum, candy, etc.
People who feel entitled to tips are generally bad drivers and will eventually be pushed out of the business due to low ratings. You’re not entitled to a damn thing. You want a tip, be a good driver, provide good service and it doesn’t hurt to put a tip box with a friendly message on the center console between the water and snacks to passively remind your passenger that tipping is appreciated. It would be nice if more passengers showed their appreciation for those of us who go out of our way to excel at our job, but certainly don’t whine about not receiving a tip after providing poor service.
Regardless of whether or not there was a tip you absolutely do not lie about the passenger to try to squeeze money out of them!! He should have been deactivate immediately, and anyone who would defend him probably has as much moral integrity as he does.
I’m a driver also and I found out that Uber tells riders not to tip because it’s included in the fare. No it is not!!! This is why riders don’t tip though
I’ve actually been told by many Uber drivers not to tip after offering, so I stopped doing it. Lyft allows people to tip via their app and I always do so when using them. Want a tip from me? Use Lyft.
How about blaming Uber itself and not the customer? I have several friends that drive for Uber , and know very well that it is Uber that does not pay drivers well, and the low pay provided and lack of respect from the company produce more a***hole drivers. How about getting another job, and just have Uber as supplemental income? Prefer to just have the easy way out and sit on your ass and drive in your car all day, instead putting a little more effort into supporting yourself?
“idiots” you may have a point for them giving rides for chump change, you will chump them around and know you’re doing it and have no qualms about it, I personally hate them, they’re bottom feeders who are f@#%g it up for the law abiding regulations paying industry. But calling them idiots is rich coming from someone who is sleazing off the open coffers. Not only that but Uber riders are a bunch of fake hypocritical opportunist scum. They’ll go out and eat drink and be merry appearing to be something they are not, they’ll spend 300-400 at a restaurant forced to pay 10-20% gratuity ranging from 60-80 to the waiter and only want to spend 7-10 dollars to be driven home safely. The only ones who have came up are the restaurants bars and lounges and of course Uber who doesn’t spend a penny on car leases, maintenance, fuel, tires, workers comp, city, state or federal regulation permits, licenses or certifications, wages or taxes. What they do pay for “administrative” comes from driver’s pockets as the driver is the one putting out his efforts, time and dignity.
How much luggage??? Uber will assign XL if a driver reports excessive luggage. More than 1 suitcase and 1 carry on per rider is excessive. So HOW MUCH LUGGAGE??? Did you just screw the driver???
We had one carry on each.
I agree with a dude that didnt greet ne and talked on thr phone like that the whole time and then charged me an xl price uf be pissed too some uber drivers are shitty im not one of them though! lol ive charged ppl from x to xl though but only when they had more then 4 ppl or filled the car with luggage.
I was caught by the exacts same scam last weekend in Cleveland. It was just a 10 minute trip with my husband and I from a bar to the hotel. The next day I revived an email saying the driver reported there were more than 4 passengers so I was being up charged. Since it was such a short trip the extra fee was only $3.73. But I was still livid that he could pull this kind of scam. It took two messages to Uber but they did refund the charge. I hadn’t previously rated him (I rarely do). So I was glad I could go back and give him one star. Uber needs to deal with these lying drivers. Who knows how much he has stolen.
I don’t really see the point iif this argument. I drive for both Uber and Lyft in my spare time. I do not have a”double digit IQ” as a couple nasty people claimed drivers do. In fact, I am a retired Soldier and hold a graduate degree. However, I work in the social service field. Those jobs don’t pay a lot at all, but they are most certainly “real jobs”. So the assertion that we’re all “self- entitled, lazy people who don’t want a real job” is a load of crap.
Having said that, I also receive tips from the vast majority of my riders. It’s not difficult. I keep the car clean, have a few items on hand to make riders comfortable and pay attention only to the rider and my driving. I save personal stuff for the time when u don’t have a passenger. None of this is special- it’s basic and it’s what should be expected.
Of course, there are cheap passengers who will let you drive 15 minutes to pick them up for a 4 minute ride, get out of the car with 2 waters in-hand and not leave a tip because they think you’re made a mount on them when those type of rides actually cost you money. Those passengers seem to be the exception to me though.
The one person I will call out about tipping is JB. Why should a waiter stop to think about your finances or that it might be your one night or a year? They get paid a third of minimum wage because they get tips. That is their income. If you can’t afford to pay for a service, stay home. You don’t deserve free service from somebody trying to feed their kidsjust because you live on a fixed income. Further more, I’m calling BS on your being broke because you’re disabled, but not old enough for SS. If you’re truly disabled, you’re eligible for SSRI and your age is irrelevant. Sounds to me like you’re a guy who self- diagnosed himself as disabled because he has a sore back. You’re at home, doing nothing and crying about it, while complaining that others are self-entitled. Perhaps you should use some of your permanent time off to look in the mirror.
I agree that he doesn’t deserve free services, but in the United States there are hundreds of thousands of disabled people who don’t qualify for disability for whatever reason, including immigrant status. You sound very ignorant about disabled issues so perhaps stick to commenting on things you know about.
Actually thats not very True. I am diagnosed is moderate psoriasis arthritis which is progressing to sever and is disabling and does not qualify in my state for disability.
A few weeks ago in Dallas during a 3x surge price during a thunderstorm a driver was coming for pickup and called me to ask where I was going. I said downtown which was close and a moment later 10 minutes into waiting he dropped the ride. I entered again and he picked it up for a moment and he dropped it again. Probably should have reported the driver, but in general uber is mostly good with very few bad. I wonder if I should be kicking out drivers with lower than x rating?
They do drop drivers below a certain rating. Be sure to check your statement. Sometimes sketchy drivers will cancel with the option of “Rider no show”. That gets them a quick $5 without having to do anything.
Here’s one for you Bill, do you have any idea how many passengers request an Uber and they drive 2,3, 4 miles to the destination and get cancelled in so.e cases after arriving. Well WITHIN the first 4 minutes 59 seconds and they’re off the hook. Ah but the driver just wasted his time and money. Oh do you know every Uber driver has to pay 54 cents a MILE just to go pick you up?? So after Uber fees and ,,,,TAXES….WHATS LEFT??
I am a driver who accepts all trips within 8 minutes of my location. I have changed my time to 8 minutes because frequently I go 15 minuites to pick up a rider that then goes less than a mile and my pay out is less than $3. A driver should never ask your destination, but there are gustations on both sides. I am not complaining just stating the facts. I’d I only make .50 cents that’s OK because I am a man and I worked hard and honest for my .50 #uberSanAntonio
This exact thing happened to me last night. The surge pricing went up by a 1.0x by the time I booked another ride
I rode with the same guy from EWR on July 3rd. Yeah, he did ask me to go to the departure level, which is kinda a common practice among Uber drivers at EWR. He was actually nice at first. It was an uneventful ride. But a few things were quite annoying. He was on his phone for awhile and greeted his friend on the Turnpike while driving. Crazy. Also he had WI plate, which I don’t know it’s legal or not to do business in NJ. He asked a 5, which I did give me. But it was barely a 4, in my opinion. At least he did pick me up at EWR. My first request that day ended being canceled (by myself) as the driver clearly tried to cherry pick passenger. NJ needs to regulate Uber.
The driver plates, license and registration needs to match the state you are getting picked up in on Uber. There are some small deviations, like NJ drivers can drive in NY and vice versa. but WI plates probably means its a rental car, which is a huge no-no. Report that driver; hopefully there are enough violations that he gets permanently banned.
I am under the impression you don’t need a NJ plate to pick up in NJ. However, NYC is a little bit better regulated since you need a TLC license.
Your plates do not need to match the State your drive-in. You do need to contact Uber for a separate background check in every state you wish to drive. Furthermore it is impossible for a driver to drive in another state without a background check from Uber because the system won’t allow you to log on. If they are they are driving they have already done the background check and are driving for Uber and the state legally.
You are very much wrong about the out of state plates. When you see an Uber driver with out of state plates there is a 99%chance that his or her vehicle was obtained through ubers enterprise program which is completely on the level. Those cars come from everywhere around the country and the plates are never changed even if the rental stays in another state. I realy love how so many people are so critical of us so called bottom feeders. So let me ask, what exactly does qualify as a real job? I’ve been running my father’s multi million dollar company for 12 years now and thought I’d have a little winter adventure driving for uber being our company is seasonal. So does that mean I should only hold my head up high when I’m doing my main profession? And I guess my wife and kids shouldn’t be proud of me for doing 60 trips this weekend in downtown Chicago in a snow storm? Life’s hard enough without fellow humans trying to belittle eachother. Just because your successful today never guarantees tomarrow. I know that none of what I’m saying will change a dam thing but I guess I just felt like venting. It just blows my mind how disrespectful we are to each other simply based on preconcieved notions of a person’s worth simply because that given day they where serving you and not the other way around. It’s disgusting and rediculous. What comes around goes around and that means we’re all gonna taste dirt once or twice so how about we all just act like the decent people we are and have a little bit of respect for ourselves.
Hell yes Justin.. that was beautifully put.
“It just blows my mind how disrespectful we are to each other simply based on preconcieved notions of a person’s worth simply because that given day they where serving you and not the other way around.”
Well Said Sir.
My hat’s off to you.
Right on, Justin!!!!
The good thing is that Uber tends to be pretty good at responding to complaints/requests for fare reviews. Please update this when you hear back from Uber!
Yes, Uber seems to side always with the passengers on any dispute. This may suck if you’re a driver, but I have found Uber support to always immediately believe my version of the story first, and refund entire rides for me if things are not good.
And yet the exact opposite should be the case.
No wonder young people take no pride in their work, today, when their employer puts no value in their work ethic or word.
“The customer is always right” is a sales pitch: the customer who feels themselves clever or in the know is going to buy your snake oil. It doesn’t actually mean that the customer is always right.
Actually, they tend to side with whoever provides more details. As a driver, I had a customer claim they did not take a trip and Uber refunded their fare. I got an email notifying me that they refunded her money and I would see it on my next pay. I instantly emailed back with every detail about the girl including name, location of pickup and drop off (which as a driver doing almost 100 rides sometimes that is hard). They emailed back and said they would be charging the customer for the trip. Majority of the time they will side with the customer, but sometimes, they will side with us.
And Uber doesn’t pay for that satisfaction; the driver does.
I’m a part-time driver.
In this case, it seems that this lady had a driver who was not doing a good job. Talking on the phone while driving is entirely unacceptable, and she should have told him to get off the phone while driving and reported it to Uber immediately when it happened. Her driver charging her XL when there was only 2 passengers is theft. I would never do that.
You are right that Uber always sides with the rider. But Uber does not pay a penny for that satisfaction, the driver does. So, if a rider makes a false claim to get a free ride, Uber steals that from the driver’s account. Nothing’s free. So if the rider scams a free ride by making a false complaint, the driver who has done a very good and honest job gets a bad rating and loses the money earned and the expenses of providing that service.
I have had this happen.
Not only does a false claim by a rider cost the driver the fare, but it can also cause Uber to suspend the driver’s account while they investigate. This can cost the driver several days worth of fares, which on a weekend might be several hundred dollars, or more. This might cause a driver to be late with a car payment, or their rent.
Some Uber drivers are doing it as their only job, not because they are bums or lazy, but because they can’t find employment, or at least not employment that pays as well.
My son is currently suspended due to a false accusation, undoubtedly so the rider could get a free ride. There is no way he will make up the money he is losing , and no recourse to the rider who lied, nor any penalty to that rider.
That’s absurd….as both a part time driver and frequent user, he absolutely should have been given a 2 star at most based on the ride experience itself. That’s awful service and if he missed your exit multiple times, added extra dollars to your fare. Add in the fraud, and he should be kicked off the system immediately (and possibly charged with some time of minor fraud crime).
Ouch. Whoever tells me “or else” gets knocked down 2 stars from where my original assessment was just for the threat and gets reported right there on the spot. Hell no.
hes a d!ck I would rate him a 2 the most
Talk about grade inflation! Having a phone conversation, even for a great driver, is a 4, IMO. Making a threat is an automatic 1 (only because zero’s not available).
Four stars “even though that’s a stretch”? A STRETCH?? That’s just plain irresponsible of you!!! By giving him a 4, you may well be enabling him to victimize additional customers rather than being flagged for dismissal!
I’m an Uber Driver in Chicago. How would he even know what you rated him? Unless NJ Uber Partner apps are different than Chicago ones, we can’t see individual ride ratings, only an average from over the past week. But yeah, what a scumbag!!!
I’m a driver in New Orleans. Hopefully he’s just an idiot that made a mistake. If you drive a large vehicle that can seat 6 passengers and get an UberX request that has more than 4 passengers, you can request a fare review at the end of the trip. Hopefully he just mixed it up…either that or he is just spiteful for no reason.
There’s no way he could have known what rating you gave him as ratings aren’t even updated until the next day in order to prevent exactly this from happening. Still, I’m curious to see his/Uber’s response as to why it was upgraded to XL?
That makes no sense…
This cannot happen the way she explained it. He did not over charge because of her rating. I am a driver and I have no way of seeing who gave me what. It is unfortunate you dealt with this but the real reason for your charge was not the rating and just that the driver is crooked.
He needs to be dismissed from Uber.
I wouldn’t call this a scam. A scam is when you’re tricked into doing something or paying something you wouldn’t otherwise have. This was a driver being flat out dishonest and lying, which is very different. Not sure you can prevent that other than filing a claim or a chargeback.
Why take the word of the person who wrote the article over the driver? Unless either person has substantial proof, this article is flame material.
The receipt that the customer posted doesn’t show how many people rode. This whole article is pure conjecture.
why wouldn’t you give a 0 or 1? Poor customer service should not be rewarded. Stop being nice in the sharing economy. If a driver gets you to the destination that is “meeting expectations” or in grade level a C. If the driver knows the best route and makes your experience great, then it is a 4 or 5.
A 4 is the same as a 1, based on how Uber’s ratings work. It’s not really 1-5, it’s pass or fail. 1-4* is a vote to have the driver deactivated, 5* is a vote to keep them earning a living. You’re not doing anyone any favors by rating 4* (and not tipping).
This is true. The average has to stay above 4.6. 4 drops you. Just not as quickly as lower ratings. Frustrating when you have a quiet uneventful but good run, and get less than a five. The driver in this case didn’t deserve more than a 2. A one if he was being dishonest.
Yes but a 1 dings the driver harder than a 4. Regardless, Uber scale is pretty bad in my opinion
You giving him a 4 is the most outrageous part of this story. Ridiculous.
I’m an uber driver and i would have given him a 1 and gave a comment. Also would have sent an email.
I’ve added a few updates to the post.
You realize he knows where you live, right?
I’d take his name out of this post for your safety.
yeah…it’s actually illegal for her to post his name in her Blog..and give out his details. Slander….ive already reported this writer to BoardingArea support…she wont last long posting her “make believe” uber stories here…
It’s not make believe, nor slander. It was documented and taken care of with uber years ago.
More uber lies. If a driver is monitoring his driver account online they can absolutely narrow down who has rated them what. I drive for them for a long time. More bs from uber so you feel safe secure and like you are dealing with a real company, your not. If you have some free time actually read your terms of service with uber you will be amazed and horrified.
if the situation truly went down the way you said it went down, I apologize to you. there are two sides to every story. but most of all I want to point out to people the ubers rating system is not necessarily fair. a 4.6 and even a 4.7 can get you deactivated as a driver with no recourse and no chance to appeal the decision. so when you look at the numbers if you give somebody a four you are basically failing them. for example if you give somebody a four they have to provide 125 five star rides to recover from your one 4 rating. if someone rates you a one it takes 500 five star rides to recover. driving full time I average about 60 to 70 rides a week so it can take me two and a half months of perfect five star ratings to recover which basically is impossible to do. that does make drivers a little bit sensitive 2 people. because of that risk if I see a rider with a 4.7 rating or below I won’t pick them up. and if a rider even begins to start acting obnoxious in my car or condescending I will cancel the ride and remove them. I’m not saying that this person didn’t deserve a low rating, but the rating you gave him was going to take 125 to correct and I asked you was that fair punishment? I’ve been driving for over a year with over 2500 0rides 0it is very easy to deduce who gives you the bad ratings.does it make sense that drivers need to have all 5 ratings, of course not. but is it right to try and get someone fired just because you don’t like them? from your post, and I’m just being honest here is a very nice decent woman, if I picked up on your attitude from you and your husband I would have ended the call and kick you to the curb because I would not have risked a lower rating which was obviously coming.
“…if I see a rider with a 4.7 rating or below I won’t pick them up…”
and this is exactly why Uber should be destroyed. The current licensing system is in place because assholes decided that they could discriminate against potential passengers based on whatever they felt like at the time. You think my car is unsafe – get out. You look “too black” – get out. You don’t let me fleece you – get out. You want to go in the “wrong” direction – get out. You don’t like my stinking armpits – get out.
If a single “4” rating is as damaging to your reputation as you say, then there’s something wrong with the rating system. But that’s no reason to justify Uber either. So just DIAF, Uber, you won’t really be missed for that long.
No need to destroy uber…. just improve its rating system a little bit
Dd you tip your driver? UBER drivers don’t care about ratings. We care about tips. We don’t even see your individual ratings, we only see the average rating once per week. UBER has totally screwed drivers and so we (I should say “they” since I recently quit the company it’s so bad to work for) so drivers depend more and more on tips. I know what you were told, “that tips are included in the fare”, that “tips are unnecessary.” B.S. Drivers totally depend upon tips.
But nobody is forcing nobody to drive for travis;
Not a single person that I know tips uber drivers. If you are an uber driver you should try lyft
I was scammed also but a different kind of scam
Filed with the police.
I was using Uber for the first time and I thought I was in an Uber vehicle. (They had an uber sign in the window)
The driver told me I could only use cash and he gave me a receipt from northside executive LLC (a different car company) in Brooklyn
$225 to go from The airport to a hotel 11 miles away.
Be careful
Never accept an uber vehicle if they are telling you it has to be cash. I should of trusted my gut instinct but I was not familiar with how uber works.
Please tell me you did not give $225 to that driver
Great read. I’ve been a part time Uber driver for a couple years. Rating isn’t rewarded on any level by Uber BTW. Drivers and riders get kicked off if it gets too low. I have a 4.94 after 2,000+ trips. Never once been rewarded by Uber for it. I will say I avoid all riders below 4.5. Ive learned they just aren’t worth the potential hassle, and often do minimum fare rides. A great example, yesterday I accepted a ride and did so without paying attention to the rating, which I rarely do. I pick up a lady from Food For Less, help her load 3 cases of water bottles and several bags of food in my trunk. She hops in the front seat and has a precooked chicken in a bag in her hand. I hand her a napkin so it doesn’t get grease anywhere. She takes that as an invitation to eat in my 2015 Fusion Hybrid. I politely tell her she can’t eat in the car. She gets upset and tells me she wouldn’t have requested me had she known she couldn’t eat in the car. To top it off, her destination is 3 minutes away at 0.4 miles. Riders may deal with a bad driver ever so often. Drivers deal with it on a daily basis. I do what I can to maintain my sanity and profitability. After all, we are driving our own cars on our own time. We aren’t cabbies. And we don’t get paid like we used to to drive. You can’t pay for Macy’s and expect Neiman Marcus service.
“Macy’s” are you serious? they’re not even paying for Walmart, it’s more like a flea market rate, at least the surplus store has more dignity. People with champagne taste on generic beer budget have entitlement attitudes. That’s what you get with that demographic, you on the other hand are not Neiman Marcus, you’re more like Target, you’re investing in an expensive car which you’re running into the ground costing you the difference between what you make per mile minus the .54 cents that the government allows you for taxes, then subtract your fuel, maintenance, tires, wear and tear and of course your T-I-M-E!!! not to mention the stress you go through watching out for idiot drivers, traffic lights, people swerving in and out of traffic, old people, old uber drivers especially at night when all the sea gull uber drivers flood the streets, and of course your rating with the passenger. In the end you always end up in the reds after each and every run, if you get lucky you may get someone to tip you cash, then you go and buy something at 7-11….. or can you afford to?
Hi Angelina,
I am an uber driver. Based on your version of the story the driver apparently was a real douchebag. I am sorry about your terrible experience on behalf of all the decent drivers trying to make an honest living. As you stated, most of the drivers are not like the driver you had. Conversely, I’ve had my fair share of douchebag passengers.
If you had an excellent experience with the driver you probably would have rated the guy 5 stars and not paid any tip (because you have been misinformed by uber that tips are included in you fare).
Your $39 trip would have netted the nice 5 star guy busting his butt at 2 in the morning around $30 after uber’s cut, and around $20 after gas, car maintenance, and payroll taxes.
I realize you love looking for deals, but at the same time if you are expecting a limo service at these rates, you’ll be disappointed further in the coming days.
As far as the drivers are concerned, uber can shove all the stars where the sun don’t shine, add a tip option in the app while encouraging riders to treat drivers as human beings. It’s a two-way street and you get what you give.
Happy ubering!
She was not expecting a limo service. She was expecting uber service which is what she asked for.
I agree with the tipping part
when the driver told you there were too many police there for him to pick you up yet you chose to participate in the illegal pick up. that tells me you and the driver both were scamming somebody. he was scamming you and you were scamming the lawful transportation companies that operate in that airport. you get 1*
I have a related problem. Can someone explain why Uber won’t respond to me?
I was picked up by a supposed Uber driver at SFO. 30 minutes into the ride, he announced that he had picked me up by mistake (because his customer had cancelled). He demanded that I pay him cash. When I refused, he wouldn’t let me out and wouldn’t give me my luggage. He eventually grabbed $40 from my hand and left with my luggage, after grabbing my phone and taking the luggage from me. When I called the driver who had responded to my order, he claimed he didn’t know anything about it and was not working that day. How can this happen? And why won’t Uber respond to me? This is giving Uber a bad name, and hurting honorable drivers. Help please.
I don’t know when Uber changed their policy on EWR departures but it’s priced like NYC now.
Found this out last Friday with receipt shock. Took Uber anyway to the airport on Sunday and it was well under 50% of that price.
I certainly won’t be using Uber from EWR anymore. Newark isn’t in New york state. And further, if you stay within the confines of New Jersey, I don’t see the rationale.
Glad uber decided in your favour. They are usually very good and very responsive.
the riders are really cheap.i had passengers having waze in their hands telling me where to go in d,c,. also they are abusing the rating. any uber is a scam for me
Uber has a scam going where the driver will claim you did something requiring them to have their vehicle interior cleaned professionally. I just got hit with a $200 charge, days after I was home from my trip. They even produced photos of what looked like a spilled milkshake?!?! We certainly did not have any food or beverage with us, we were actually coming from a formal event, and were in formal wear. So who did that? Did the driver mess the car up, so that they can get a spiffy interior detailing? Hmmmmm!!! Taking advantage of visitors from out of town, no wonder NY refuses to allow you to operate here. I am now disputing this with my credit card company, and I am hoping that they will not allow this to continue . SHAME ON YOU UBER!!!!!!!
I’m new to uber. I am feeling a little discouraged because I have received a few ratings less than 5 stars. I do this part time (15 hours a week) this is my first week. My rating is a 4.56. Has anyone else gotten lower ratings? Thinking about throwing in the towel.
I know two of my ratings are from one rider didn’t know what terminal their flight was from, so I followed the GOS that the rider put in that took me to terminal 1 turns out their terminal was 3. (LAS). And I took them to the right one on my time. I stopped the app so that they are not charged for it. Although I cannot say that they are the one that rated me low. But I only did 3 rides that day, only worked an hour, and the other rides were smooth and nice. The next day I had another day of only 4 riders, and following the uber GPS to the address the rider put in it took me to the back of the hotel a side street I had to go to google maps to get me to the right location. And again turned app off so the rider is not charged for the uber app mistake. And again got a lower rating. The rides prior to this one were perfect. Although I still can’t say for sure that they were the ones that rated me low, but can’t imagine why the other riders woulda rated me bad.
Experience Driver, always look at the address on the app cause the GPS is and mostly wrong I use Google and waze and somehow it always send us drivers to the back…this is why you have to look at the address in the app
Don’t feel discourage when i first started out i had a low rating…took me awhile but I got up to 4.92 and have stayed up there since…been driving for 2 years now…love it!
I was just “fired” from Uber – what a shock ?? I am a retired CDL long haul driver – – I KNOW i didnt deserve the low % rating that got me fired – – however – thank you Uber – they (Uber) scam all drivers as to how much money can be made – – its a lie – wear out your car for way less than minimum wage. I do understand its a good deal for the riders – – 2 or 3 bucks for what a cab would charge $10 – – so thank you Uber for dumping me – – I will tell folk – good to ride – – bad to drive – its a major scam to drivers
Actually Edward you must be working Part time…nowa days it basically ya have to work Full time to make over 1200.00 I do every week no sweat, plus i dont scam riders its awful hearing other drivers do…You have to actually work long hours like most jobs nowadays plus Edward this is also my retirement job
Well Im a recent uber driver, and uber are not honest to deal with, not paying correctly and making discretionary decisions to reduce legitimate payments.
no longer an uber driver from this point on.
Excellent!!! more people quit driving more money for me
I am an Uber driver. I do this part time just to earn extra money and for the most part I enjoy it. I hear horror stories about some uber drivers and I can imagine that they are true as I have had similar or worse experiences in taxis back in the day. I would just like to say that I am amazed at how many people do not tip their driver. The percentage is astonishing. And when someone finally does offer a tip, I feel guilty accepting it because NOBODY else tips. The other topic I would like to touch on is the feedback. I have riders leave me sitting outside for 15 minutes on my own time and think nothing of doing so. At the end of the ride I give them 5 stars. If you are the type of petty person who is going to use uber, not tip and then leave less than 5 stars, DONT LEAVE A FEEDBACK AT ALL!! You are not doing anyone a favor by leaving 3-4 stars. A drivers rating can quickly go down. I pick up my riders in a nice and clean newer mercedes benz at UBERX rates. I am courteous and professional and I know my way around the city. Nobody tips and my feedback is not perfect. It just amazes me.
Most 95 percent of riders don’t tip. I’ll drive 10 minutes to pick up a customer who only goes a mile away and earn 2.20. Not worth my time , effort and gas. I’m very friendly and I’m an excellent driver but I’m not receiving 5 stars and had no idea it weighs so heavily on continuing to drive for Uber. Party below is correct. Uber believes anything a customer says over the driver. I had a customer whom I waited over 15 minutes for and she never came out. When I drove off and left her she got mad and contacted Uber and said she rode with me and was in fear for her safety. Uber contacted me and states that I’ll be deactivated if I get another similar complaint. The app froze on my screen as I attempted to log trip as a no show so the trip then registered as a a 1 minute trip and customer was charged about 3.00 but instead of customer asking for a refund she lied instead in an attempt to cause me to loose my only source of income. I’m temporarily out of work and driving for Uber is a means to an end that I’m looking forward to seeing end soon.
Uber driver here. I don’t trust passengers. If I was a passenger and for example, I threw up in your car and was charged $200 I would lie just to get my $200 back and honestly I think 95% of people would as well. The only reason uber sides with its passengers is because that’s how they make money. If it wasn’t for passengers then none of us would make money. Ebay and amazon both do the same thing.
I believe this lady though.
In this niche industry there may be no long-term at all, given the imminent arrival of self-driving rental cars, but if this post is any measure Uber looks to be burning through both drivers and customers at an unsustainable rate..
We used a uber in Seattle. We were cold and our hotel was a couple blocks away. The driver picked us up and drove us to the hotel. The fare ended up being 5.75$. In the morning, we got a new email saying that the driver had to cancel because we didn’t show up, new fare was $10. Contacted uber and they said the driver stated he waited 15 mins for us but we didn’t show up. WTF WE GOT PICKED UP. Last time I’m using uber.
If you want better service you should demand that Uber treat its drivers better as well. I know you should expect a good service every time you use Uber and you should get it every time. No reason to to have to put up with drivers like the one you mentioned. They should be weeded out. However, please please try to comprehend the stresses and pressures that Uber drivers are feeling constantly. I know how capitalism works and it usually doesn’t work well for the people at the bottom. And it certainly has failed in this case. I drive for uber in NYC and it’s really frustrating. They charge their drives an arm and a leg and care little about any of our concerns.
I have been looking into better alternatives. I signed up with Gett and it’s great for both passengers and drivers. However, they don’t have enough drivers to make it convenient for riders to get a car quickly and they don’t have enough riders to be able to work with them exclusively. I take Gett rides over Uber whenever I can and I recommend you try out Gett. It gives you the fare upfront (doesn’t matter how long it takes or what route you take) and never has surge prices.
There are many other alternative rides hailing apps but no one has been able to challenge uber signicantly. That is, until now. It’s called Juno. It’s a fair and ethical business that treats its drivers very well. It’s just like uber in terms of service and convenience but without the surge prices. It has a lot more cars compared to Gett/via/Lyft or any of Uber’s competitors in NYC. They charge less than half of Uber’s commission and offer its drives a stake in the company. They will also have an option for drivers to be labeled employees or independent contractors. And unlike Uber, they don’t take anyone off the street. You have to have a good driving record for another company to be able to sign up with them. So you should always get a great service.
Please support a fair and ethical business. Please try out Juno in NYC. People who have used it so far really love the quality of drivers and the fact that there’s no surge pricing even when uber is surging at 3-4x. The rates are just like uber but with no surge pricing and better service. Please look into it. I can go on and on but do your own research. If you’re someone who likes ethically-inclined business then you’ll love Juno.
It’s invite-only right now so you might not be able to use it if you download the app. You can only be invited by drivers until the official launch. However, next time you take an Uber ride, ask the driver if he works for Juno and if he can invite you (you’ll get a 35% discount on all of your rides as well). If you are reading this and want to try it out, you can text me your number at 9177689608 and I’ll invite you. Just the number and mention Juno.
I was victim of another scam. Although I did not lose money.
I booked an ubershare and the driver called me asking me about my destination. I was confused at first but told him my destination was 10-15 minutes away, he said OK and hung up. Then he cancelled the trip. Then I realized he was looking for a longer trip since there was a surge at the time.
When I booked my next uber the surge had gone up from 1.2X to 2.2X!!! I sent an email to complain with uber
Our Uber ride was 4.5 miles and the Uber driver entered a destination of 50.63 miles and 90 min that my account was charged for. The Uber “help” has NOT been of any help whatsoever. They repeatedly ask to confirm our requested destination which can also be found in the account. I am giving them one more day before filing for fraud. Uber must do something to prevent this in the future and they must do something about the drivers. Not happy at all.
I do not condone any illegal/ immoral activities. I will however suggest that prostate tipping their drivers who are basically working for slave rates. Even a dollar or two goes a long way in keeping vehicles can clean and fresh. Uber charges drives rates of up to 40% of the total fare as their take in commission.
A majority of drivers driving with Uber are doing so to supplement their incomes due to illnesses in the family or other unfortunate circumstances.
Be kind to each other. Be excellent to each other.
No. Uber does not allow tipoing through the app. The drivers know this going in. This isn’t charity, if they want better pay, then get a better job. Also uber charges 20% not 40% get your facts straight
You sir must work for Uber. Instead of spreading falsehood maybe you should tell the world how much you take from drivers in NYC? It is around 40%. You need to stop spreading false stories.
As far as jobs are concerned, maybe there are no jobs out there or people who choose to drive is because they are suffering from cancer, or have a loved one at home who are very ill or gave a child that is very ill and they need time back and forth from work.
Once again, if people would tip even a dollar or two, it would go a long way in keeping costs down and help keeping cars clean everyday.
While I agree Uber should allow riders to tip through the app. If you don’t like it get a better job
There are other services such as Lyft that allow tipping
Wow! “Get a better job”. Pretty low and narcissist of you to say that without knowing an individual’s background and or predicament. You must be an Uber employee.
Why does everyone keep accusing me of being an uber employee? I am just an user, and I tried driving for 2 weeks until I realized it would be impossible for me to make money because my car uses premium gas and repairs can be expensive. I found a better job and so could you.
Like I said earlier, driving for Uber requires NO skill other than a valid license, insurance and filling out application and background check, which is standard for most jobs out there. If you believe the best job that you could possibly find is one that requires NO skill then that sounds like a you problem, not me. Nothing against Uber drivers but I do not feel sorry for them, nor do I feel sorry for anybody that has a job that has a low paying job. It’s like fast food workers asking for $15 an hour. You want better pay? get a better job.
For your information, drivers are fully vetted and licensed by the city and state of NYC. Anyone who drives in NYC has a clean record with no felonies, DUI, etc. Just to get the license to drive is roughly $500+. Most drivers have some college if not a degree. Due to the rigged economy, nepotism, who you need to know, it us hard to find a decent paying job.
Do if you drove for Uber, it must have been somewhere where Uber hires individuals with criminal records without doing any due diligence.
From your remarks, it seems that you are an Uber employee. If not, then your just a sorry state of an individual who lacks any empathy towards anyone. Basically your a hard core narcissist.
Haha, I am an uber employee who goes on blogs and bashes uber drivers, yes sure. If your college degree got you an uber job as a driver, then congrats, fight for your rights and a fair wage, good luck.
On another note I am only familiar with Uber Chicago which is 20% for Uber, simple background check and you are driving the next day, no need to pay anything upfront. Although NY gives a sign-up bonus, correct?
Hey tess, uber does take away close to 40% in most US cities. In my case, it’s 25% base rate+2.2% black car fund+9%sales tax. (Other drivers get charged at 28% base rate because if the type of vehicle they drive). In every other case, consumers pay the sales tax. This is the only case I can think of in which a service provider gets charged the sales tax. And no I didn’t know that there was no tipping when I signed up, I didn’t ask and they didn’t mention it. I assumed there would be because why wouldn’t there be a tipping option? So please try to understand. We’re just asking for a fair wage or some benefits, given that drivers are the backbone of this company. And we’re not asking that you tip us, that’s your prerogative and should depend on the kind of service you receive, but we’re asking that we be given an option to be tipped from within the app. Every traditional taxi driver earns close to 10% of his/her annual income from tips. We, arguably, provide a better service and get paid less than half the taxi drivers and then uber takes 40% of that. In the 6 months that I’ve been with uber only 5 people have ever tipped me in cash and most tell me they wish there was a in-app option.
I know how capitalism works and it usually doesn’t work well for people at the bottom. All the stories you’ve heard of uber drivers making decent salary are from when uber used to be black car service only. Now most uber drivers everywhere are struggling to make ends meet. It’s a vicious trap that most drivers fall into and then it’s very difficult to get out because you have a hefty car loan to fulfill and car insurance to pay. In my case, I pay $550 monthly car payment and $550 for monthly insurance (I’m in NY, we have to have commercial insurance, which is pretty expensive). That’s besides the gas and maintence. So if I stopped working, I’d be delinquent of my payments and without a job. So as bad as uber is, I keep working because of this desperate situation that I find myself in and most other drivers do as well. Being in NY, we do have other companies that are a bit friendlier to their drivers. I just joined one and it does have tipping option and only takes away 10% base commission (20% overall). Hopefully, more and more people realize that uber is a toxic company and stop using it. Especially in cities with other socially responsible companies. Happier drivers makes for better service. All of these horror stories that people encounter with drivers would be a lot less frequent if uber treated its drivers with even a hint of decency. If anyone reading this is in NY, please use Juno instead of uber. It’s cheaper than uber, with better service (because they actually vet their drivers) and no surge prices. Thanks
Thanks for explaining I was not aware that you were a driver and that taxes and fees were charged differently by city. I understand you are struggling to make ends meet but a $550 car payment + $550 insurance is rather expensive. What kind of car do you have, a brand new suburban? In any case Uber is allowing you to pay for your car. If you owned your car your take home pay would be much more. I agree there should be a tipping option but unfortunately there isn’t, you might want to try driving for Lyft.
This reminds me of McDonald’s employees asking for a “fair wage”. With all due respect to Uber drivers… Uber is a job that requires very little skill, you can start driving as soon as you get approved and there is no interview process, there is no waitline, etc. No very many jobs out there will accept you without an interview, etc. Best of luck
Actually Tesseract it all depends on when you started driving for uber in 2014 to 2015 it was 20% in 2016 it was 25% and now its around 30% t, for me this is a retirement job…Here’s the thing about tipping with Lyft where most driver dont understand…the tip is done by Credit Card so that means you have to pay taxes on your tips…(look at the bar bussiness waiters and servers plus bartenders have to pay taxes on each tip that is done by Credit Card
also if you are a Uber employee which I doubt really but someone that is simple minded dont look pass their nose,,,and dont see other cities charges differently
I’ve taken Uber a lot in the past two years, and drivers have attempted to rip me off at least three times. The first time, I had taken my usual trip from home to work, and the driver fraudently doubled my fare by altering the destination. I rated him a 1* for the fraud. Uber saw that the route for the falsely modified trip went in a ‘U’ shape, which doesn’t make sense, and refunded me. Another driver fraudently got an extra $20 by claiming there were tolls. I was furious, and asked Uber how did toll booths magically appear on the road between then and when I’d taken the trip that morning? (I’d gone to work twice that day.) They refunded my money after verifying there were no tolls on the route. Two days ago, I had a similar experience to the woman in this article, which is how I found this. The driver picked me up from work ALONE that weekend night (I work in a secure location, and he entered the security gate, so there’s security camera footage to prove I entered Uber alone) and took me right home; however, despite the fact that I tipped him and gave him a 5* rating, the greedy bastard fraudently got an extra $19 by claiming I had “more than 4 people” in the vehicle. I’m furious. Uber usually resolves my issues quickly, but hasn’t even replied since they told me the reason they retroactively raised my fare. Uber is the only company I’ve had a fraudent experience with, and this is now the third time. Going through the process of getting it resolved is frustrating and stressful. These drivers either think my company is pays my commute charges (false) and it will go unnoticed or uncontested, or think I’m rich because of where I work and live and can afford to be ripped off to line their own pockets. The attitude of entitlement some Uber drivers display online is disgusting, so I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m a young lady who works hard for my money like you do, and I have $80,000 in student loan debt, so I’m struggling despite my STEM job. Feeling dissatisfied with YOUR salary, the company YOU chose to work for, and YOUR life choices does not give you the right to hurt someone else. We all have our life problems. How dare you. Man up/woman up and confront Uber, rather than targeting us. I always rate 5* and tip, even if they protest the tip. What some unscrupulous drivers do to customers is wrong. Uber should require drivers to place cameras inside all vehicles in order to protect passengers and drivers, and fire fraudsters. I changed the driver’s rating to 1*. I wish I could take back the tip. I’m uninstalling Uber because my confidence in the business has been shattered. The next dishonest driver may blame me for interior damage and charge me hundreds like what happened to a guy above. If this isn’t resolved by tonight, I’m requesting a chargeback.
@Unhappy Customer I’m Active Duty military and am currently working on a rotating shift on shore duty. I can’t get a traditional part-time job due to my ever changing military schedule, so Uber is one of my few choices in supplementing my military income in order to send money home to my retired parents to help with their growing medical bills.
While I understand you’ve had a few bad experiences with Uber drivers, have you ever stopped to think about it the other way around? I have had multiple fares refunded to my passengers for various FALSE reasons. The latest was yesterday from a young lady who requested an Uber at 0712. When I accepted the trip, my GPS said I was approximately 9 minutes away from her location. Because of morning traffic, I reached her at 0722. When she got in the car after I confirmed her identity, the first thing she did was complain about the wait. “It’s never taken more than 5 minutes for an Uber to pick me up here before.” I explained that I was more than likely farther out from her than her usual Uber pickups, which means a longer wait time and that I was sorry for the inconvenience. I started the ride and saw that the destination was about 10 minutes away. As soon as the car was in motion, she asked me to “pick up the speed, I have to be at work by 0730.” At this point, it was 0724. I once again apologized and explained that, as much as I wished I could get her to work on time, we were going to have to go through morning traffic and there was no way I could legally get her to work in less than 10 minutes, much less in 5. She did not say another word to me. Today, Uber contacts me saying that the rider disputed the ride, claiming she was never picked up. Sure the ride was only $4-5, but that’s money I needed to help my mom and dad afford their medicine.
Now, I’m not saying this “gives me the right to hurt someone else”. However, you’re demanding things that, based off what Uber pays us, is unreasonable. Do you know how much it costs to install a professional camera into a vehicle? Yes, some Uber drivers have one. But they paid out of pocket to have it installed. I live paycheck to paycheck. I can’t afford that kind of luxury. And believe me, we HAVE confronted Uber. They do NOT care. They’d sooner deactivate us and hire one of the many, many applicants than actually do something about our complaints.
So, as much as I can respect your hardships and position in this, I turn your own question back on you. How dare you? How dare you sit there in your self-righteousness and act as if you have the knowledge, or RIGHT, to decide that we had the CHOICE of a better job, better company and instead chose a low-paying job like Uber? How dare you decide that, because of THREE incidents in the last TWO YEARS, Uber and its drivers are not worth your time? When, in two MONTHS, I’ve had six, SIX, passengers refunded through “unscrupulous” means. Yes, those who cheated you are douchebags and should be deactivated. However, Uber took care of it for you. More than likely, Uber never even told the drivers they were refunding those fares either, meaning that your side of the story (no matter how true it may be) was the only side heard by them because Uber couldn’t care less about the drivers themselves. After all, there’s a long line of people ready to take their job.
I mean no offense by my response to your comment, but comments like yours leave many other passengers looking at every driver like they must be a fraud or a cheat. Many Uber drivers are just people trying to add a little money to their full-time paycheck to make the bills or support their family.
I would invest in a cam so you can prove to Uber that this person actually rode in the car, I personally had one cause of this issue that also happened to me…and lost a good fare which this person (who i comfirmed ) and also ask where she was going (which was comfirm) but she was late getting to work cause she wanted me to speed over the speed limit and to run red lights so she can get to work on time….not my fault she was late, she took her merrily time to reach to get into the car (5 mins) so now no ones says to uber i didnt pick them up…I describe to uber what they look like and also say i have a cam in the car
My parents were just recently charged 450 dollars by an uber driver we used in APRIL… We later found out that he’s been charging since the beginning of July in very miniscule amounts. Just be careful and pay attention.. Our family learned that the hard way.
A driver added a seat when I entered the car. When I asked him about it he said he didn’t and the passenger already in the car would get dropped off first. I was silent and confused until he picked up a third fare and did the same thing! I spoke up and told her my fare had a seat added as well and he brushed it off. I contacted uber and their response was to explain that I would be given a quote before entering the car. I understand that, but he added a seat which raised my fare. It’s a scam he is using, watch out and spread the word. Uber is letting him get away with it.
Could you please explain a little more? When you use uberpool you chose how many seats you need. Then you are given a flat rate. Not sure how the driver “added a seat”, do you mean he “added a seat” to your name? I don’t think drivers have the ability to do that. Anyways, you are given a rate before you book, how did your rate increase?
Driver adjusts your trip by adding a seat, as if you ordered uber and showed up with an extra person at the time of the pickup. It increases your rate. It happened to me yesterday, and a message popped up in my uber app that +1 seat was added to my trip, thus adjusting the fare by $1. Driver also noticed a stain on the front seat, suring our trip and she said her boyfriend must have done that, but its ok because she will have uber pay for it – pretty much meaning she will blame one of the customers for something they didn’t do. I reported the +1 seat scam to Uber this morning, not because I need my $1 back, but because I don’t want this happen to other customers. There are shady drivers just as there are crappy customers.
Also wanted to add this concerning tipping. When UBER first arrived in Chicago, about 5 years ago, before any of you even knew what that was, they had constant ads on tv and the radio stating that tips are included in your fare. So uber drivers need to take this up with uber (and they recently have in Chicago courts to no avail) rather than expect customers who were told not to tip, to carry paper money and change in their pockets. its no gonna happen,
What it sounds like is UberPool you share the rider with other people and with the tip issue with Uber,they used to say it was included in the fare (which its not) but this is what it says since the lawsuit about that issue : Further, Uber does not have a tipping option on its app, unlike competitors like Lyft, which allows riders to add a gratuity through their smartphones. And yet, Uber is saying that riders should feel free to tip. It is also allowing its drivers to make it clear to passengers that they would welcome a tip.May 18, 2016
I live in a nice neighborhood. I requested an UberX for a trip to the airport, and one responded, drove to my house where I was standing in the front yard waiting, and slowly drove right past me. He kept driving according to the app, very slowly to the next block and the next and the next.
I texted him and got no response, and called him and he didn’t pick up the phone, but just kept driving away without cancelling or responding. I had to get to the airport, so after watching him drive away for a good 15 minutes, I cancelled and summoned another one.
I was furious when they billed me for cancelling because what the hell should I do in that case? There’s no description in the help file that says driver just drove by and never stopped. This HAS to be a scam. Do the drivers keep the five bucks for cancelling, and if so, why wouldn’t they all just troll for cancellation fees and never have to drive anyone anywhere?
The same thing has happened to me several times, in Jakarta, Indonesia. I suspect that too.
Gosh, read the article and most of the responses. I signed up to drive for Uber and have not made a trip yet so I do not understand everything in the logistics of how it is suppose to work. However, it doesn’t take much for one to to rightfully conclude that the said driver who lied about how many passengers were in the car AND talking on the phone while driving should have been fired, period. The rating isn’t even the issue, it is the dishonesty, theft and unsafe practices.
Having said that, reading about the lack of tips which has no bearing on this specific issue (to me at least) really says more about the riders of Uber as cheap. Everyone in the service industry gets tips. I hope when I start driving my riders are not cheap like that, that is so disheartening to hear.
Would you suggest customers who don’t carry cash, begand to carry singles and 5s just so they can tip an uber driver? Doesn’t seem very convenient to me, might as well hail a cab. Uber advertised itself as tips are included type of service. Your issue should be with uber not the paying customers.
Hey Uber Smacker when you wrote on August 2,2016 did you read about the lawsuit that Uber was ripping off the drivers saying it was included in the fare which it wasnt…. I bet ya didnt….google it before you comment on something you dont know anything about….
Here is the problem, uber is a company that does not care if one driver pays them $1000.00 per day or 1000 drivers pay them $1.00 per day. They still make their $1000.00 per day.
That being said, they entice drivers with the promise of big money and when drivers realize that is not the case, they are already invested into this ponzi scheme. If drivers think they can make a living at this full time they’re nuts. Uber does not tell you you’ll make about 3.00 per hour after their cut, 15% taxes, 15.3% ss taxes wear and tear, gas, car note and insurance. Thats why they “chase the surge” and do other things to make more money. If they were not so worried about putting the cab companies out of business they might have their prices in line with them and the drivers could make a living.
Let Uber market it’s view that it has superior service. I’m self employed and sure would not work for less than I’m worth, why should anyone else.
I’m tired of seeing Uber’s commercials on T V enticing part time workers. I myself would not want someone picking me up after working a full shift on another job.
I’m not in the taxi business but know people who are, Yes they lost some drivers to Uber in the beginning but those drivers are coming back to taxis because the per mile rate is higher and all of the expenses are not on the driver, they just pay their lease and be done with expenses. Also that company uses the same type system as Uber with an app.
I know when i’m stranded, if the price is within a few dollars, i don’t care who picks me up, as longs as they do it quickly.
Not being tipped does NOT qualify you to steal from someone. How dare you. You have an attitude of entitlement to others’ money, but no one owes you anything. It sounds like this driver provided a poor service and did not deserve to be tipped.
Personally, I always choose to tip (except on one occasion when the driver was rude) and always leave a 5* rating, yet 3 drivers have attempted to rip me off (I posted a comment below with the details). The attitude of entitlement some of you Uber drivers have is disgusting. If you don’t like what Uber pays, man up and address Uber rather than being a sneaky rat, subtlely stealing from passengers whose service pays your income. We work hard, have bills to pay have and personal problems just like you. Somehow, you think your personal misfortunes or bad choices entitles you to hurt others unless they do what you want. No one held a gun to your heads and made you work for Uber. Customers should stop using Uber, since all of the drivers hate working for Uber. I’ll do you the favor of not funding your misery so you can go stand in the unemployment line.
Hello again. I answered a comment of yours above, back when you were still acting like a polite young lady. However, after this comment, my view of you has been duly altered.
Between the military and Uber, I work an average of 100 hours a week to make ends meet for myself and my parents. I work just as hard as you for every cent I make. The last thing I need to read from Uber’s passengers with disgusting “attitudes of entitlement” is to man up (or, in my case, woman up). How entitled passengers sound, complaining about a driver hoping for a tip from their $5 trip that would have cost them $15 in the back of a potentially stinky, sleazy cab with a driver who doesn’t give two hoots about their comfort because what they think about the ride has absolutely no bearing on the cabby’s pay or if they keep their job, yet the cabby still expects a tip as well. (I would get ugly looks and muttered comments from any taxi driver I didn’t tip back when I used taxis.) But us Uber drivers, all it takes is a couple of vindictive passengers lying their butts off to be deactivated completely. Talk about entitlement.
You always rate 5* and tip? That’s nice. You are 1 in 20 that do that. The same way that I’m 1 in 20 of Uber drivers that provide water, snacks, bluetooth music choice, umbrella service, and luggage loading. Do I have to do any of that? No. But I do. And I’m lucky if I make an extra $20 in tips a week for it. Yet, I still haven’t stopped doing any of it. Despite the lack of tips, the multitude of rude passengers, and the many false refund incidents I’ve had, I still go into every ride with a smile and a thought of, “How can I make this day better for my passenger?” Not, “What if this person is a douchebag like that one guy was?”
Now, I’m going to go out and drive for Uber. When I finish my military service, I may still drive for Uber, because I have pride and refuse to take a hand out by, how did you put it? Standing in the unemployment line? Yes, that was it. It must make you feel better about yourself, assuming that anyone with a job you deem beneath you, must be desperate or one step shy of that “unemployment line” of yours. I hope I never meet you in real life. I’m quite tempted to call back the Navy college and tell them I’m no longer interested in the STE&M field if it would mean not having to ever have to deal with a self-centered, self-righteous, entitled little girl. It’s too bad I already have enough military schooling and training to pretty much get the degree anyways. :(
Hello Unhappy Customer. I am an Uber and Lyft driver and want to let you know that I do agree with almost everything you said. We do not have a right to cheat the system ever. Stealing is always wrong. also, for the most part drivers do whine and complain way too much. If I were that unhappy I would have moved on a long time ago. The one thing you said that is incorrect is that all drivers hate working for Uber. It’s not all of us, it’s just that people like me get drowned out by all the malcontents. One last thing, I have seen a big increase in tipping now that more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that Uber lied to them about them being included.
I apologize, Harry Davenport. I hit reply by another person’s name but my comment appears as a reply to you for some reason.
Well I’m a uber driver in NJ and I love my Job, and some People get mad that I’m black and drive a Mercedes Benz and give me a bad Rating, and some people act very Racist, and you see my face before you get in the car
Sorry to hear. At least you drive a Mercedes. If I get picked up by a nice car I always give a 5 star rating
Hey cheap rider DOUCHE. You are scum. You get in my car for .85 a mile while a cab is 2.25 a mile. You want to use my data cable you want water you want to run your STUPID mouth. Then you don’t tip with the BS excuse of “the tip is included in the fare” even after Uber lost that one in court. You tip a cabbie limo driver doorman skycap waiter bartender and even GIVE money away to scumbags on corners but think nothing of stiffing your Uber driver. I even had one douche tip a skycap right in front of me as i unloaded her DOUCHE bags from my car and handed them over to him. Call a limo and pay up you cheap POS.
Hi Mr. uber driver. If you don’t like it maybe it’s time for you to find a different job. Maybe you can try being a skycap and get more tips this way. No need to insult anyone here. Best of luck and God bless
I was just scammed on Uber and googled this to see if anyone had had a similar experience! I was coming home from work at midnight tonight and requested an Uber. He was 7 minutes away completing a ride on the other side of downtown. He started the trip while he was 5 minutes away and so I called him, inquiring why the trip had started even though I wasn’t in the car yet. He told me it was ‘continuation of the previous ride’ and that he was on my way to pick him up. I watched on the Uber app as he then proceeded to drive to my destination (without me!) I called him again and asked him why he was at my house, since I needed to be picked up from work and dropped off there – it was clearly showing as the destination in the app! He then told me he was confused and hung up on me. I canceled the trip as soon as he hung up, but it had already been 10 minutes by that point and he was shown as being at my destination so I was charged the full amount for the trip. I have only thus far had relatively pleasant experiences with Uber and so I am utterly confused and very offended by this! I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience and whether Uber followed up with them. Thanks.
Luckily for you this is an easy fix. Just contact uber and they’ll refund your money right away. They’ll also probably fire the driver in this instance unless he can prove it was an honest mistake.
The biggest issue is when they take advantage of the system. During surge, they call their potential pickup passenger and ask about their destination, if they don’t see it worth it (i.e. it is too short of a ride) they’ll cancel the trip. Uber cannot determine why this happened and driver’s are not penalized.
Middle class problems.
Indeed. But the comments have been fun to read. I’m always amazed at the crass vulgarity that the anonymity of the internet allows some people to use. Ride with Uber. Don’t ride with Uber. Drive for Uber. Don’t drive for Uber. I don’t care, but y’all have certainly entertained me this afternoon.
I drive for Uber part-time and this is actually happened to me or the app automatically starts the next trip you think you’re picking the customer up and then when you get to the destination it says end Trip but all I did is contacted over and told him we needed refund this money right away that something happened with the app and it started the trip and I explain to them what happened and the money was returned
We ordered and Uber on Saturday night and the app said he was 3 min away. We watched the app as time kept changing. Then we tired to ring as it was abut 20 min and it just kept ringing out. Then the app said it was at our destination and we kept trying to ring. After 30 min we had to get a taxi… I was charged a cancellation fee and Uber refuse to refund as they say he waited 5 min for us. UBER what a scam!!!!!!!
I am a Uber driver and am very sorry about your bad experience with your driver, this behavior really makes me mad because it can make all drivers look bad, I go out of my way to be kind and helpful I knew this was a tipless job and that was ok with me, However I turned out to be the fool I was so honest that when people offered me a tip I would say it is not necessary Uber includes tips in our fee, I have maintained a 4.9 5.0 rating for over a year and still ended up getting waitlisted (not being able to drive) because of a misdemeanor trespassing issue I had several years ago. I guess no matter how good and honest one try’s to be there are no guarantees that the powers that be will reciprocate.. My point is that your horrible Uber driver is probably still working still being dishonest and an old lady who is kind and loving does not appear to have a job ~ I miss driving it was the perfect job for me
The Uber PROGRAM? nice try……
I understand your situation. However, as a Uber driver I have dealt with a few douchbags. Despite you are providing a good service they are very demanding and display a rude, self-centered attitude. For instance,they get upset because It’s been 7 minutes wait or they are late for work. Come on. You’re late because you did not set up your stuff on time. I asked a family to step out of my vehicle due to their douchey attitude and rudeness. And remember you are paying much less than a regular cab.
Sounds to me like this guy was a cab driver before he turned to uber. On the other hand, as an uber driver I’ve had passangers give me a bad rating because i didn’t open the door for them. Even though my license plate clearly states that im a dissabeld vet. That means either the guy didn’t read my plate, or he did read my plate, and still wanted me to wobble my crippled ass around the car and open the door for him. You get what you pay for. If he wanted a limo, his cheap ass should have shelled out the cash and got a limo. I’ve also had bad ratings because my car smells like smoke. Although, i dont smoke in my car while my app is on, and i fabreeze the hell out of my car before a shift. People need to realize that not only is this the absolute cheapest taxi service you can get, but also the car, phone, gas, internet, oil changes, tire changes, brake pad changes, and labor all belong to me. The only thing that belongs to uber is the tool that connects drivers to riders, so if you people think for a second, that im not gonna smoke in my car after my shift is over, you must be smoking crack.
Yes, I agree. If you don’t like the way my car smells-take a cab, pay twice as much and ride in a cab that smells like piss. Throw up Or body odor Or even feces It’s your choice. Boone is forcing you to call Uber because you don’t want to pay for a cab
I would just like to know what him talking on the phone in another language has to do with this? I mean-if you’re traveling all over the world you should be used to people talking in other languages. Do you, to each other, and on the phone. Even when they’re driving cars. Just not sure where to apply this.
lol it was merely a fact that his attention was placed elsewhere instead of driving. If he was singing nursery rhymes, I would have stated that detail too. If you’re trying to pin me for some sort of discrimination case, look elsewhere.
These cheap Fucks who utilize Uber should get what they pay for. Bad service and Shitbag vehicles. IF I made poor choices in life and were forced to drive for a ride-share company (slave labor!), I would purchase the shittiest car out there. Who would be stupid enough to roll around in anything newer than a 15 year old ride? You clearly get what you pay for. Did that statement resonate with anybody?
I take this whole story with a “grain of salt”… I say that sarcastically, because this woman obviously doesn’t know the meaning of that idiom. I use the idiom appropriately because I tend to believe that there must have been something about her attitude that contributed to the bad experience. Usually when people tell their side of the story, they leave out all the parts where THEY behaved inappropriately. a 4.7 is a very high rating for an uber driver. So that tells you something right there! That means that most people disagree with this woman, as to this driver’s quality of service. You don’t get a 4.7 unless the plurality of folks are giving you 5 stars. There are always folks that will give you a poor rating no matter how well you serve them. I once had a lady throw a fit, because I refused to go passed the speed limit in a 35 mph zone. She became belligerent in a pool ride with other passengers, and I had to try to calm her down for the other passenger’s sake. I was seriously considering kicking her out of the car… You have people that want to get the discounts of uber pool fares that get into arguments with strangers over the route and which direction to go… If you’re going to fight with other passengers over a pool route, I would suggest not using uber pool service, and stick with uberX. I get a strong feeling from this lady that she’s a prima donna,… I agree that a driver should be attentive to their passengers and pay attention to their route, but this lady wants the guy to lose his job, over what started as a complaint about missing an exit. That tells me something HUGE!!! She seems to be a very big contributor to this bad experience.
That was a terrible experience. As a 4.95 driver with 200 trips I’d like to tell you about another. It’s worse than getting rider going for drugs. Worse than agressive drunks. It’s hearing that you are simply the best driver ever, and no tip. Lyft’s tip feature is no better. Gross non surge base fare in Detroit for a minimum trip floats right around $2.88. That’s gross not net. It is unlikely any driver sees 4 of these fares in one hour. You do the math. So here’s my question… how much do you tip on these 100 rides to have any expectation?
This is the funny part. I been working for Uber about 2 years so far. I always drove a brand new car. Perfect cleaning (almost carwash and Vacum every day). Make sure everything smell good and been nice with passengers. Now this is my ratings so far: our of over 1000 trips I got only 400’s 5 stars trips. Wish it means, riders are giving you whatever they want, even when you do your best. This is a feedback for all the uber drivers. Don’t overdue in your state of trying to please the rider. You done enough offering a great service with a great car. If they don’t like it? They can kiss your ass and keep riding on does 120 years old Ford Crown Victorias with like 2000 gums glued in the back seat. With drivers that pick them up after 2 hours. There you go, that’s a good excuse to bitch about it.
Sorry but your the reason bad drivers like this are on the road! you should of given him 1 star!
I am currently going through the same problem. I was charged $20 for a cleaning fee. The driver claimed I spilled hot sauce in his seat. However, the seat he claim was damaged, my boyfriend was sitting in that seat. Our trip was only 3 minutes long (couple blocks). I believe he made the mess hisself to get extra money on his AND Uber pockets. They know this scam is starting to increase but ANYTHING for a dollar. I’m really considering filing a lawsuit against Uber because of this fraud.
My 2 friends and I went to WPB Florida for a concert on 7/2017. Took an Uber for a 1.3 mile drive which was about 4 minutes. They charged us $522.91. The Uber driver named Aida put that she droves us for 20.69 miles 51.11 minutes, major lie. She stated we vomited in the car and that there was more than 4 passengers in the vehicle which was also a lie. There was only the 3 of us. no one was under the influence and the trip was 4 minutes long. We been fighting back and forth with Uber because the lady send some pictures of a seat with vomit. Mind you, no time stamp or anything just a seat. How can that be enough to say we vomited in her car. We will not drop this until our funds are returned and the truth comes to light. I will never take an Uber again. Some people do not know how to be honest anymore and make a living the correct way. We work very hard for our money and is very sad to know that some people are gaining funds on scams and lies. We are very close to filling a lawsuit for defamation against Uber. This is unacceptable, and the fact that they do not have a customer service line is even worst. They should really take this seriously because it will ruin the business for Uber as people will make this more common as time passes if nothing is done about it on their end.
The real scam is when 5 people order an Uber and then report the driver as intoxicated when he refused to take more than he legally can…THAT is a scam.
I am glad to have read the (helpful and positive) comments here, because now I will be careful about avoiding scams and also be sure to tip an Uber driver (since it is apparent tipping is not included in the Uber charges). I always tipped traditional taxicab drivers anyway, employing about the same rule of thumb as for waiters in a restaurant–10% of total charge for poor service, 15% for average service and 20% for excellent service. Also, for a very short travel distance I might increase the tip to make the ride worthwhile for the driver. For example, 20% on a $3.00 ride would only amount to a 60 cents tip. In that situation I might give a buck tip.
Even poor service deserves a tip, just not a generous one, because the poor tip in itself makes a statement. The only situation where I would advise not tipping a driver at all is if the driver was verbally rude (without provocation) to the rider(s). Perhaps needless to say (but I will for emphasis), if rudeness ever extended to physical assault of the rider by the driver, then this is beyond the issue of tipping and a matter for law enforcement and the courts.
It’s too bad more communities do not still have traditional taxicab service, on account of a greater level of oversight and regulation provided for taxi businesses. But, outside of larger cities, the existence of 24/7 taxi service may no longer be the case (if it ever was in some cities and towns). Also, even with taxis, there had sometimes been corruption/fraud (i.e.–paying off a city official to obtain a hackney license), just as with liquor licenses from a municipality.
I would also urge disabled and elderly persons to consider seeking government-managed ride services where possible (based on Medicaid eligibility), as well all persons without a vehicle (or access to one) use Peapod and other grocery-delivery services that provide door-to-door deliveries. One needn’t always resort to even a taxi service, depending upon the nature of the travel and the health status of the rider.
about tipping thing its goes back to a conversion in reservoir dogs why we feel the need to tip these people but not these people? people at most fast food places rarely get tips but any restaurant does by providing the exact service if not some times better.
I am currently dealing with a lyft fraud. I was on vacation and decided to take lyft to the outlet mall. It was my daughter & niece with me. When the driver I arrived I spoke and just got in. With 15 mins into the ride I ask the driver how much longer because according to the map we should have arrived. The driver response was that he didn’t speak English. That’s what I heard a few times on this vacation. I set back & said to myself he’s trying to get more money. Well actually the rode took 30 mins and I was charge $13.00 which was the original fare for 15 mins. A few days later I received an email stating the driver is asking for damage fee of $150. What? I replied this is an error I did not damage his vehicle and the pictures thats provided is false. The driver provided pictures of vomit that I am sure never happened during my ride. Luckly, I used a prepaid card using my entire trip but I hate the thought of someone scamming people because they need more money. How should I handle this? Lyft has took the side of the driver although i have asked for dates of the pictures.
No one owes anyone a tip. It’s an optional gesture of appreciation for great service. In this case the service was poor, so a tip shouldn’t even be part of the discussion. Even under the best circumstances, it’s totally up to the customer. If you don’t like it, lobby Uber to raise its rates or reduce its fees so you make more off of each trip. Better yet, start your own rideshare service and charge customers what you think a ride with you is really worth…then come back here and let us know how well that goes over.
For drivers to come on a post about someone’s experiences with a terrible driver who attempted to defraud them and start blaming the victim for not tipping shows just how out of touch you are. My wife and I are both drivers and we don’t expect people to pay us more than the ride costs just because we do our jobs well. What we do expect is for customers to treat us with the same courtesy and respect we extend them. If we’re rewarded with tips for the enjoyable rides provide, great. If not, no big deal.
Finally, as a customer, I always tip for great service (and usually not so great service too). The only people I don’t tip are people with bad attitudes and people who try to pressure/guilt me into tipping them. Keep that in mind and you may earn more.
If you asked me 6 months ago as a rider If I would still use Uber even if the prices were the same as Taxi Drivers, I would have said yes. Where I live there is a saturation of Uber drivers, and up until a few months ago I never had to wait more than 10 minutes.
With that being said I have been using Uber for over a year and within the last several months the quality of drivers has gone completely down to the bottom of the barrell. There have been frequent no shows, late drivers, weird creepy drivers, overcharges, and drivers whose cars were so nasty I wouldn’t even let my dog ride in it.
That is because Uber is so unethical and treats its drivers so badly. Professional, ethical people often give up on Uber or realize that it is not profitable for them and pursue other employment. If they are easily employable elsewhere, they leave. This leaves Uber with a lot of problematic drivers. (There are exceptions. Some excellent drivers have a high tolerance for Uber’s shortcomings and are in a profitable market and choose to stay.)
I have a MBA and an exemplary work background in customer service management and I was formally a naval officer. For the past few years I have been a public school educator. I drove for Uber last year to help wih my kids’ college tuition. Their treatment of drivers was abhorrent, in my experience with them. Uber tolerates scams for free rides that are at the expense of the drivers, as long as Uber doesn’t lose out. If that scam involves giving a driver a 1-star rating and lying about the ride to get a credit, Uber will let the rating stand. For example, if the rider puts their friend in the car for the ride and then claims the driver never arrived and must have taken the wrong passenger, Uber will credit the customer and let the bad rating stand. Note that drivers are not supposed to ask for a picture ID. If the person approaches your car and knows your name and says their name, they are the passenger. The easiest scam ever is for Joe to request a ride on the app, have his friend Sam claim to be Joe, get a ride to his destination, and then Joe gives the driver 1-star and reports to Uber that the driver must have failed to ask a passenger their name and took the wrong passenger, and now Joe wants a refund. Uber gives the refund and lets the 1-star rating stand, and cancels payment to the driver.
Uber paid me a small fraction of the clean-up fee when a rider sh*t in my car. They refused to cooperate with police when a rider on a college campus vandalized my car (had brought an outdoor graffiti paint stick for the ride and entertained herself by writing random nonsense on my car interior while in the back row of my minivan), and they refused to treat me fairly or assure me that a rider was deactivated when a drunk rider groped me while I was driving. (Keep in mind that Uber forbids its drivers to be armed.) That was the last straw for me. After I stopped driving for Uber, I ran the numbers and found that after expenses and all the waiting and long hauls to pick up short rides, my net profit before taxes was less than minimum wage.
All this, and passengers want to receive a service without tipping. Not a good deal for drivers.
Oh my goodness so much heat in the comments about things that have nothing to do with the original post! Way to go derailing this person’s post!
But, that stuff aside, I am a driver. If anything like this happens again in the future, feel free to ask customer service to change your rating to a 1 in addition to filing a complaint and demanding a correction. There is simply no excuse for this driver’s behavior. If this was not an honest mistake, then that driver really needs to be banned off of the platforms so that driver’s who show respect and dignity to their passengers will be better able to make a living wage.
But for the whole tip debate. I 100% whoreheatedly agree that drivers need to be tipped. There are a lot of hidden expenses for drivers with cost of ownership of their vehicle, maintenance costs, extra risk they are taking insurance wise, having to save to replace their vehicle much sooner had they not been driving so many miles, we have to pay for extra insurance, and we pay taxes as employer and employee since we are self-employed. I make, on average about $0.50 to the mile after gas cost. I used to make $0.60 a mile for a different job, which also paid an hourly wage of $14/hr plus commission. So I am taking a heavy pay cut here. I drive because Uber is less stressful for me than that last job, so I do take that into consideration. But if passengers think their drivers should be making minimum wage (or less) if they work Uber full-time, then they should be tipping. I don’t blame the passengers for this though because it is true that Uber TOLD passengers not to tip and also told drivers to refuse tips. But the problem is Uber fares used to be 45% higher AND Uber took a much smaller cut. Uber has since greatly reduced fare costs to passengers and ALSO greatly increased the amount they take of the fare, so the result had been to take what used to be good pay and has turned it into a teenager’s job’s worth of wages. This is not enough to support the driver’s operating and living expenses.
Granted, if a driver ONLY drives a few hours a week during the busiest times, perhaps they will make decent money for those hours. But, in my experience, it’s still only between $12-15/hr. During very rare times of EXTREMELY busy times, it can get to between $20-25/hr., but that is very rare and depends on some very high surge rates. My typical pay rages between about $5/hr to $12/hr., and even less if I don’t include tips.
This is the reality of things and is why Uber has changed their stance on tips. You will notice now that tipping is included in the app. There is good reason for that.
Hey Phil! Way to go derailing this person’s post.
JB – I am sorry for your circumstances, and I respect you for avoiding the use of services that typically would be tipped.
However, when you do use those those services, you are not “subsidizing” your server and doing them a favor or giving them charity. You are paying for the service. Service people in jobs that are usually tipped do not get paid minimum wage! They often only make about $3 per hour from their employer because it is the custom that they will receive tips. Further, they are TAXED as if they are receiving tips. Even further, if the owner requires employees to record their tips or share their tips, and they have worked hard to serve you but you stiffed them, you make the server appear to their boss and coworkers to be incompetent.
If you don’t tip, you are using their time, effort, and service for free, at your own discretion. The server is does not know in advance so they can make a choice. You are taking the service first, and then deciding for the server that they worked for free.
Think about how you use others. You are not the only person who has difficulties.
Good grief, I can’t even fathom some of the comments on here, but there is one in particular that sticks out like a sore thumb! “A job that takes little to no skill”. Let me extrapolate on this. After being a PROFESSIONAL commercial driver for over 18 years, let’s talk about the skills required. Driving a machine at any weight, at speeds that can kill other human beings in other vehicles, at various weights. When the other driver’s have varying skill at driving their respective vehicles, and many seem to have no care at all for anyone else sharing the roadway with them, is a job that requires no skills? Not only that, but you now have passengers onboard, who sometimes mistakenly believe they have better skills than you, who is behind the wheel of said killing machine, and freely expressing their opinions on the matter. That’s not to say that all of them do that, but a lot of them will. Yet, none of this requires ANY skill at all now, does it? None of this is worth being a little more patient and understanding, and maybe feeling it might be worth giving said driver a bit more pay for safely getting you where you need to go? After all, you didn’t have to drive your own car, pay for your own gas, try to find or pay for parking, deal with the traffic headaches and stresses of other drivers, you hired an Uber or Lyft driver to do that for you. Granted Uber and Lyft don’t really train their drivers all that well. If you’re lucky, you get someone like me, who has 18 years of CDL bus driving under their belt, and an equal amount of yearly professional training. Either way, that person behind the wheel has YOUR LIFE in their hands, and it would probably behoove all of you to remember that, and be a bit more appreciative of the many skills it takes each of them to get you somewhere safely. Also, please remember that driving apps are only as good as the humans who create them, and don’t assume the problems are created by your driver.
I can guarantee you nothing will happen. Unless it’s an eligible lawsuit. The most that will happen is a slap on the wrist. They don’t share information and don’t put the time to reactivate people unless their rating is low or a sexual assault is reported with a police report.
I’ve had shit luck with both companies and I’m just going to take advantage wherever I can. Screw the bs.