It’s no secret that I love the ease and convenience of Uber and have been using the app for years. What I like most about Uber is that it’s a cashless service. I love the convenience of getting in and out of the car and not having to deal with digging for my wallet at the end of the ride. However, unlike Lyft, there is no way to add a tip at the end of the ride using the Uber app.
Despite all of the good things to say about the app, Uber has been receiving a lot of negative press recently, and I believe it’s rightfully so.
Last year, I blogged about the correlation between tipping and your Uber rating, and the comments section alone is definitely worth a read. Then I’ve discovered first-hand that more and more Uber drivers are calling ahead to ask for your destination to see if it’s “worth it” to pick you up.
I personally have been canceled on many times, especially rides from my home in New Jersey into NYC. Le Chic Geek recently blogged about her fishy experience, and Pizza in Motion further warns people to stop agreeing to cancel rides when drivers request to.
Now let’s talk about some new shadiness: Uber drivers aggressively hustling for a tip.
Let me tell you about my last 2 Uber rides.
Ride 1
Before I even sat down in the car, my Uber driver called my phone and asked for my destination (red flag). I told him it was against policy to do that and if he was planning on canceling my ride, he should do that now so I don’t have to waste any more time. I still told him where I was going and he decided it was “convenient” for him, so he picked me up.
I kid you not, as soon as I sat down, he started aggressively demanding a tip. He tried to be sly with it at first by saying ,”Can I just give you my 2-second Uber spiel?”. He then proceeds to give me a sob story about how he used to work on Wall Street and how he thinks it’s BS that he gets paid so little from Uber, and that he prefers cash tips at the end of the ride, especially since he is “doing all he can” to make sure I arrive at my destination safely.
He went on for 15 minutes of the ride. At first I nodded and tried to keep quiet, but after he didn’t stop after I put my headset on and texted my mom asking her to call me so he would shut up, I finally said “look – instead of making your riders feel uncomfortable, why don’t stop driving for Uber all together and get a job that makes you a happier person”. He responded by saying, “you must work for Uber with that response”. I have never been happier to be home after that ride.
Ride 2
I recently requested a ride in Atlantic City to go from the Tropicana to The Golden Nugget. As soon as I was assigned a driver, I received this text:I give the driver an A for effort for cleverly for trying to “trick” people into thinking it was an automated message, but I very well know he typed it and sent it to me himself because it appeared under an older text thread between me and another Uber driver on a different ride.
It didn’t end there though. When my friend and I stepped into the car at 2 in the morning, we immediately noticed HUGE signs soliciting for tips that looked like it was Uber-branded marketing material. If those tactics weren’t obvious enough, he says, “hey ladies, I will turn on the light so you can take a minute to read the signs”.
While I understand drivers may want tips, it is so beyond awkward and ridiculous to make a rider feel like they are being exhorted for money at the end of the ride. One recent MarketWatch article states: “Drivers accept tips and, at least anecdotally, a growing number seem to be expecting themâ€
First the record, there have been many instances when I have tipped my Uber driver… especially when I am traveling with my kids and the bulky double stroller. I’ve also tipped on other random trips too when I’m feeling extra generous or if the driver truly does something spectacular. But I will be the first to say that I don’t usually tip at the end of my Uber rides. Mainly because I don’t carry cash, but I definitely won’t when I feel forced to.
A fair solution would be for Uber to install an in-app option to add a tip.
In general, still think the tipping culture in America is getting out of control. There’s nothing more frustrating than being in a taxi cab in Las Vegas, having an $8 ride, and being charged a $3 “convenience fee” for using your credit card… and then on top of that, a 25% tip “suggestion” automatically highlighted before you reach the final payment screen. Talk about a joke!
Have you noticed an upward trend in Uber drivers aggressively asking for a tip? Feel free to share your stories in the comments.
Is my memory totally kaflooey? I thought the original selling point of Uber when it rolled out was that riders would no longer have to reckon with the tip notion. Rides would be automatically charged and be “all-in” so riders avoided that whole “moment”. I feel we’ve been bamboozled. And then some.
Yep originally when Uber rates were double. That was Uber’s corporate position. Then Uber corporate cut rates in half. Drivers sued because Uber was treating us like employees. Uber used to deactivate drivers who mentioned tips. The judge said Uber Drivers are independent contractors and have the right to request tips.
Maybe this will help new riders to know why they get dinged. It’s hard for a new passenger to know what went on before joining. Here is what I learned. I get assigned a 5 star rating when joining. Due to confusion about tipping, sometimes I tip and some drivers request a tip. One time I did not tip and started being assigned lower rated drivers and charged more. I read on this or another discussion group how to check my rating because it was due to that. At that time the rider rating was not displayed. But the driver could see my rating. I emailed Uber. No satisfactory response. I read blogs and forums to learn what I must have done wrong one time to lower my rating. I followed all advice and also learned the rating is an average of all rides. As a new user, it took a while to get enough rides to get the rating back up to 4.97. For one thing, i did not have enough rides, i had lots of medium length rides, rather than short rides. Once i got the rating up, charges went down. Drivers who were assigned had higher ratings. I do not care too much about a driver rating as most drivers are great. Sometimes there is a subtle difference in quality of service that may have caused a driver’s lower rating such as lack of facility with English language. It doesn’t bother me unless it causes a real problem. But I can understand why other riders might get impatient. However, many taxi drivers speak minimal English where I live, so I’m tolerant. Anyway, if an uber driver also drives professionally and expects tips, maybe it would be best to alert the rider they expect a tip. Honestly, most drivers are surprised when i tip. I can’t read minds so as a driver, tell me of your policy of tipping. Most riders don’t read blogs.
Why you don’t tip, if you got a good service /drive.sometimes Uber driver make 5-6 dollars an hour.why are you tripping taxi drivers or Waiters in the restaurant ??for not always good service:(.
Why doesn’t Uber just include it in the price? Is it so hard to be like the rest of the world?
@D: How can you include a tip in the price? It then becomes a service charge and rate hike.
I’m an uber driver. I drive 25 miles to pick someone up and get a 4.00 fare. I had a big day making 7.00 an hour and using my gas and wear and tear
@Nancy: You are obviously very hard-up for cash or can’t be trusted to make intelligent business decisions.
JC we’re not hard up for money we’re trying to feed our families and make a living in between jobs due to no fault of our own so it’s assholes like you that make it hard to do this job and to be polite every single day two people you get a good service you should tip I don’t care if it’s just a dollar or $2 when you have to drive 20 minutes to pick somebody up for a $4 fare that isn’t our decision to do that that’s Uber stupid decision to even send a ping the driver’s way because no other driver is in that area because they know the Cheapskates that live in that area and I assume you are one of them that live in that area
And I do this because I’m retired and it used to be a nice way to earn a little extra income and to meet people. It’s great being able to set your own schedule.
Fortunately I don’t require the income and if a ping is more than a half mile away I don’t accept it or I don’t accept pings in areas I am pretty sure I won’t get a tip at or if it’s a rider below a 4.8 I don’t accept a ping or there have been at least two times where I pulled up on a ping where the rider somehow had a high rating and remembered them as non-tippers that I lost money on in the past and have just cancelled the trip when I pulled up. Some drivers that are between jobs or who are college students trying to make some money don’t have that luxury of picking and choosing.
If you tightwads aren’t going to tip don’t get pissed that I won’t pick your cheap butts up or will rate you appropriately and won’t pick you up again if you stiff me
@ Tony: Cry me a river, Tony. While people should tip, it is what it is. Some are going to leave you a tip and some simply won’t. Suck it up. The whole whiny little bitch schtick isn’t doing anything for you.
Sometimes you drive 20″ for a $4 ride. Sometimes you drive 2″ for a $40 ride. If at the end of the day you aren’t making what you feel you are worth (and whiny little bitches aren’t worth a hell of a lot as it is), then you need to talk with Uber or decide on a different career path.
You could try some of the tactics Gary writes about, but we all know he’s a liar. 3/4 of his claims are simply not even remotely possible.
Exactly!!! You are absolutely correct Nancy! The nerve of people not wanting to tip after their already receiving a huge discount by using Uber and not having to call a taxi. The drivers are essentially doing them a favor in this case so why not tip them? Especially when they know exactly where you came from to where now you’re going because Uber shows them.
I wish all riders had your attitude crystal. I refuse to drive more than two miles for a pick up now even in a high rated passenger. Isn’t worth it if I drive a long ways and then get a minimum fare and no tip. Uber could help with this if they told the driver the estimated fare in the ping. I’d be willing to drive three miles to pick up Someone for a $50 fare but my going to risk t for a $5 fare
I am an uber driver in Los Angeles …First of all All I would never drive more then 3 miles to pick up anyone and NO one owes me a tip ever! I think it’s terrible that drivers call pax to find out if it’s worth it or not… It’s your job to drive pax to where ever they are going…. Sad that Uber is becoming like cab drivers..
I tip cash , according to my service. Generosity if the driver is kind,and gets me to my destination This tip ahead crapakes the driver have an oppinion of me? I would never NOT tip someone! But because they already know I didn’t tip ahead of service, I’ve come across nasty cold attitudes as soon as they show up! Never tip ahead! Gave my driver$10, not $5. Cuz he was excellent and polite. Tipping ahead, sucks, for the driver. I’m already their victim prior to service? Uber needs to clean up their act!
Lol I have a tip jar stuffed with money that should be a sign to tip
And that’s EXACTLY why the whole thing is misunderstood. At first drivers were fairly compensated, so drivers didn’t care about any tips, and as more people heard how much you can make being a driver they joined by the boat loads, but soon after as Uber /lyft grew they cut down on fares so drivers were less compensated. And i dont know why, when it should of been the other way around. As they grew the pay should have too. The only ones benefiting was… The Ungrateful riders getting a door to door service (Sometimes for 2) for less than the cost of public transit. KNOWING the price is so cheap you could have the common courtesy to at LEAST give a punk $2 tip. But no they (Riders) don’t even have the common courtesy to give a driver the well deserved 5 star for the service. When at the end of the day you’re getting what you pay for. As long as you were respectfully and safely picked up and dropped off, that ALONE hands down deserves five-stars and can’t even get that, let alone a tip. Smh!! Truly ungrateful people. I wish they would just do away with the whole rideshare thing. It would be the ONLY way y’all would appreciate what you’re getting. It’s true… You never know what you have till it’s gone. And if that would happen I bet more then half of y’all cheap bastards would then be willing to pay 20-30% more to have the service back. The most honest comment I’ve received was from this older lady that said she can’t believe how cheap it is to get a ridr, and wondered how we make a living by it. She said she feels obligated to give it tip because she almost feels like she was taking advantage. She said the service has been a lifesaver because she doesn’t drive. Don’t get me wrong I too like a cheap deal that’s why I choose pool too but when I do I definitely tip even if it’s just a lousy $2. Half you losers try to use and run on the fact that Uber was a no tipping service so that’s why you never tipped but now that the Tipping feature is there there’s no excuse for it and you still don’t tip so goes to show the cheap mofo’s y’all really are. The OP is too funny, she only tips when her kids are in the car… Why cause Precious Cargo was handled with care. Oh and when the driver does “something spectacular”, like jump over cars in rush hour traffic. Picking up and dropping her off alone safely doesn’t justify a tip… Lol what a joke! Once you jump in that car keep in mind your life is in the hands of the driver. Maybe if she gets driven by drunk driver who get into a major accident she will maybe appreciate the safe drives she gets and maybe then, will be willing to pay double the price for service. Unreal!
John, after that rant, may I ask you one thing: what are you trying to accomplish?
Typically folks with a rant have a certain result in mind.
Yours isn’t clear. It’s just a rant about how everyone AND Uber are awful. I get that you’re mad. But I don’t know what you want to change.
“I wish they would just do away the whole rideshare thing”. “You never know what you have till it’s gone.”
Do you want no Uber for customers? No customers for Uber? Tips for you?
Please share. Until you focus, it’s just a rambling rant. Think, and organize your message.
John is absolutely 100% correct!!! No organizing needed.
Colleen, maybe you should try being a RideShare driver and this would make total sense to you.
Angelina (and others that used the excuse of not carrying cash for not tipping), now that Uber allows in app tipping do you tip you tip your drivers now?
Mr. John, Please drop me your email address. You are 100% right
I tip my driver no matter what they get me to my destination safety and comfortably. We had a driver last week that kept the windows down, and made sure we never saw his face. Uncomfortable and obviously had an oppinion that because we didn’t tip ahead, he could care less! Being in the tip industry, I would never, bit, tip for good service. He already thought we were cheap. Hid his face,? Really worked hard at it as well. We felt lucky to get home! Yes. Now he , whoever knows where I work and live. Tonight my driver was Steven White. Ask for him. Such a cool guy!
You are completly right. I dont completely agree with drivers being too pushy asking for tips, but if they do, they are not wrong either. Specially seeing how people expect a $100 service while paying $2 sometimes; and waiting for you to entertain them while they are in the vehicle. They can even rate poorly based on the driver not making conversation and of course …for not doing something spectacular*!
With people down on stand if they don’t drive themselves the driver is responsible for the car the maintenance the gas the insurance and Uber takes care of none of that. And their promotions at times whether you’re in each driver or you drive people there are some really good promotions out there but there are some really stinkers. Me Personally I did drive people I only do food now and the reason being is I think it’s ridiculous that we have to get our cars inspected every year that is totally uncalled for unless the company pays it it should not come out of the drivers pocket
Yes I have a lot to reply a lot of good comments good information things I would like to make people aware of what’s going on within Lyft and Uber things that should be happening between the drivers and the customers I really would like to talk to someone and I’ve got a few things I think might be valuable to people that are delivery food and services of that nature and just things that would be making it very win-win situation between Uber and Lyft the passengers and the drivers
Do you have any idea how many rides pay the driver $ 2.45 and no tip ? I take a lot of these trips ,the worst was 4 women going 8 blocks for a 40.00 brunch , $2.46 ,I drive a 30k vehicle 4.95 rating 3 years driving. They need to come up with meter to show passengers just what the drivers make.
We’ll then grab a taxi and pay the actual cost of a fare. Uber needs to charge actual rates and it screw their drivers they have to make a living and your asking for someone to come pick you up on their vehicle with their gas and insurance and costs that Uber does not cover. Poor drivers really
I am an Uber driver. When in the past when Taxi drivers were the only game in town charging 2x to 3x to what Uber is charging, were people complaining about tipping taxi drivers? You should always tip Uber drivers (unless you get bad service); especially when Uber collects 35% to 40% of the fair compared to 25% in the past. Drivers have a really bad deal.
Then drivers need to quit and teach Uber a lesson if it is not financially worth their while.
How much Uber pays you or doesn’t pay you is your personal problem. Since I am not a priest, I don’t GAF about your problems. Every time I use a service I am not going to play the lame game of “How much money are they earning?” and ponder whether or not I should supplement their income because they made a poor lifestyle choice.
You have been bamboozled. Uber led you to believe they would pay the drivers decent wages and they don’t. They don’t get paid to go get you or get back from your destination and getting another fare close by is rare. Most rides are sub-minimum wage to a loss. Such wages should be illegal and Uber only gets away with it due to the “independent contractor” status of it’s drivers. You should always tip generously.
>You should always tip generously.
Let Uber get away with not paying its drivers enough by making up the difference myself? Seems like enabling shitty business practice to me.
Happens plenty in restaurants/delivery
Well then let’s not enable those shitty business practices either.
Please just tip drivers. Its still super cheap for you to tip the driver comapred to anything else! Its the least you can do.
Ben, it is the rider who is getting a better ride at half or less the cost of a metered cab and no tip to boost who is making up the difference. The savings goes to you, not Uber.
It takes half a brain to know that 75% of .87 per mile in New Jersey is minimum wage or less.
FYI Uber and Lyft take on average 36-38 % of the fare, and sometimes up to 50% NOT 25%. At one time long ago it was 25%. Now drivers are paid peanuts. If you want the service to continue,m it must be worthwhile (profitable) for drivers. Tipping is the only way that drivers actually make any money.
So take a taxi cab instead and then you won’t complain about tipping $2
Thank you. what I still don’t understand…this whole new generation of cheapoes. These people throw away money left and right on garbage, spinner widgets, itunes, apps, etc, but never learned to tip service industry workers, waiters, bartenders, drivers, etc. These have always been tip-based industries, yet these yuppies and wanna be fancy folk that think an uber is a personal slave/limo service for the price of a pack of gum. They have enough money to throw away on an uber to take them half a mile down the road, but refuse to leave a tip. Sh@t, at that rate I would be going out to eat and drink for every meal every day, if I didn’t have to tip the staff. Don’t use the service if you cannot properly afford to use it! Take a bus, or walk your lazy a$$ the 5 blocks! Cook a meal and pour your drink at home if you cannot afford to tip the industries that have always been based on tips, these folks are paid $3 per hour for the specific reason that their income has always been based on tips.
@Rider – I totally agree. but trust me, it’s not a “new generation” of people who don’t tip. Baby boomers are some of the biggest non tippers and they are vocal about it.
People in general are assholes. If you have a problem with tipping a waitress, stay home or go to McDonald’s. If you have a problem with tipping an Uber or taxi driver, walk or take the bus.
It seems really clear that a lot of people here simply have never worked in the service industry. Maybe you disagree with the policies that enable businesses to underpay tipped workers. Fine. Write your local legislature! Write the newspaper. Write that company’s customer service dept. There is definitely a movement that agrees with you – there are restaurants all over that are doing away with tips in favor of service fees. But don’t complain about this policy you allegedly think is wrong, do nothing to change it, and then screw over the underpaid hourly workers who serve you in a variety of capacities. That’s really messed up and exploitative and doing so makes you complicit in that exploitation; withholding tips is not an act of activism against a tipping system, it’s punishing the weakest member/victims of this system, and still supporting the business practices that create the system you supposedly want to fight. Failing to tip your waiter/driver/porter send no message to their boss and oppresses someone who’s job (and probably life) are already harder than yours. Think outside your small world and have a little compassion.
Lee, that was beautifully put, I am relieved to hear someone make such a meaningful and absolutely accurate poignant statement. I wish “Angeline” would re-post this on her site, being a traveler who uses a variety of the service industry services, as do many others who spend a great deal on the road whether for work or for pleasure (restaurants, hotels-room service, concierge, housekeepers, laundry services-Uber/taxi, delivery, spas, tour guides, etc). Thank you for getting this thought out there.
You are paying Uber to pay them. Tipping is still paying them. End result pay a fair rate even if corporate is not going to.
But you already know that you’re paying a cheap price on the ride so just do the math for the time and distance and what Uber charged you for that ride and ask the driver how much they’re getting paid if they have up for information and do the difference of math and realize how much more you should be spending for that ride and give it to him in the tip and the difference it’s that simple that’s how you have to play the game
Drivers in my area get other passengers 50% of my trips.
What most people forget is this is an economy service.If you want me to do anything except get you from A B like carrying some child seat or your bags remember that the extra mile is a two way stree.
That’s the problem they want a 5 star hotel service for motel money and the sad truth is that they do get it with some and still not even get a 5 star for it. Uber/Lyft drivers MUST drive and if in the mood for it, must also entertain them . Because if not that too is an issue. Damn if you do damned if you don’t. You want all that EXTRA ish come out your pocket they have the black car service for that. Cheap and over-privileged mofo just need to get off that high horse!
Reasons why i quit driving for uber and lyft #128.
The riders are shit, and its because uber tells them they can be. They pay is shit, and the idiots all say, “well your only expense is gas, hyuck hyuck.”
After expenses uber is charity work. Nice to do if you need to show a loss on your taxes, but otherwise it’s financially useless. Not to mention, if you have an issue, God forbid, there is not a soul to hear your side or help you in any form or fashion. There is an algorithm, that thinks it’s smart, sorting your problem into their list of predefined problems. Then it will generate an “appropriate” response, usually having nothing to do with the problem you are having.
Imagine five Riders try to get in your Prius, and obviously illegal and dangerous Act, not to mention against Uber’s terms of service. You tell them no, and with some cross words and a few insults, they move along. You pick up 4 more sets of passengers, all of them give you 5 stars, and then you get an email saying to pack it in for the night because a passenger said you were too intoxicated to drive. Even if you havent drank in 5 years, even if you go straight to a police station and take a breathalyzer and send them the results, tough shit, fuck off. All because those cheap fucks didnt want to pay another $0.80 for an XL.
All this without even mentioning the outright wage theft that uber takes part in. On 5-7 different occasions i drove passengers that i had just cancelled on who said/showed me they were charged a fee that i wasnt paid a cent of. Also, the fact that uber doesnt take a set percentage opens the door for them to downright steal tips, and yes it happens and there are stories with screenshots/photos on they turn a $5 tip into a $2 one, a $2 tip to a $1 tip, and a $1 tip to none at all.
Ohh, yeah, i forgot. It cant be wage theft because we arent employees.
The world is fucked. And its because of shit like that.
You know what Marshall, your comment here is one of the best ones that I’ve read on here so far. Yesterday, Red Hot Surge zone 3.2 miles and 43 minutes to complete after looking for the passenger for 20 minutes. I did not cancel because I felt bad for him. Having been in the limo business for so many years, it is just against my nature. The terrible thing is that Uber’s GPS is so messed up, it was telling me that the guy was on top of the bridge and the GPS literally told me to stop in the middle of the road to pick the guy up, but I digress. The fare came to 7.32 for over an hour of my time. Atlanta gets 0.09 cents a minute and just under 61 cents per mile. The surge thing is crap. The algorithm is also crap. I was right in the middle of a red-hot surge zone the other night and all I was offered were rides outside of the zone. The app pads time and takes the longest route possible. I’ve emailed uber about this many times and they just send canned form letters telling me, that loses money regularly with them to feel good about doing my part to help the environment and the rates are the rates. Uber just put a valuation on their company at over 60 billion dollars. Why are the rates so low in Atlanta when they are double in most other places? Why are we paid less than minimum wage when it comes down to it? Water, Mints, Gum, at our expense with 90% of the riders not tipping at all. Stinky ass People imbedding my interior for sometime days. The cleaning expenses alone and scratches all over our vehicles because People can’t keep their hands to themselves and not touch anything. Everyone on here that is a bit older out there knows this is horsecrap. Uber created this culture of cheap People by stopping the tipping. They need to fix this somehow. I’ve just about had enough and all I can say is thanks to God for the other job I have. My job is just not very busy right now so I am forced to supplement income in the latter part of the year and beginning of the new year. Uber is cleaning my clock and I am not the only one. Oh, and now, we have to pay employment taxes on the few tips that we actually do get. Thanks Uber! I don’t need to be abused by any Riders that are reading this forum because all of you know that you are screwing us, bottom line. This thread would not offend you if you did not know that you’re cheap. Uber gets your drunk asses home from bars on the weekends. Remember when Uber and Lyft were not around, many of your riders drove drunk on a regular basis. So everytime that you all use an Uber to get home when your drunk, that Driver just saved you between 5-10 K and prevented your life from being screwed up for a minimum of three years when you got a DUI. So, you riders that are reading this and chiming in, think about it. We saved you a fortune and you still can’t throw a few bucks to your driver. Pathetic, at best!!!
Don’t blame the poor under min wage paid driver for you feelings. Blame Uber’s PR and its outright lies to the public.. There was no tip and it was easy sailing for the judge to make them pay since the imaginary tip was never provided to the Independent Contractor who has been picking you up. Oh yeah they don’t work for Uber. They can decide to throw you right out of their cars.. Yeap.. No recourse either since the judges in Fed courts have been handing over millions to plaintiffs, states (CA) and lawyers. yeap the gig is up and the almost free rides are going to be a thing of the past. yes even the investors now are telling Uber to show some profit or else. Folks that were given license by Uber not to tip a service worker now have caused folks to rethink the whole thing. I for one learned from the inconsiderate folks of this blog that NO ONE should get a tip so F the bartenders and waitress earning a pittance.. No tip for anyone .. As everyone commenting or writing in this blog would say “go find something else to do if you don’t like the money it is a free country” yeap free not to tip waiters or bartenders or any self serving prick who wants me to give them free money. Indeed that is what you all sound like and you give each other audience to make yourselves feel good about stiffing a service worker. I for one have never been one as I am CPA and IT contractor but it is indeed interesting to see how the folks from Jersey and NY treat folks
Is that comment intended as a slam against NY/NJ? If yes, then uncalled for. They are more formal and businesslike and faster moving because big city environment. They are polite and don’t ordinarily strike up conversations with drivers to avoid distracting the driver. It’s a personal boundary issue and not like more rural or tourist areas where the driver could be a neighbor. Ny/NJ drivers also no time for small talk.
Well said buddy. Z
That was also befor Uber dropped their prices to 75c a mile.
That’s not including the 25% they take from that.
Don’t forget the gas Uber drivers spend to get to your destination, plus the gas they pay out of their 59c a mile they get after fees etc.
Oh yea and don’t forget the car note, cleaning fees,oil changes etc they in cure so you have a ride less then a 10 min wait away for your convenience.
Yes you’ve been “bamboozled” you should probably go back to taking cabs!
You can’t the person who wrote this article shame on those drivers she had to deal with…yes drivers deserve everything and more but the way she described her experiences which may be real or not sounds bad.
What upsets me is Uber is now sending drivers 20-29 min away from where we are. Damn right I call and ask where your going because this guy isn’t a charity. I’m not interested in who you are and if u think ur privleaged because you have a smart phone and an Uber app. Good for you but the next time you request this driver and make me drive 20-22 min away for 4.12, I will cancel the trip and toss you out. If your not willing to work for 45 min to make 4.12 and then pay expenses don’t think for a min because I took a job with Uber that I am either. Drivers are not expendable and if this practice continues we will see how fun it is when your back to taking cabs
That was back in the day before Uber cut fares to kill off taxi companies, cut driver earnings all while increasing their cut. Uber takes a 25% cut off a significantly slashed fare. This really is not about the passengers. It creates an us vs them mentality, when really Uber the company are ones with power to institute change. Uber however, has made no qualms about where drivers rank in their list of priorities. As a driver, my car is immaculate inside and out, I am a safe driver with a 4.83 ranking. I never EXPECT tips but it would be nice if I saw them more often than 1 out of 500 rides which is the current rate. An in app tipping feature would allow more convenience for passengers who feel INCLINED to tip to do so to a DESERVING driver. Those who want to tip will. Those who do not will not.
As long as you do not trash my car and are polite, I will give you the 5 stars you deserve a passenger but it would be nice if more Pax were at least conscious of tipping their driver. Unfortunately, that will only come about if passengers spoke up. They completely disregard drivers wants/needs.
Amen. I recently started driving for Uber 3 months ago and I am floored as to some of these tactics of other Ubers I’m reading. I guess when I told the customer the other night that as ubers we did not accept tips. No wonder she gave me a weird look. I clearly remember reading in the driver agreement it stating to only accept the tip if the passenger was insistent on it hence why it’s a cashless system. And as far as cancelling on a passenger I do not care where you want to go or how many stops you want to make YOU ARE A PAYING CUSTOMER no money is too little. Even a penny is more than what I had before. If I give you a good trip word of mouth is a great thing.
Please let us hear from you in like 3 months
Oh shut up you but kisser
That language was removed from the driver and passenger terms over a year ago. “Drivers are free to solicit and accept cash tips but tips are not required or expected.” I made the same mistake when I started back in December. It’s an outdated policy. Now I grab them with lightning speed and give a sincere thank you.
My guess is that the Uber X drivers in New Jersey are struggling to stay in the black at 75% of .87 per mile. They’re working for an unsustainable rate. The aggressive tip solicitation is a result of the ridiculous rates.
No service worker’s tip is required, but expected is a matter of opinion about the economics about the situation. At today’s rates the no tipping expectation is unrealistic. There are dozens of cities with Uber X rates between .60 and .90 per mile. It isn’t possible to pay for nice vehicle and still make more than minimum wage at those rates. The present system is advesarial, pitting riders against drivers and both against the company. Either the driver subsidizes your ride with his car or he stomps on you for the 4X surge price you didn’t notice when you were either smashed or had to pay to make a flight. It may be a pleasant seamless experience, but the ethics of it make the taxi companies look like the boy scouts.
And NJ drivers are also getting screwed over because a lot of the ride requests are to NYC. If a NJ drivers go to NY he can’t pick anyone up in NY and has to deadhead back with no fare to NJ and also has to pay tolls. Unless it’s at least a 3x surge or the rider offers to tip me up front to go to NY or PA from NJ I’m cancelling
That’s why people like Angelina are getting cancelled on. It’s not profitable to drive someone to NYC from NJ to get stiffed on a tip and then drive back to NJ. And unless it’s at least a 2x surge I’m not picking up any riders rated under a high 4.8
Very nice and professional driver. Good luck, you will make the passengers day.
Hello Jessica @55kisser…. I’m sorry, but who the absolute FK are YOU to speak for other “Ubers” not accepting tips ? You don’t want tips ? Then decline them. @55hole
@Jusef “Douchebag” Cristos —> You wouldn’t need to beg for tips to feed your family if you would use your foodcstamps the way they’re intended and not trying to buy Boone’s Farm with them.
Uncool J.C, very very uncool comment. Actually, just plain out mean.
@Mt … Yes, sometimes the truth hurts. If you can’t handle it, stop being a turd. Or just check out.
You must be the stupidest Uber driver ever- when ur car mileage add 50,000 miles per year for making 15 thousands dollars then may be, u will understand then. The cost of the car, gasoline and time is something you not considering. Uber is the greediest company- and since we don’t work for Uber, I as an Uber driver I have a right to make that decision if u worth my time or not. And when u are in my car, if I feel unsafe in anyway, I’ll definitely pull over and ask u to leave my car.
@Mimi: $15k is far more than you were making at Burger King. You should try and remain on good terms with your Burger King manager because you won’t last long on the Uber platform. They are good at removing illiterate douchebags like you.
The manic depressive wife beater is back! We are happy to see you still alive JC. Figured by now someone would have hunted you down and took care of business, cleansing the world of a person (word used very loosely) such as yourself is in everyone’s best interest.
WOW. Spoken like a good little Millennial living with Mom and Dad….or with no bills to speak of!!!!! If this is really your opinion, there is no way that you pay your own way.
Jessica is the type of driver Uber was designed around. In the end she makes some extra money in her free time and in a manner that doesn’t restrict other activities in her life.
It was not designed for turds like you who have been fired from every McDonald’s gig you’ve ever had and need Uber to actually survive until those food stamps kick in at the end of every month.
These type of drivers existing are the reason your fares are so slow. I am a part time driver, and I just drive when I feel like it. If the full-time drivers didn’t exist, there would be constant surge prices to get us part timers off the couch to do something worth our time. That’s the point of the surge pricing, is to incentivize us that do it in our spare time to get in our car and come pick your ass up. The full-time workers are the ones giving you rides on the cheap.
No tip =bad rating for your cheap behinds. Uber is already too cheap. Wanna go short distance call a taxi.
And bad ratings result in a low score which means the cheap skates may have to take a cab since drivers like me won’t accept pings for riders rated under a 4.8. Or as Angelina has found out if the driver accepts ping from a lower rated rider and they want them to take them out of state where they can’t pick up another rider (her case NJ to NY) they are going to have the driver cancel since they don’t have to take an out of state trip and know they will get no tip.
Or better yet walk. I accepted a ping the other night and the weather was nice and was in a safe area and they could have easily walked it and the one needed the exercise and it was a half mile. Was taking two girls from their apartment to a nearby bar. I think it was a first time rider because they had a five rating and acted clueless as to how uber worked (the one thought were required to provide bottled water).
No tip and you better believe I gave them a one star so the next driver they paged for a ride home wouldn’t make the same mistake I did of driving two miles thinking it was a five star passenger.
If drivers rate me 1 star for petty stuff like this, I retaliate back. Good thing we can see what drivers rate before we have to provide our own.
And that’s why we will rate you a 5 at the end of the trip, notate your ride and change your rating several days, weeks or even a month later.
I don’t think there’s many drivers that will give you a one star for just not tipping. I always give a five if the person tips. I only pick up now if someone is 4.85* or higher during non-surges so that makes driving Uber pretty profitable since the majority of 4.85* riders tip and if it’s during a surge I don’t care about tips since I am receiving more money. If it’s a surge and there’s a lot of pings I will continue to ignore the lower rated riders ping though figuring the higher rated passengers deserve better service and shouldn’t be kept waiting.
I can only think of four times where I gave a one star. One the passenger was so drunk (no tip of course) and threw up, Fortunately most of it was on the outside but I got revenge by dinging him with a nice clean up fee and also charging him for lost wages for the rest of the night with my car being out of service even though he was going to be my last ride anyway.
Another time I picked up someone at the airport and drove them out of area and was going to cancel the trip (I’m not required to drop off where I can’t pick up) and they promised to take good care of me. I helped them with a lot of luggage up to their house to be rewarded with a five star rating:) I think in that case that deserved a one star seeing I lost money on that trip. Thanks to them now if someone promises to reward me for taking them out of the area I demand the tip up front or they aren’t going.
The other time I one starred the same passenger two different trips. I helped someone make three trips up to her third floor unit with no elevators with groceries and no tip (I should have realized there was no tip when she asked me to go through the McDonalds drive thru and didn’t offer to buy me anything). I at least got revenge on her, a few weeks later I had a pick up at Costco for her and almost cancelled when I pulled up but saw she had four cases of bottled water:) I popped the trunk and make her load them. This time she wanted to go through the Starbucks drive through and I told her I would happily drop her and the water and other Costco items off and she could page another uber after:) Once we got to her building I popped the trunk and she had the balls to ask me for help and said I had helped her before. I told her my only obligation was to get her from point a to point b and like tipping providing services like helping with groceries was optional:) I know she rated me a one star and I rated her the same.
As far as dinging drivers, drivers look at their ratings as well and can change them long after the fact. If you take Uber a lot and see your rating go down you may be hurting the wrong driver since a previous driver could have changed his rating. I don’t really care about ratings much anyway.
I have never heard of a passenger cancelling on a driver because their rating was low but there are PLENTY of times I ignore a ping if the passengers rating is low.
Well, now that they have tipping in the app it should not be a problem. Although you should not be forced to tip think about it. You are receiving a cheap ride with someone else’s car. He/ she is doing you a favor and at least you could do is tip 1 dollar. 1 dollar a day adds up if they are doing 15 to 20 drives 5 days a week. The average drive is What, 4 dollars? Come on Man, come on. Let us not talk about pool!!!! Those drives are the worst because people abuse short drives and a cheap drive together. Pool is totally unfair man. Be more open minded and appreciative. You dont have to tip anyone but if they deserve it why not man. Maybe uber and lyft is all they can do for the moment.
*One dollar a drive*
At first, yes. Then Uber lowered the rates it pays drivers in anticipation of allowing tips. It took forever to finally allow tipping. When tipping became part of the payment plan, Uber did not clearly communicate this to riders.
You absolutely should tip your driver. Otherwise, they make well under minimum wage.
You are remembering correctly. But then Lyft came along and encouraged riders to tip their drivers. Uber was much less profitable for drivers, so Uber was losing its drivers to Lyft. Uber decided to LOWER its rates to drivers in anticipation of allowing tipping, but then took about 6 months to build in the tipping and tell the customers. Uber still does not encourage tipping, because it is better for them if customers think tips are built into the rates.
I started driving Uber after the rates were lowered, but it tipping was not built into the app in my area until two weeks ago. Riders are still mostly unaware that tipping is needed since the rates were lowered. I am doing Uber for the summer because I earn $12 per hour as a public school special ed teacher and I don’t get paid in the summer. In my first 40 rides, I had a perfect 5 star rating and received 4 tips, averaging $2 each.
YES. UBER tricks everyone. They use fear to control the drivers and passengers with the rating system, but now it’s backfiring. Drivers accept all riders to avoid a low accepting rating by uber and possible firing. So drivers accept with no intention of picking rider up. And since uber only lets driver use 2 destination trips per day (lyft is unlimited), this is the problem.
How does this work, Der? I sometimes get 5 pings in a row that are 20-30 minutes away, and eventually I sometimes accept one, but I always regret it, as it costs me time and money. I might as well not wear out my car. So, I I accept the ride and don’t pick up the rider, what happens? Or, are you saying to accept the ping and then cancel? That would improve acceptance rate but damage cancellation rate. Any advice?
@J.C. Except smart drivers will rate you a 5 immediately and change that rating later. If you’re seeing your rating go down you cannot guarantee it was a result of the ride you just took.
@Janet: You are assuming I use Uber often. If my rating average goes down, it is the last driver. Then they get a 1.
And if I ever run across an incident where it could have been one of two or three, then collateral damage.
@jc you should kill yourself. Thanks
@Jerkoff: Amazing how you can wank, type and drive at the same time. Please go on Maury.
I dont need to drive, i just take uber. Sometimes if i tip the driver they will jerk me off.
And as a rider, you too remember drivers who likely dinged a star or few even if you tip in app, mind your business, politely in and out.
There are bad drivers too, poop marks on seats, cutting corners on roundabouts near causing accidents, and the priceless newbies shaking and breaking every 3 feet at 5mph on a decent flat road.
We can play “month later rating change” game too, drivers!
One driver dings a star out of bias, a bad day or assumption that you left them an instant 1 star rating (btw, no one does that, we riders are onto the rating change game) or maybe expecting cash vs in-app tip over 30% I give on a $10 ride = all suspected drivers within a month or 2 or beyond get their 5 ratings revised to 1, 2, 3 stars!
So 2-way rating system trying to encourage tipping by extorting via stars in the end only discourages riders to tip every ride, knowing you might end up with some retaliation rating misdirected at you for someone elses star games.
I always rate 5 immediately, tip in-app (but star behavior making me reconsider tipping everyone), and see what happens in a month, or two, if/when things drop by.01 all suspects prior to date get dinged.
If i get out, rate 5, and his prior ride revises rating, driver thinks its the last rider, even if not, so they derate me without any cause, I retaliate against all suspects to day who werent all that great and it goes on, all it does is creates ongoing retaliation, discrimination, throwing blind punches at everyone in a crowd..
You and people like you really make me sick, seriously, nauscious. Do you have nothing better to do with your time? Do you really think a driver wastes his/her time trying to remember all the riders they have had out of the 100+ in a week, then goes back thru to change their rating? Do you know how big of a task and waste of time it is to contact uber in the first place and get a response that makes any sense? Real life example: “Hello. A rider left a wallet in my car.” uber response: …”I’m sorry, we currently do not use Google Play Wallet payments…”
You people need to spot obsessing and acting so damn spoiled and bored , find a hobby, start appreciating life and the little things, being happy to be alive, healthy, and grateful that you have the funds to be able to be choeffered around instead of walking in blistering heat or cold, or cramming on a bus under b.o. armpits. Be grateful to got a ride from a to b. . don’t try to get a driver fired for no reason other than you THINK they gave you a low rating bc you are knowingly too cheap and too unclassy and uneducated to tip.
We ought to be better than this…playing rating games? Grow the heck up. Be a good person. Its good karma to rate well, and you will see that even if you didn’t tip, you can still have a 5 rating just by being a good and pleasant human being. It’s that simple people!
Ugh, it’s brutal fir passenger
So, let me get this straight about the writer… She gets offended when drivers try to scam her for tips, and then continues to be offended when a driver solicits courteously by simply having a sign…
Wow. The woman writing this article is a real piece of work.
I drive for both platforms. I am consistently 4.9 stars on each. I keep my car equipped with tissues, hand sanitizer, water bottles, baby wipes, vomit bags, the latest video games set up for multiplayer use, and- oh- a tip jar with a stenciled wall spelling “tips” in 9 languages and an LED light inside of it so the words glow.
That, and neons on the bottom which I match to the beacon colors, which makes me impossible to miss.
But, let me venture a guess as to why I am not 5 stars… because shameless people like this want to judge people who are only keeping their own interests and why- because their consciences are bothered to be reminded that good service merits tips?
Get bent, lady. There’s nothing wrong with hanging tip signs in your car. People do it because it works.
@ScrewYou: You really do need to learn to read. She was talking about “aggressive” tip solicitation and gave relevant examples. A tasteful tip jar would not be offensive to anybody. Yours sounds artsy and I’m sure many would like it.
You need to stop being so abusive to strangers. You’ve insulted several pple on here that uve never met, for no reason. They are just expressing their stance and experiences, not attacking anyone individual on a personal level. Stop taking it to this nasty level. They call it bullying on teen social media.
@Girl: It seems you’ve also been infected with the Marshall & Michelle extra chromosome. Do you even know how to read?
Nice hypocrisy in calling me out for telling “ScrewYou” he can’t read while he can insulate original author of the article with impunity because he happens to have the reading skills of a dyslexic chimp.
In teen social media all the SJWs would be referring to you as a retarded douchebag. And the shoe does fit, so wear it.
come up with a new insult or two dumbass
Thank you for proving my point. Let me guess, you’re single, have little to no friends, except those weak minded people in your life you keep pushing around and abusing. You need a muzzle. You’re an embarrassment to any side of the argument.
@Marshall: They are not insults. They are facts.
Ok…..we all have an extra chromosome and all read like dyslexic chimps. Everyone but you.
@Marshall: Not all. Only you, Michelle, Girl and a few others. The rest are normal folks.
Weld that dunce cap to your pointy little head.
I just hope you realize that when enough people hope for something to happen, it often will. Buy life insurance.
@Marshall: Just like yo and your clown troupe had your hands out begging for tips and are now rich?
If you reproduce further the gene pool is screwed.
You must have not been hugged enough as a child. Seriously, you’re an embarrassment to your side of the discussion. You’re the equivalent of the terrorist groups that gives bad name to the Muslim people. Find some local anger management sessions, they are free more often than not, since we know you’re not likely to spend a buck on any useful and paid service. Stop trolling the web looking for a fight. I googled using your writing pattern and technique, found you on some Martha Stuart DIY gardening blogs, WebMD erectile dysfunction support blog, and a few others I won’t mention to spare you the embarrassment. You’re out there just looking to dog people. Like I said, we’ve got ourselves a real live adult (using term+ loosely)cyber bully, everybody! Step right up, no cover charge, watch him in his natural habitat, live, tweeting and typing away! We must take care of him as they are becoming endangered, but with a few DNA samples maybe someday we can clone him, just for history sake, a museum exhibit.
THOT: Obviously you failed ESP. Is there any subject you actually passed in getting your GED or are you also from Auburn, like your assbandit, Marshall?
You seem to know a lot about WebMD and Martha Stuart. Did you finally decide to take those antibiotics for that syphilis infection you got before they paroled you? That’s what causes your delusions.
But it is fun to watch you, Michelle, Gary, Marshall and the other clowns here with their sense of entitlement begging strangers for tips and turning all whiny little bitch when people don’t respond. Find a better job. Clean houses. Walk dogs. Sell AMWAY. Join a freak show. Stop using your food stamps to trade for meth. With a little effort and with the help of your parole officer you, too, can learn to speak at least one coherent sentence: “Would you like fries with that BigMac, sir?”
Wow j.c., you really need to stop embarrassing your mom, she does let you crash in the basement rent free after all. Stop wasting our tax dollars with your welfare checks and get a job, any job…I’m sorry, I don’t think you’re good enough to join these good uber folks, plus you would need a car and a clean DUI free record, but your old cell mate bubba found a great job (just ask your mom), plus he owes you for a$$ slamming you all those years in his lower bunk.
Ironic how everyone on here is wrong and you are right. You have one by one have been tearing into people on this forum. What is your deal? How did you even find this site? You haven’t contributed one relevant phrase to the topic. Your deep rooted hatred towards Uber drivers or possibly all people in general just tells us you have been rejected by uber to drive and even more likely were kicked off uber system as a passenger. I’ve been an uber passenger for 3 years, hundreds of trips, 5 star rating, and heard many stories of riders like you…You are a primary example of why the service industry is a tough job, having to put up with people like you is a task only a handful of people in this world are willing to put up with. And is why they deserve a tip! YOU wouldn’t be able to deal with YOU as a customer. You are sickening. Leave people alone.
@THOT: Your reading comprehension skills are on par with those of a dyslexic chimp. If you spent more time in school instead of staying home in the double-wide slobbering all over your step-daddy’s schlong, you’d have succeeded in smoothing out the edges of your extra chromosome and understand some simple one-syllable words. Instead, you give retarded and inbred trailer park trash all along Alabama a bad name.
If you find the service industry a tough job, then actually start attending Michelle’s special ed classes and learn a useful trade. If you could only learn to read a bit, I bet those chubby little paws of yours that keep your step-daddy happy could be used to earn a few dollars keeping other guys happy, too. You’d finally earn enough money to buy yourself a car so you don’t have to depend on Uber to go buy groceries or go to the laundromat.
If you really have a 5-star rating, and that seems to be your greatest achievement in life, it’s not because you tip. I seriously doubt your drivers accept food stamps. But they sure would give you five stars for one of your chubby-handed hand jobs. ;)
We understand. Old habits die hard for you.
Well now we know exactly who you are..if you would get out into the real world, you’d understand that many people who take a lot of uber trips do so due to travel, whether for work or pleasure. People who can’t afford a car also wouldn’t be able to afford taking a lot of uber trips. Thats a little common sense 101 for you, for free. But by all means, please keep writing your uneducated ignorant filth, it’s amusing more than anything. You do realize of all the people participating here, you are the only uneducated “person” (another term loosely used) here, as much as you try to make everyone else feel stupid, clearly you’ve described your life style to us, double wide, step daddy issues, and all. We get it, and feel sorry for you. Get out of the house, breath in some fresh air, take a dip in the ocean (your blow up pool doesn’t count as a body of water), take a class towards your GED, or just a class for the fun of learning something new. Get to a church of your choice, light a candle for yourslelf, maybe talk to a priest. And maybe do something nice for one person or say something nice, or in your case just better yet don’t do nor say anything at all, that’s a gift in itself. Just silently walk on by instead of opening that dumpster you call mouth.
funny thing is people remember that there’s no tip but they don’t remember the price dropped 60% since open
@Rob: Funny only to you it seems. You missed the part where Uber hyped the “all inclusive” part of Uber to where nobody could have possibly missed it. When it came time to stop rates, there was hardly any publicity at all.
Now that the app has a tip function, I expect that slowly but surely people will use it. You can’t change behavior overnight, but given time I’d imagine people will start using it.
* drop rates
i figured out why people dont tip uber/lyft drivers. ive been doing it a month after my restaurant shut down where i bartended. because people dont tip because of the service they tip to not feel like they themselves are a-holes! people tip a bartender a buck or two for simply opening a bottle in 2 seconds. they tip 20% to a waiter who simply takes an order and then checks if everything ok a few times big $10-$100 tips, people tip cab drivers 10-20% almost every time, people tip their hairdressers, valets, etc etc….. if all these jobs were payed by app and not traceable afterwards to see whos a tipper or not. bartenders/waiters/valets etc etc..would be making jack s**t and you probably wouldnt see many of them anymore.
in summary what ive learned after 20 years on and off of working tipping jobs PEOPLE DONT TIP FOR THE SERVICE THEY TIP TO SEEM LIKE THEYRE A NICE PERSON AND NOT BE JUDGED otherwise they would tip uber/lyft drivers generously. we actually have a dangerous job compared to the other tipping jobs as passengers are not required to take background checks and could be violent exfelons with you right there with your back to them. we are screened but not you, in a bar/restaurant hotel etc etc you cant carjack, murder someone and get away with it so easy.
The drivers feel bamboozled too. I cant you how many people think the tip is included.
I used to be an Uber driver and although I don’t condone tip hustling from drivers, I must tell you that if you don’t tip, half of the time the drivers are getting killed on any type of profit for your run. I think without a tip area available on their app platform everyone really is just taking advantage of low income people. (The Drivers) How hard is it to add a tip entry into the Uber platform, really. Uber and their riders are just riding the backs of drivers who have to pay for a newer car to be accepted by Uber, Insurance, gas, wear on their cars, not to speak of their time. ( Yea you go work 12 plus hours a day and not make even minimum wage for your time?) People should forget Uber and go with Lift or other services that make their software politely include a tip. Maybe in the program somehow that would be an add on at the end of the ride. You know, if the rider is happy with their ride. If you like cheaping out so much, then you should just deal with the Uber tip hustlers and accept them along with your econo priced taxi ride, OK??? Do you stiff wait staff also when you go out to eat??? Taxi drivers have traditionally received tips since their conception. So a company comes up with an idea to give a rider a super cheap ride in most instances and then takes away their usual customary tip and that makes everything acceptable in your mind? Get real. What goes around comes around. Someone tries to give you a commendable service and you feel like “aaw f**k em”. (A taxi drivers job is the most dangerous job you can find in this country, by far!!! )”Oh well, I’m getting my ride cheap”. Well FU too. Just admit that you are a selfish cheap as*h**e who only cares for yourself. Don’t play dumb. Your just taking advantage of some poor Joe Smo and you could give a crap less and you know it. Nuff said to you.
@Tim: I was ready to go along with you until halfway into an otherwise great sentence you entered Whiny Little Bitch mode.
The whole taxi driver / low-profit / cheapskate / screwing-us-over schtik is getting old. Yes, tipping is appropriate and now that it’s actually in the app, hopefully more will realize that.
But I seriously doubt that the great many who don’t end up tipping do so because they are dicks or cheap turds trying to keep you in poverty. There has to be another reason. You know, changing people’s’ habits is not an easy task. From the very start Uber was established as a no-tipping zone. Although that has changed, virtually every time you see the word “Uber” it is described as a “ride-sharing service”.
Yeah, ride-sharing. It’s not described as a profit center for someone working to make ends meet and who has gas, car and insurance expenses to meet. It’s described as RIDE-SHARING. Ride-sharing as in a guy is on the Uber platform as he leaves work and looking for someone who is also going to his same destination to SHARE the ride and OFFSET the expenses. If people have that in mind they won’t tip. Why should they?
People see ads in the paper for $1,000 sign-up bonuses for Uber drivers and think you guys are rolling in dough. I know some who take Uber a lot because they don’t have their own car. They know nothing about car loans, gas expenses, maintenance and insurance. They think the $10 they paid for a 2 mile ride is pure profit.
There are lot of reasons why people don’t tip. Try to find out what they are and address them. Talk to your passengers. The cry baby “everybody wants to poop on me” routine is getting old.
The fact that people dont tip or dont understand the meaning of gratuity is killing any sense of culture we have left. People get cheap rides yet are too cheap to spare an extra dollar or two. The bottom line is services like this make this generation feel entitled. Nowadays when i see some highschooler who im taking to their job at mc donalds it just irks me. Nit because i wont get a tip but because this generation is more concerned with convenience than actually having to put any effort into accomlishing something. Heres how you add a Tip it’s up to you to tip or not, but even at teh time of this article you could tip Uber drivers in the app just like Lyft. If you don’t like Uber, Lyft
Here in Miami cabs charge$0.85 / 1/16 of a mile… Buy the time to you factor in time that works out to write around $14 on mile! I believe that Lyft charges right around a $1.40 to $2.00 a mile, out of which in most cases after all the fees involved we’re getting 0.64 cents a mile or about $0.10 more than the IRS deduction.
The company I was working for eliminated my position and now I’m working for peanuts and yet people who are saving 9 to 10 times over getting a taxi can’t be bothered to give me a lousy dollar at the end of the ride!?! The funny part is that I give really great service and I get people that tell me all the time “you’re the best driver I’ve ever had” and yet less than half give me a tip!
Hey guys I am a rideshare driver. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been extorted for tips, that’s extremely unprofessional and your drivers deserve to be docked for the practice. It is totally unprecedented to give a low rating to a passenger because they don’t tip, especially considering they are the backbone of our industry. That being said, it is really underhanded to tell a driver to ‘get a real job if they aren’t making enough money.’ If you’re willing to consistently use a service then it should (to a certain degree) concern you that the ones providing it aren’t able to sustain themselves. It’s selfish to call them ‘suckers’ of an industry that you are actively supporting. The truth of the matter is that rideshare drivers are having a hard time right now because of the low prices Uber offers for short city trips. Let me be clear though, I think you guys (the riders) are already paying more than enough; the problem is that drivers now make a maximum of 25% of what Uber is charging for the ride. We are currently in the process of lobbying and striking to raise awareness of how corrupt Uber’s pay scale has become for the drivers, but we don’t blame the passengers. The truth of the matter is that Uber isn’t going anywhere because they’ve streamlined the industry, and it makes it hard to compete as an individual LLC Driver. I’m sorry to hear about your poor treatment by previous drivers, but I would also ask you to remain aware that a lot of drivers aren’t making more than $8 an hour and that doesn’t even factor in vehicle upkeep.
Sorry buddy but this is America No one Rides for Free and no one does anything that is not expecting a tip for their services all Uber drivers need their money that’s helps because they paid the gas to get you where you need to be they paying for the maintenance on a vehicle’s the wear-and-tear so yes all Uber drivers need their tips!that’s what all Uber and Lyft drivers live on is their tips not because what they made per ride!
Sorry, John, but Colleen is right. When Uber was launched and, in fact, up until only recently, it was marketed and hyped-up as a tip-free, one-price-for-everything service. Almost every single advertisement drilled into people that what the app charged was THE total picture. Period.
Now we find out that Uber has been scamming us all along. Some of us realize what a shitty deal drivers are getting and do the right thing. But there are a lot of dumb people in the world and they simply still know the old marketing hype. Your job is to educate them in the same way you’d like your 90-year-old grandmother educated when she makes a bone-headed move because she is out of touch with modern times.
Uber and Lyft are companies that provide a service for their customers. Drivers who work for either are “service industry employees”. It is standard and customary that folks who work in the service industry are tipped, in fact let me reword this. It is standard and customary that YOU provide a tip to any employee with whom you engage whilst enjoying the convenience or value of said service!! Simply any one who fall short of the standard! It’s simple really, if you hire a person to provide you a service and fall short of this standard, you my friend, are a deadbeat! By the way I’m including the following bit of service industry trivia just for shits and giggles …. The word tip is actually not a word, it’s an acronym. In the past it was customary to provide the tip to a food service employee whether a bartender, waiter, waitress or maître d’ up front, at the beginning of the service. This was done “To Insure Promptness”. Back then folks had a lot more class so employee who received a tip felt obligated to provide prompt, courteous and quality service in order to earn the gratuity that they’d been provided. Have fun and don’t forget….. TIP OR STAY HOME!!!!
Well I don’t personally work for Uber. I work for one of the competitors and I do know that they don’t even make minimum wage and usually that’s the case with all of the car yeah some of them are trying to hustle for more tips some of them used very rude tactics and unethical but they don’t make as much money as you think they do is specially with people that think it’s all right to not tip them they performing a service that’s known for being tipped so they kind of expect it and if the companies that we worked for paid at the minimum wage or better we wouldn’t be as greedy or trying to trick people into tipping.I’m just upsets me because I know that whenever I go to a restaurant where I use a car service or anything like that I always tip and it’s dependent upon their service if they give me excellent service they get an excellent tip if they give me subpar service to get us up part tip but it’s like pizza delivery it’s a minimum $5 tip as long as your service is good says the national ratings two to three dollars will it pizza delivery people ran on that they wouldn’t be making any money at all because a lot of the pizza places only pay their drivers whatever waitresses make with just three something an hour I believe and one of the biggest pizza chains of them all pays their drivers $3.20 when they’re on the road I know that is not the one I work for thank goodness. I could just go on and on about the working class waitresses delivery drivers gophers in general that are paid below minimum wage and a job classification that insinuated they are going to be tipped and then the person getting the service decides that it’s too inconvenient for them to tip them but it sure is convenient for them to pick themm up or do whatever task that they have for them to do. remind you I love my customers and I give them excellent service no matter how they tip me but it is saddening to think that you give them such good service and all they think of you is to stiff you.anyway that’s my thoughts on that because apparently you’re not a working-class person cuz most working-class people know what it’s like to work the type of jobs that you are expecting to get a tip on and then you don’t highly agitating and it is a stressful job cuz you have to be in a good mood be very nice to people impolite for 8 hours and whatever they do is right and then for them to not give you any kind of compensation to let them know that they appreciated your service it’s kind of disheartening and it kind of makes you in a pissy mood .and I don’t want millions of dollars at tips one or two dollars and then I think you appreciate all the good service or whatever but you deliberately stiff somebody because you don’t feel like carrying cash in your pocket that’s not the driver’s fault that they don’t put the tip line in there for Uber.personally I just think it’s an excuse to keep your money in your pocke and not be looked at negatively by your peers. No I’ve done exactly what you would like me to have done which is start a ruckus over something that’s trivial really I mean like Uber drivers favor drivers doordash drivers pizza delivery people they don’t need to make a living and support their families.and for most drivers and delivery driver people that are working for individuals and they work through a company are told by the companies when they advertise for delivery drivers or car drivers that work for us so make anywhere from $12 an hour up to $20 an hour and full-time people in that capacity can make a thousand a week it makes that job look pretty good so people end up and a job that relies on customer service and then they fill unappreciated for a job that was well done. now I’m not saying that all service people are excellent at their job because I’ve worked with quite a few that I would not tip I would tell them they needed to pay me or their service that being said you can’t hold that against all service people if you have somebody that does an excellent job or at least above mediocre you should tip them now that I’ve got all that out in the air you have finally given me my niche to start my blog appreciate it thank you I’ll talk to you in the future hopefully you’ll give me something else to write about and feel passionate about the under-appreciated and underpaid service people in the US. You can look for my blogs in the future and my name is Sadie. and my first one is going to be titled the underpaid and underappreciated service people of the u.s. thank you
You tip your food delivery person, your hairdresser, your waiter??? What do they all have in common? They are service providers and the same applies to Uber drivers. It is customary an really rude not too. Stop being cheap an give the driver a few dollars or like anything else future services will suffer.
No the tip is not included in the fair your perchance, Uber x rides require tips every time cause the rates are so low, Uber just doesn’t want to admit to it, that’s why we do Uber XL if we have that vehicle in my town Uber x is just shy of .64 cents a mile, and 8 cents a minute, XL is 1.11 and 18 cents a minute, tips are still necessary but not as much as x cause it goes to gas, or it’s nice for the driver to have a wad of money in his pocket to feel good, I myself have a party van with lights everywhere inside and out like a dance club and the cops don’t do anything about it, watcha think I do for Christmas, lol and a video game system and candy and condoms all this in hopes I get really good tips but it’s exhausting
Hey I found my old comment
I probably commented on this thread years ago but I don’t remember and I don’t know where to find a way to make my own comment so I’m replying to the poster in your comment…..,. You don’t understand how Uber works Uber makes extremely cheap prices most the time for passengers that is not sustainable for the driver because they tried to stay under the prices of taxi which is not reality you think that it’s cool that you only have to pay $6 and change for a ride that only goes a couple miles and the driver only gets 2.25 and you don’t know that and you don’t care you think that Uber just magically pays them something on the side and that you have the ability to tip if we provide you good customer service and you like us but you don’t have to so most passengers don’t tip because they think they don’t have to but the point is the price point is already too low in the first place that even though some drivers should not be talking like this and most of the drivers that do talk like this are probably Indian drivers that drive in America….or stupid older people that are even white people or black people or whoever that don’t understand how Uber works because he let anybody sign up to drive Uber just like to let anybody sign up to ride…. The prices are way too low Uber is supposed to raise the prices back up and pay the drivers more but they never do that unless you are in a certain city where drivers have joined forces in protested and started a union….. You have no idea how much is involved in Uber take a bucket of sand every grain of sand is something that can happen or will happen or has happened your mind will explode…. That $6 ride where the driver only gets 2.25 automatically needs to be a $12 ride or more Uber does not price rides correctly because they try to keep you happy by staying under the price of taxi and this is not talking about the times wherever you pay an extremely large amount on a surge that’s a different story….. Having a tip jar and a sign in the back of your car behind your seat that says let me know if you want a charging cable or candy or water and by the way tips are not included in the fair is okay there’s nothing wrong with that it’s called a soft cell it’s called kindly letting you know how the process works and then I’m open to cash tips…. The only thing I ever do is I ask the passenger now that we have upfront pricing in my city that I asked him how much they paid for the ride and asked him if they want to cancel it and do cash to give me more money and save them money possibly based off how much Uber charge them….. But in all reality a driver looking back at you angrily asking for a tip is because Uber keeps stuff hidden between you and the driver…. The driver is not getting paid enough money out of the cheap price that you got offered that makes you feel good as a customer it’s not reality you cannot go around paying these cheap prices for rides does the thought never come across your mind like why in the hell is this right so cheap how does this driver get paid….. When companies like uber start up they give drivers incentives that means the company Burns their own cash and they’re not making profit and then when they gain market share with writers and drivers and they like everything that goes on then Uber stops giving the incentives to the drivers in the driver start making less money the prices that you pay for rides are way too cheap and then what the driver gets from that is only an illusion that makes them think that they made money over time after looking at all the miles and time that they spent driving and the wear and tear on their car they’re not even making a payday loan that they have to pay back plus expenses on their car when the car breaks down and taxes on money that they don’t actually earn and then their income gets recorded on taxes like they actually earned the $40,000that the Uber app says that they earn but they really didn’t earn that with taxes and what Uber took out of the $40,000 bro she has to divide that from their income and on top of all of your expenses and your car maintenance all of that is what you call a wash you didn’t actually earn that $40,000 it’s just a payday loan if at all or you go in the negative because you don’t see it because most drivers do not keep a spreadsheet….. We are doing you a favor we are providing you a charity service
Had this happen last week. Lyft drivers were all booked so I took an uber and spent about 20 minutes trying my best to nod and smile during surge pricing while suffering through an attempt to get a tip. I thought the point of not driving was so I wouldn’t be frustrated when I get to my destination. blargh
Well now you know,, Uber drivers want tips.. don’t use them anymore as no one forced you to. Just as your bartender wants a tip so too does other service workers. Just the way it works here in the US.. No tips in Europe so that might work for ya.
Most restaurants in Europe do have tips. It’s in the form of a service charge added on the bill. It’s usually only about 5 to 8 percent but it’s added on (not to mention servers make a lot more in Europe than the US and have health care). As an Uber driver I would be fine if they had a true no-tipping policy (unless the driver does something like carry in groceries, stops at a drive thru, etc) and would raise the fares and compensate the drivers appropriately and add a service fee on based on the fare that goes right to the driver. I’m sure the people on here that use the excuse of no tipping in Europe would complain about that even though it’s how it’s done in Europe.
I have been to London dozens of times and the service charge added on was always 12.5%. It was not 5 to 8% as you said.
It isn’t always 12.5% as you claim.
It can vary. Some restaurants even include it in the item prices so it doesn’t appear as a separate line item on the check.
You really need to expand your horizons and stop eating only at the McDonald’s and Burger King near your hostel.
It’s amazing, j.c. has literally gone thru the entire forum and has insulted and contradicted every person here. Dude, you are absolutely insane. There is no point, you’re turned a topic-based forum into complete nonsense. Do everyone a favor and save your already limited prison internet privileges , stick to what you need most, face- timing your lawyer. Sell your nonsense somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here.
@THOT: Girl, in addition to reading comprehension, you also failed math. Not your fault, I guess, when instead of using those five fingers on your chubby right hand for counting you need to keep them firmly grasped around your step-daddy’s tool.
America would be allot better if his kind would go to Europe.
Walk for free. Period.
So sorry for your “suffering.”
Your Uber driver makes about $4.00 per hours, before gas and wear and tear on the car, to drive you. Uber lowered rates because they decided to allow tipping. You really should be tipping your driver.
Uber is at fault here, not the passengers or the drivers. Uber is not being forthcoming with their passengers about lowering their rate of pay to drivers and allowing tips. Really, tip your driver.
Sadly, decided to limit use of uber. I strive to be a perfect rider and always tip. My rating dropped to 4.96 and uber won’t say why. I was using uber for work in a rural area where drivers complained about the destination, took personal calls, and asked me to call them on their cells directly in the future because uber pays so poorly. I won’t do that. I’ll go back to using uber only when in a city location where drivers are less likely to ding me until I get rating back to 4.99. I try to use uber at times convenient for them to avoid traffic. One guy said he was missing lunch at midday, no traffic and destination 5 miles away. Why did he take my call? The driver before him cancelled at arrival point. Goodbye uber for now. Fussy drivers must prefer to make $0. People who drive taxi often have no other choice. Many cannot use GPS and speak little English. Their cars are 20 years old. Uber drivers have choices. To treat a customer respectfully. Or ding them for some imaginary slight.
@annoyed have you had drivers of a different race? Crazy as it sounds, I’ve heard of drivers who are black or Hispanic dinging white passengers even if they do tip. As long as you tip and don’t puke in my car you get a 5 star;)
A 4.96 is a great rating and I don’t think you’d have any trouble getting picked up. In fact I’d be more hesitant to pick up a 5 star than a 4.96 since I’ve gotten stiffed by a couple five stars. Uber gives all new passengers a five star and I’ve picked up a couple five star passengers thinking they’d be great tippers to find out it’s their first ride.
Maybe that was it. They were of a different race but not the two you mentioned. I’m white. I don’t want to risk more low ratings by calling for a car in that rural area because they seemed to want only certain areas to drive to. The other time this happened it may have been race related. The driver was irritated for no reason. It took ages to get my rate back.
Lately, drivers have been complaining a lot about what they say is their poor pay. Some talk about money non stop. It puts them in a bad mood. I thought I was helping them by getting a ride from suburb to city when they’re going that way anyway. Thanks for your reply.
In the end of the day no matter how badly misdirected retaliation affects rider, you will still be picked up in a right place and time as there are more drivers out to get paid, or just wait a bit longer and you will still not be picked up with your stellar 5 you are in a middle of nowhere.
Not every rider is great,but you get in someones personal vehicle knowing nothing of their driving or vehicle problems and hope to get to point B alive. And if they near crash they probably just assume you report them and rate you low for their bad driving.
Why rate at all? If crime or accident it should go to Uber anonymously, nothing else should matter, rating games are just that, we dont need it riders and drivers, or remove anonymity and make it all out open war 1 on 1 instead of 1 against everyone they guess or dont like
Uber needs to let drivers know the destination. If had to pay uber extra for this feature it is valuable
No one wants to wind up in an area an hour or so from their home with very little prospect back. There are thousands of drivers willing to meet a riders needs. Why the need to force a driver into taking a ride they dont necessarily want. I don’t get this practice. If a driver is really an independent contractor they should have more control over the rides they accept. They will be less cancellations this way. And if you are one of those unfortunate people living in a rural area save up your money and buy a damn car! Much more cost effective than using uber to get work.
Uber corporate is to blame. They should quit acting like drivers are well compensated and change the wording to “tips aren’t necessary but greatly appreciated” and add a tipping feature to the app. The app should also tell the driver on a ping where someone is going so the driver can decide if they want to accept it or not. Personally I don’t mind a short trip by my house and would rather do that than a long haul but there are other drivers who hate short hauls and would rather do longer trips.
Uber continues to cut fares which cuts the drivers wages.
Or better yet just raise the rates and compensate the drivers appropriately.
I totally agree, I Drive only during surge times for uber, It’s the riders choice if they want to tip but they are gonna pay more one way or the other if they ride in my CT.
Bingo. Uber X is a losing deal.
Automatic one rating
automatic one rating. Oh darn. I’ve been trying to pay my mortgage with stars I get. & the cool badges customers give me. I can’t figure out why bank wants money vs. star rating.
you really need to chill out dude, it’s embarrassing
I read all his comments and some others and his are clearly not the one embarrassing.
Agreed. Embarrassing are those sadistic persons who feel groovy about sticking to an Uber driver cuz Uber said they could.. Snide burger remarks further show their class racism to hate on folks that are less fortunate. Something about this blog tells me that many of those distressed with the tip and call factors are traveling around the world using someone else’s funds like dad/mom or wife/husbands.. Silverspoon anyone? These are the same types that believe it is imperative that we have open borders so that the immigrant less thans can server them and be treated like slaves in name but not if fact. Shame on you folks..
Uber will cancel the service of drivers with one-star ratings, so it does actually prevent the driver from paying their mortgage and such when they cant work and make money.
Not saying its right or wrong to give a driver one star for that particular reason, however.
Not anymore.Uber is having a hard time keeping its drivers so drivers don’t worry too much about ratings anymore.tgey just send their canned email about improving your ratings but will keep you around as long as you don’t beat or rape someone you get what you pay for.
Precisely, no rape, no no alcohol and just one star ratings.. You can drive all you want. Uber/Lyft paying a 1000 to sign up drivers.. So you can rest assured that you single star will not be the end of them. The odds are that you will be ignored as more and more drivers (from what I hear out there) will be giving a star every time you don’t tip. Then when they see that you have 4.2 or below they ignore you as they know there are very few reasons for a passenger to have a low rating usually related to being a jerk and/or not tipping.. So 5 stars means they have a higher prob of getting a tip. So it is probably more likely that a passenger gets passed over than a driver gets deactivated.
As a person who drove for Lyft and Uber, it’s Uber’s fault. Their pay to drivers is so low that it actually costs part time drivers money to drive if they mathematically figure it out. (Only FT drivers can actually make money.) Uber needs to add tipping and drivers need to bail on Uber and just drive for the other companies that offer tipping feature: Lyft, Wingz, etc.
One of the things I hate about the US – crazy tipping culture. In a restaurant with table service you can argue that someone should get a little extra for doing a great job – but 25%!?! Crazy. Even more annoying in a bar, where you get up, get your own drinks from the barman who expects a tip for filling a glass with liquid!?!!
Right? I mean god forbid you tip a couple of bucks to the driver that got you to your destination safely. No skills needed at all for that job!
So do people tip lawyers who save them from going to the jail? Or do people tip their accountants for doing their finances/taxes properly so that IRS does not audit them. Or do people tip Apple geniuses for helping them with their technical issues?
The problem is when people start soliciting/expecting tips, rewarding someone for a job well done is not wrong but expecting a tip to just do your job isn’t right.
Tipping culture in US is out of hand. That’s that.
It’s NOT a job. They are NOT employees. They receive ZERO per hour except what they earn as they drive. That’s BELOW minimum wages in most markets at most times. Unreal of passengers to get angry when a driver refuses to accept their ping from a 20 minute drive away fully knowing they are unlikely to get tipped.
That is not my problem. If you work for Uber and accept those terms, that’s your fault. Don’t lump your problems on me. I pay the agreed rate, you do your job, end of story. If it doesn’t work for you, don’t work me around to get it. Stop acting like the world needs to cater to your bad choices.
The upper class will never understand or care about those that serve them.The drivers are nothing but low life to most people.
Those professions charge and are paid plenty to cover their services. Your comparing apples and oranges. You are publicly displaying your ignorance as well has contributing to the ignorance of others.
Accountants /Lawyers/IT People are rewarded for doing well through raises and bonuses. Uber drivers don’t get raises/bonuses for doing good jobs, they get tips. Tip culture in necessary for jobs like these, or else you take away all incentive for those people to do a good job. Take away tips from uber/lyft completely. Get used to increased fares as less people will drive, get used to rude drivers, and puke stained carpet on the floor in the cars you get into. Anyone who remembers cab drivers before they had rideshare competition knows what i’m talking about.
All these idiots who don’t tip, gladly will benefit from the prospect that they MIGHT tip, because others do. People who tip subsidize peoples experiences who do not tip. You are free-loaders and assholes.
The incentive for doing a good job is not being raised a douchebag. It’s called “sense of responsibility” and “professionalism” and pertains to everybody from rocket scientist to burger flipper. But apparently not to Uber drivers.
Accountants and lawyers et. al. are well-rewarded because they aren’t high school dropouts and they know if they work hard there is career progression. When you start driving for Uber you know, in spite of that extra chromosome, that you have already reached the pinnacle of your Uber career.
Uber was designed as a rideSHARE system and not a source of full-time income for people who recently reached their lifetime food stamp limit. RideSHARE as in “Hey, I need to drive down to Virginia, maybe I can fire up the Uber app and find someone who wants to go down to Virginia, too, and I earn a few extra $$.” It was never designed to be a get rich quick scheme. If driving for Uber works for you, great. If not, move on.
Some folks will tip; some will not. That’s life. Before it was possible to tip in the app, I never tipped. Now that it’s in the app, a tip for a few $$ is pretty much a sure thing. But others don’t tip. That’s their choice. Nothing you can do will change that. Get over it. Save the whiny little bitch schtick for when the supermarket gives you trouble when you try to buy Boone’s Farm on food stamps.
Then DRIVE YOURSELF, MAKE YOUR OWN FOOD and STOP expecting it for FREE, you won’t be missed!!!
You are the perfect Venn diagram for autism and Uber
You just revealed your character. You apparently believe you are entitled to use people and receive privileges for free on the backs of others because you believe you are superior. Tip your server, driver, hair stylist, and pizza delivery person. They make less than minimum wage because it is expected that the customers will tip them.
You responded to my comment but think you missed the sarcasm in my response to someone else. I’m pro driver and believe in tipping them.
I think you are being sarcastic, can’t tell. This was a great article, happy I read it.
It would be better if everybody was paid enough in the first place so they didn’t have to beg for extras, other countries manage it.
The people being tipped are sucked in, that they are getting a better deal, having everybody ask you for some $ here and there isn’t exactly the great customer service America is famous for.
I too dislike tipping culture. I wish people were 1) Well paid and 2) upfront about the real cost. I dont like seeing $10 on the menu meaning $10 if you’re a jerk and $13 if you’re nice. It becomes a game where whoever is the jerkiest gets away with cheaper prices, subsidized by those who tip a fair amount. Instead make the item $12 and give the server a raise.
Please tell me how this would exactly world in the Rideshare community? You realize Uber/Lyft are just a mix of random people all over and good representation of your average person in America? “Tipping culture” is necessary in this industry because there is NO OTHER WAY to reward or incentivize good work/behavior. If you are a banker or laywer, if you are good, you get a raise or a promotion, etc. That is why they don’t need tips. Take away tipping culture and throw a bunch of random people in a car doing a job. You really think your quality of service would even be close to what it is today? The answer is no, and on top of that your rates will go up as people will stop driving until the rates become driveable. So rates now higher (paying more then you would have had to before even if you threw in a small tip), but now you’ve taken away all incentive for your driver to do a good job! Awesome! Tipping culture works to the benefit of everyone involved except the US govt (when it’s a cash tip)
Not only the tipping, but canceling trips when the ride is not “convenient”. I wasted 25 minutes in West palm Beach recently. First driver called me and said he was having dinner and it was going to be a while and he wondered if I could cancel. Second driver called me to tell me he was not at the airport. Complete lies. Uber then tries to give you a credit voucher instead of fully refunding your money. I’m done.
Yes Uber drivers should lose money driving you around. Drivers should actually pay for the pleasure of driving passengers around. Loading passengers junk. Having pax spill things. Puke in car. tear up MY cars interior. Who wouldn’t want to pay to be a driver!?
We know you’re an Uber driver because you both said so and your viewpoint is clearly biased towards that end. We get it…you think you’re owed more than you receive. Sure…that’s a valid opinion. But your poorly-constructed and non-sequitur retorts only serve to lessen your argument. At no point did Ruy mention anything about the financial loss/gain of the drivers; (s)he mentioned the aggravation of drivers cancelling because the trip wasn’t convenient (or, potentially long enough) and how Uber refuses to refund money.
If you dislike Uber riders so much and think you’re so poorly compensated that riders being unwilling to tip is a complete affront, THEN STOP DRIVING FOR UBER AND GET A DIFFERENT JOB. It really IS that simple.
You’re the reason riders are on here complaining.
Of course I’m a driver. Duh!
Ruy doesn’t understand that a driver might have to drive 15 minutes to get her/him. Then gets paid $3 for a short trip. Then might have to drive 15 minutes back to have opportunity for a fare.
I only drive surge fares these days. Fri/Sat drunks.
my rating is 4.87 1000+ trips.
Then get a different job. If my job isn’t paying me enough I don’t complain to my company’s customers about how they should be donating to me to help ends meet.
Can’t take the heat huh?
Kirk is spot on. And if I had to say which side of the equation disliked the other more it would passengers despising the low life drivers that come to pick them up.. Drivers don’t hate passengers as I can see. They are only asking, probably in some uncomfortable manner or another, to tip THEM as one would at a bar. Tip them as one would with a sky cap. Tip them as the structure of the compensation from the nasty firm Uber is so low that the only way to make a buck is to peddle. Would you tell a pan handler to go get a job if he/she had no means to get one? Yes you would so many of you have make that perfectly clear hear. Who the hell would wait for such an unreliable service like Uber for 25 minutes? Only a cheap bugger not will to pay a proper taxi to get the job done right. Uber is a ride sharing app. As much as Uber has tried to let you think they are your first and last resort for a taxi.. They are at the mercy of drivers who are Independent Contractors beholden to no one. They can, and will throw you out of their cars at will, as the consequences of doing so if they are deactivated is salvation from a bad decision they took based on being lied to.
If I think I’m being poorly compensated I am taking your advice and the advice of others and not taking a trip that loses money.
I’ve seen a lot of posters on here say if we are losing money for Uber find another job or quit.
People are doing just that and then passengers whine about that. I’m not going to drive five miles to pick someone up that is poorly rated since there is a possibility it will be a minimum fare trip and with their low rating I know they aren’t going to tip. Ruy is complaining that he is waiting a long time for a pick up (he’s probably low rated and drivers are going to pick up the higher rated passengers who are more profitable). Angelina is complaining about many cancels (If someone is having multiple cancels they must have really low ratings) and we all know she doesn’t tip on the majority of the rides and probably has a lower rating. A driver that doesn’t want to lose money isn’t going to drive to pick up a low rated passenger for a money losing fare.
People are telling drivers if they don’t like driving for Uber or are losing money to stop driving. Drivers like me are doing just that and not taking fares that we lose money on and these same people are whining we aren’t picking them up because we lose money on them.
Right on, UberRider! The answer is not to foist guilt-tipping onto riders but to organize (as independent contractors) and negotiate higher wages. As one who is unemployed and struggling myself, I can’t afford to tip all the workers who have a jar out (it really is out of control). *To add insult to injury here: not all the Uber drivers are so saintly either. I’ve dealt with some pretty shady behavior on the part of at least 5 Uber drivers in the past 6 months who fallaciously claimed (complete fabrications) that I changed my final destination so they could override my pool fare. In the meantime, they’re taking me on some bogus padded route that goes miles beyond my requested destination and telling me that the Uber pool app is “forcing” them to go that way. WTF? The first time it happened, I complained but didn’t realize it was a scam. By time 3, I had steam coming out of my ears. Try that nonsense on me again, and you’re going down. I not only demand a refund from Uber; I tell them that I suspect a scam/fraud (which is what this is, Uber Drivers/Super Rationalizers). And to fellow riders; ALWAYS CHECK YOUR EMAILED RECEIPT. The drivers get away with this by sending in an automated message to Uber telling them that you changed your destination (even if you didn’t). The circuitous route they arbitrarily take is the way they try to *prove* to Uber that you requested some sort of alternate location. (I think my driver was extra ballsy and actually cancelled my ride at some point (my phone was not online), wrote down my requested destination before doing so (or committed it to memory), and then proceeded with his little ruse. It took an hour for me to go my normal 5 mile route, which typically takes 15-20 minutes, even with pool. What a scammer. Watch out for some of these guys, It’s only a small percentage that will be this amoral, but still you can’t always tell who the nutjobs are. (sociopaths are some of the “nicest” people).
Yeah that’s a load of shit. One uber drivers can’t cancel rides once they have begun and two there’s no benefit from doing so as drivers don’t get compensated on pools even if they contact uber saying the passenger had a different destination. All they tell drivers is if the location they put is whatever to go to that spot no matter what as pools are prepaid.
If you do Uberpool the rate is predetermined. It’s impossible for the driver to long haul, or if he does he isn’t getting any more compensation. The reason an uber pool rider would have been taken out of their way was if there was another passenger. The app tells the driver where to pick up and the order to drop off in pool.
You probably got picked up first and the app had the driver pick up one or more riders and drop them off. You’re such a tight ass you don’t tip and you take uber pool and you expect the driver to drop you off you first before picking up other passengers? Don’t take uber pool if you want fast direct service.
I refuse to do Uber pool. A driver continually gets pings the app accepts on pool. As mentioned before I only pick up 4.85 and higher riders and I couldn’t do that with pool. And the drivers don’t make shit with pool and if he ends up with a single ride he still only gets compensated on the pool fare and even though the passenger is getting a regular X ride for the price of a pool ride the tight asses won’t tip.
A neighbor of mine that used to do pool refuses to anymore because it’s a money loser.
@ Uberrider, How ENTITLED can you be? I am so sick of this “don’t like it get another job” default response to driver frustration. I moonlight this. I have a job working for the State of California. I am a government employee who has a wife and 2 kids and go to school at night. Uber is needed to help fill the gaps and is one of the few opportunities that can fit around a schedule of pretty much a full schedule.
Do you tell the waitress who only wrote down your order, filled your glass with water and lemon, then delivered a plate to you to get a better job? No. Of course not. You tip him/her.
You then hop your entitled self into an Uber with an immaculate car, who literally has your life in his hands. You say thanks for the ride and get out without even being even remotely conscious of tipping. We do not expect tips. Waiters, bartenders, barbers do and you give them freely. The only reason you do not tip your Uber driver is because Uber gave you a built excuse based off an intentionally deceptive advertisement not to.
Then you get frustrated when an Uber driver sees your ping, 15 minutes out the way, pulled out of a surge zone, to be stiffed at the end of your flawless ride from a driver who spared you a DUI.
As an Uber driver for only about a month and a half now, I am still learning the ropes. I am finding it to be a losing proposition. Most times I drive during the week, I spend more in gas and wear and tear on my car and all of my time and energy driving out of areas I drove to because that’s where lots of riders are, to accept a request 25 minutes away, make $3 and no tip, and then have to drive back to the busy area to get riders. I miss out on lots of riders and it is expensive but I do it because of wears acceptance rate policy. Sometimes when a writer is a no-show, Uber even rips the driver off for the cancellation fee. I had that happen today after driving 10 minutes to pick up someone at a shopping center. The only woman outfront waved me over when I pulled up for the pick up. I rolled the window down and she said hi and I started the trip and then she said I didn’t call for an Uber. I waited well over five minutes and no one else came out looking for me. I ended the trip and contacted Uber immediately and told them what had happened. They took back the three dollars for the trip that never was, and refused to give me a cancellation fee for the no-show. I told them that I thought the woman who waved me over was the rider who called for an Uber but this was her way of avoiding the five dollar cancellation fee. As soon as I started the trip she said she was not my rider. I was infuriated that Uber refused to give me a cancellation fee for that no-show. All that time wasted and now I was in an area where it is rare to get a ping. You see why drivers don’t want to go out of their way? I’m just glad the ping was a 9 minute ride and not 25.
Perfectly said.
I’ve been at this for 5 weeks and I receive the lower rate and though I have a 5 star rating, I am almost never tipped because Uber wants passengers to think the driver gets paid plenty without tips.
I’ve just done the math. I made $4 per hour all summer driving Uber.
Yeah.. finally a passenger with as much hate for Uber as those drivers have. Great job Uber your plan is working brilliantly. Just as designed I am sure to piss off every single party to the transaction so that everyone else is as unhappy as the CEO and his mental issues. Long live Boober.. Travis. May it bring you many more boobs..
Yeah this is largely due to the crappy CEO Uber has. Their corporate culture and the way they treat their drivers all stem from him. He literally thinks of drivers as POS. The best thing you can do is delete your app and close your account.
I’m sure you tip your taxi driver so why wouldn’t you tip an Uber driver? You’re paying a fraction of the cost you’d pay for a taxi and someone is picking you up in their own personal vehicle. In most cases, the cars are nicer and the driver is more personable than a taxi.
Even a $1 tip goes a long way if every passenger did it. It would help pay for the gas they put in their cars, the wear and tear for every mile driven, every door slammed by a passenger upon entry and exit, the car washes and vacuums from things the passengers drag into the cars with every ride etc.
I don’t agree with a driver pushing a tip “spiel” on a passenger but downrating because they have a sign saying tips are appreciated? Good grief this society has become such an entitled, spoiled brat one.
>I’m sure you tip your taxi driver so why wouldn’t you tip an Uber driver?
Because Uber explicitly reached an understanding with both passengers and drivers, before any of them entered the system, that this would be a no-tip-expected zone. If a restaurant did the same (and there are some that do), I wouldn’t tip there either, even if I would typically tip in a [wait-staffed] restaurant.
Tipping is a default custom that can be overridden by explicit agreement, not a fundamental invariant of reality.
Silas problem with your statement is not only is it against the law for a company like uber to dictate things like tipping no tipping what calls you accept etc, but the whole tips are not required went out the window the minute uber started paying their independent contractors less then federal min wage. the so called restraunts that you dont have to tip at pay all of the employees aka EMPLOYEES way above what the rest of the restraunts pay in the same area. making tips not needed. now tips as a system i agree is insane, but when corparations decide to pay little then those tips are huge. in alot of countries a waitress makes above the min wage or has other perks, health benifits retirement 401k etc. America is way behind the time and continues to trend downwards
Well, it’s an open question of whether they’re “really” contractors, but even if they are, nothing stops Uber from deliberately representing to the customers that their tipping expectations are much lower, thereby making it so that drivers are unlikely to receive significant tips, and thus they should primarily decide whether to drive based on the posted rates.
Nor does it change the fact that there *is* a difference between a cab and and Uber in terms of tipping, which is that only one of them *specifically* acted to override the customary expectations.
Silas-your logic is spot on in both of the above posts. I’m done with tipping everywhere. In only enables companies to foist the expense of labor onto the disappearing middle class while the execs bag bigger paychecks, The middle class bears enough of the cost burden in this society. Let Uber brass pay a higher wage. If they won’t, then there are plenty of other no-skill jobs out there that pay minimum wage and even higher). If you’re working for Uber illegally, then that’s a different story, and you’re not entitled to a US wage, period.
Silas; You moron. “Well, it’s an open question of whether they’re “really” contractors”
Let me clue you in. The drivers receive a 1099 not a w2. Drivers are classified as independent contractors.
Then don’t drive for them? The drivers keep complaining about how they’re losing money while driving…so don’t drive. It’s pretty simple.
I don’t have a problem at all with that reasoning. But passengers that don’t tip also shouldn’t be upset when drivers don’t want to pick them up if they are rated low.
I don’t like losing money so I am doing something about it, I’m not risking picking up lower rated passengers that I think I’ll lose money and driving only during surge periods. If a driver doesn’t like losing money he doesn’t have to drive for Uber but he also has the right to do what I’m doing and refusing to pick up a passenger rated low they will lose money or giving a low rating to a passenger that is costing them money to warn other drivers not to make the same mistake.
And people that use the excuse not to tip that we aren’t a limo service or cab should stop expecting the services those drivers provide such as loading and unloading groceries, etc. I have no problem doing that if I’m tipped but if someone is going to excuse that tipping isn’t required then they should understand that things like loading groceries or going through a drive thru (yes there are plenty of passengers that ask drivers to do that on a trip) aren’t required either.
I totally get that tipping is optional. If someone doesn’t want to tip fine, but then they shouldn’t get upset if I refuse to drive five miles to pick up a lower rated passenger either. TIP stands for To Insure Promptness. If someone doesn’t want to tip and gets rated low they shouldn’t expect an uber driver to accept their ping or get upset that the driver will wait around a busy pickup area for a higher rated ping.
I think you might be missing it. The drivers that do drive for Uber are now only doing so in a manner that suits them.. They have fully figured out that absolutely no one gives a hoot about them.. Uber nor passengers. So nah they don’t need to go run off to another form of revenue as they are arbiters in their own manner such that they can get something from Uber, something from the passengers. You wouldn’t tell a pick-pocket to go find another profession if they found a way to leverage it up. So shake downs for tips, abrupt cancellations, I am eating dinner you are welcome to wait are all just tactics learned in the process of how to take advantage of the master that took advantage of them .
The great thing is, that understanding is officially null and void after Uber was sued and settled back in July 2016.
It is now no longer part of your fare, that is the official stance now. This is the new Uber, you agree to it every time you request a ride.
When Uber was charging double the rate, you can get away with no tipping. Now, tipping is part of the culture. If you don’t like it, you are free to pay 3x more for a Cab. Plus tip.
See my follow-up reply to the other commenter who made the same point:
Silas is another one of those persons who, much like the SS in Nazi Germany, gets his license to be an asshole from the fact that someone told his it was okay to do it. Being an asshole using a corporate license or someone nasty license is still the same. You still end up being an asshole who would spout things like if you don’t want to be treated that way then change religions and stop being a Jew. Just plain nasty Silas just plain nasty.
Not true at all. Uber used to claim the tip was included. You people didn’t complain about it then.
Silas, I understand your point of view. What Uber hasn’t told you as a passenger is that they lowered the rate they pay drivers because they were going to institute tipping. So drivers make much less money per trip and then Uber didn’t communicate this plan to riders. So Uber is profiting and riders are getting their transportation, but the drivers are now well below minimum wage, waiting for Uber to be honest about the necessity of tipping.
Janet, you are a sigh of relief. If even 10% of my passengers gave a $1 tip I would be completely satisfied that my gas cost was at least break even for that day.
10 cents per ride would cover your gas?
I’ve pretty much stopped using Uber because of this. I felt like a hostage one too many times. I’ve actually had to open my wallet to a driver to show him no cash and was willing to stop at a atm. They are my ride of last resort.
This is love to hear.. I think more folks should decide like this.. I figure these customers are the last to be asking Uber to fix the problem by either paying the drivers fairly or put a tip option in so that the passengers and do it for them. Since after all it is the passenger that is the ultimate paying party.
I think all the people whining about service/tips should go drive for a month. Then try to pay their bills with the lower than minimum wage in some cases.
Sometimes I do a trip for $3. Uber probably charges passenger $6. I have to drive 10 minutes to get to person. Help them load their groceries. Drive them home and help them unload their groceries and then passenger says thanks and doesn’t tip.
Uber ratez are about half price compared to Taxis then Taxi drivers expect and get more tips.
When ratez were double for Uber, no tip wasn’t too bad.
Now load your kids strollers groceries and luggage. One passenger was very upset that his Uber driver didn’t have rope to tie down hatchback so passenger could load plants bought at Home Depot.
Hmmm very rude of drivers to try to get tipped (sarcasm)
If you don’t like Ubering go pay at least double for a crappy car taxi.
I agree when rates were higher not getting tipped wasn’t as bad. But people don’t realize when Ubers rates are lower that means out % goes down as well and when the “safe ride” fee went up Uber is the only that receives the ENTIRE thing.
The final straw for me doing anything extra for passengers was a couple weeks ago, a passenger had six bags of groceries and I made a couple trips up the stairs to her apartment with the groceries with no tip on a trip I received $3.50 on she probably paid $6 for and then had the nerve to ask if I had any bottled water in my car.
Now I only pick up passengers during surge periods, if they have at least a 4.75 rating and am refusing to transport big items. If I am transporting groceries and they don’t have their wallet out to tip me I’m popping the trunk and they are on their own for carrying their groceries in (just like how tipping is optional on Uber, so is carrying items into their house).
I know a lot of Uber drivers are so fed up with no tips they are now only giving 5 stars to passengers who tip to help alert drivers who does and doesn’t tip and only picking up highly rated pings.
I’m the type of uber driver that one star all non tipping passengers.
“I’m the type of uber driver that one star all non tipping passengers.”
I see why you grabbed the handle “Charmer”. You seem nice.
I agree that a tip should be given when you go out of your way to help them with their groceries/bags/luggage etc.
However expecting at tip to just pickup and drop a person is wrong in my opinion (Taxis don’t deserve tips either unless they help with bags etc.)
However your logic of “If you don’t like Ubering go pay at least double for a crappy car taxi.” can be said for you too! If you don’t like driving for Uber, go drive with Lyft or do another job. It doesn’t sounds right now, does it?
I drive 20 minutes to an area where there are lots of riders, so I can squeeze in as many trips as possible. OFTEN, I arrive in the nearest city and Uber pings me to pick someone up 25 to 30 minutes away. If I go and pick them up, I often find they are only going a mile. I earn $3 and have to drive back to the city to get another rider, so I’m making about $4 per hour, and using up gas and wear on my car. Uber does not tell the passengers anything about this.
After my first couple of weeks, I realized how bad this is for me because the riders don’t know I need tips to make minimum wage. So, I try not to accept requests more than 10 minutes away from my current location. Uber then threatens to drop me for skipping those.
Another thing Uber does not tell riders is that when the driver accepts the request and drives to pick you up, they are not being paid and they do NOT KNOW YET where you want to go! We don’t know that until we pick up the rider! If I drive out of an area with lots of riders to pick up a rider who is going a mile away, it costs me a lot of time and I make NO profit. It uses more gas money than I have earned. At the lower rates Uber pays drivers because they added a tipping policy, I am averaging $4 per hour.
Do I want a tip for coming to get you on my time in my car with my gas, and driving carefully and being courteous and friendly? YES!
The entire statement of “tipping culture out of control” is absurd. It has always been a standard practice to tip those services for which the workers are not paid minimum wage, and the reason the emoyers do not pay the minimum wage is because they/the industry is expecting the consumer to tip, based on the quality of the service they received. It’s been a common knowledge practice in this country to tip your food service folks, your cab drivers (aka uber…cab and uber is the same concept service, just better quality and cheaper with uber), food delivery, etc and anything else a generous person would like to tip to any other person for a job well done. Are you not tipping your wait staff nor bartenders anymore either? So why would that change with your below minimum wage drivers? If you cannot afford to tip, then you shouldn’t be taking ubers, dining out, etc.
Yes, when your experience was horrible like with the drivers you mentioned, then ok, no tip and if you feel that uber would be better off without those drivers on the road, then anything less than 5 stars will do that for you, since a 4 is a fail.
Stop insulting the drivers and telling them to work elswhere!!!! You would then be required to go back to riding cabs, busses, trains, etc, or worse yet driving your self. They drive because the work hours are flexible, allowing them to handle their family, school, other work, during the day, and drive whenever they have spare time. Our economy is not great, so you should be happy people are out there attempting to earn a living instead of sitting home on wellfare!!! Wasting tax payer money!!! Be happy that even tho they are making $3 per hour more than not, they are still out on the road, if they weren’t then you would be paying high cab fare, or riding the bus. $1 tip won’t break your bank account if you can afford to ride in luxury regularly, not stuck sniffing someone’s armpit on the bus in the summer. Drivers are getting more jaded daily and more rude only because of the way uber treats them and the example uber sets for you riders to treat them. Be a better person, your God would expect more of you, and if you are an athiest then you definitely are better than this type of behavior, as atheists generally have more respect for all people no matter their religion. Eye for an eye, love the one you’re with, tit for tat, etc etc. But more importantly just be smarter than this , stop complaining about the “tipping culture”, and just do the right thing as you know what that is. Tipping is now in the app, so no more excuse “cashless experience whaw whaw whaw”, “I’m too busy to carry cash, to busy to stop at the atm that’s right next to me, boo hooo hoo,” etc (I have asked my driver to pull over at a gas station that was on the way, went inside, used atm, came back out, presto chango, that took 1 minute…and trust me I am busier than you since I don’t have time to sit and blog about vacation travel and uber etiquette experiences every day). Its now there for you, in the cashless experience app! Enjoy!
Uber drivers are self employed. It has never been appropriate to tip an owner of a business and that’s what Uber drivers are. They are not employees they are owners.
Business owners are able to dictate the payment they want to receive in exchange for the services they’re offering. Uber drivers cannot, hence they are not business owners.
Bet you demand water, candy and an aux cord on your 6 minute ride too, huh? SMH
Hi Janet, we don’t tip the owner of a hair salon or restaurant because they are making a profit already. They are paying themselves a salary. An Uber driver gets paid far below minimum wage and gets no salary or hourly rate. They get no money for driving to pick you up or going back to an area where they can get their next rider, or for the time between riders when they park and wait. So, tips are necessary to get near minimum wage.
I understand it is not your fault that you are unaware of that. It is better for Uber if you don’t know that. They are not clear with customers about it.
Keep rationalizing being cheap and not giving a tip.
We don’t control our tools. We dont control prices. We don’t control the app.
Just a for an example. I bought 2005 Prius to do Uber. Uber multi billion dollar company can’t let me know 6 months in advance what year car I need. Uber says that in less than 4 months, that my 2005 won’t work and I need a 2007.
Do you tip person does your hair if they own the place? I do.
Do you tip the dog groomer if they own the place? I do.
Give me a break.
generous with people. cheap with government. cheap with big corporations. Fair with small business owners. (my philosophy)
You make an excellent point, Kirk. Many hair dressers rent a spot at a salon making them “business owners”. I would never think to NOT tip my hair person because she “owns” her own business. Same with the woman I go to for waxing, etc.
The guy that cuts my hair is self employed since he does booth rental but I still tip him. The guy I go to for massages is self employed and I still tip him. While I don’t tip my cleaning lady who is self employed I gave her a nice bonus at Christmas which is like a tip. My parents tip their groomer who is self employed.
The reasoning some people use as an excuse to be cheap amazes me.
And in the cases I referenced above the people all set their own rates. I wouldn’t have an issue with people using the excuse that we are self employed for not tipping if I could set my rates. I’d rather charge $20 for a trip than have uber charge $10 and risk not getting a tip. If a lady goes to a hairdresser for a haircut and decides she wants her hair colored or another service on top of it the stylist charges her more, I’d love to be able to charge $5 or $10 if someone wants me to carry their groceries up to their apartment or charge a $2 fee if someone wants to charge their phone , etc.
A self employed person can chose the services they want to provide yet the OP is whining that drivers aren’t accepting short trips, if you want to use the excuse we are self employed for not tipping, then don’t expect us to accept unprofitable trips.
Thank you for recognizing that! Thank you!!!!
You may not control your tools or prices or the app, but you can choose to work for them or not. If they are underpaying you, quit the job (just like any other job!). You’re complaint should be with Uber, not the customers. You’re trapping customers into a panhandling ride, who the heck wants that? If drivers don’t stop doing this tip request bs, they’ll stop using Uber and you’ll be out of a job.
Use a cab cheapo
Sheesh enough of you. Hope uber shuts down and you cheap bozo and friends return to cabs or most likely to the bus where I think most of you belong for it’s Uber’s fault for getting you off a buss and into a cleaner more pleasant mode of transportation!
Shut uber down delete your app but don’t get confused between a righteous complaint and your cheapness
Panhandling is asking for charity with no work. Uber drivers are working for you, providing a service. Uber reduced their rates and allowed for tipping. Now the drivers are not making enough money at all, as Uber has not explained this to passengers.
When I go out and fill my tank and drive for 4 hours and make $32, I am working, not panhandling.
It is not right to stiff your driver. People who knowingly do that are the ones asking for something for free.
Don’t be a freeloader. Tip your driver.
A business owner certainly can accept tips if they are also working.
So you’re telling me just because an owner of a bar also doubles as the bar tender, that you wouldn’t tip him for tending bar?
You wouldn’t tip the owner if he was sitting in the back office counting the $$$, but if he is up front serving, I don’t see why he shouldn’t be tipped.
Likewise, Uber drivers are owner operators, they are actively servicing the customer much like my example above. Taxi’s have drivers who own their cabs too, they also get tipped. The excuse that they are owners so they don’t deserve a tip is ludicrous at best.
For those that argue that Uber drivers are not business owners based on not setting rates, that is false. You are setting the rates, the rate your agree to by contract. If you do not want to drive at those rates, you don’t have to. That is your aspect of setting the rates. I only drive during surges, that’s my rate choice. I also drive Select in areas I know are in higher demand for Select rides, that’s my way of increasing my rates.
You are a Transportation Company, Uber App is a leads generator. They have stipulations for how much their leads pay, you agree to those terms.
However, I still believe tips should not be taboo. If you don’t want to see signage, then instead of writing blogs demonizing Uber drivers that solicit tips, why don’t you help us by advising your readers that tipping should be something you do unless you had a terrible driver.
Dirvers resort to this because many refuse or are unaware that they ought to tip.
I have a Tablet mounted on the headrest as my tipping sign. It doubles as a means for passengers to change the music via Spotify Connect App. My tips have increased exponentially since I did this and I have a 4.92 driver rating.
I would much rather not worry about tipping if Uber would increase X rates to at least 60% of the price they are today and if they would market and promote Select more in my city.
Business owners set a pay for their work that you as a client agree to pay for their service or not. Uber gets around many things calling drivers independent contractors but at the same time exhibiting more of an employer role to drivers. For example taking large cuts off the top of fare, setting what they believe is expectation and disciplining drivers who do not comply. They force you take the God-awful Uber pool because you have to maintain an acceptance right high enough to their standards in order to keep driving.
I get passenger frustration. I really do. I also question why so many passengers are so angry with Uber drivers who are doing what is best for their business. I sat in a parking lot for 30 minutes the other day in a rush hour surge zone. Not a single ride. The second enough drivers flooded the area to take the surge off, I miraculously got 3 pings back to back to back. Passengers have learned the game too. Don’t be mad that drivers play the same games you are playing.
As a former Uber driver I’d like to say that Uber riders should already know that they are going to take an Uber and with that in mind they should make sure they have A few dollars set aside for a tip. The drivers are buying their own gas and responsible for the up keep of their vehicles. The Uber riders should take into consideration they are receiving the same service they would from a taxi cab but at a fraction of the cost. That in itself should be enough motivation for a rider to want to tip the driver. I drove for Uber after I was laid off from work and was in the process of looking for another job. During this time I wore out a new car by accumulating over 80k miles in less than 6 months. The drivers are seriously under paid. When you factor in the fact that it’s their own personal vehicle. I had a sign as a hang tag which was Uber approved asking for a tip but I can truly say that most people didn’t tip. The only people that tipped were people who would have most likely tipped me regardless of the sign. People are so rude and leave trash in the cars. They don’t tip and the driver could have performed a perfect trip and the rider still doesn’t even have the decency to at least give a 5 star rating as if that would have hurt them. I eventually had to buy a new car again because the repairs were so grave. I bought a luxury car since i was still stuck driving for Uber as i continued my job search so i figured i could at least increase my earnings with the luxury car. After i got the luxury car i then found out that i could not earn the luxury car rate because my rating wasn’t a 5 star. I am now working again and I am a professional person so when I was driving for Uber I did it with the highest level of excellence. Not getting 5 stars was just people being idiots!!! I hope I’m never out of work again because I wouldn’t want to do it again. If I decided to do it on the side I’d only drive during a surge pricing. I use to have to drive 12 hours just to earn 150.00. So alll of you professional Uber riders should take a taxi instead since you’re so hell bent on not tipping .
My Uber rides are around $8 one way. I tip my driver $5 everytime. Quit being cheap asses and tip the person who made sure your drunk ass got home safely.
It’s funny that you’ll tip a waitress who simply brings you food. But not someone who uses their own car for crap pay just to get you home.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Angelina Aucello,
You should go drive for a month. Then you’ll have more to blog about.
You can talk about the drugged/drunk people you drive. How much you enjoyed lifting people’s groceries luggage. How you enjoyed having people try to smoke in your car. How passengers make you wait. How passengers fake being on the phone so they don’t have to talk to you because Uber Drivers aren’t really people.
How people feel entitled to 5 star service for $3!
That would be freaking awesome! Bet the tune would change.
That’s crazy talk.
She’s entirely too busy to drive Uber because she’s out getting credit card points to travel the world! & she saves $2 from tipping her Uber Driver. Next trip Paris!
About Angelina Aucello
Hi! I’m Angelina, and traveling and deals excite me. Simply put, I’m a points & miles fanatic who takes too many vacations.
Hey, not everyone likes to chat. It’s not an issue of “thinking the driver isn’t a person”.
You sound ridiculous! You tip your bartender to make you a drink, you tip your coat check to get your coat but you don’t want to tip someone who physical maintains your safety and takes you to your destination. Didn’t you tip your cab drivers? So why not your Uber of Lyft driver? Personally you sound petty and cheap. And FYI Uber and Lyft drivers are your driver ONLY. Not your snack cupboard, or personal driver. It is NOT their responsibility to load your brat kid or their crap into THEIR car. Wake up lady, you sound like a TOTAL TOOL!!
Rich people don’t care about anyone that isn’t in their tax bracket.
Unsubstantiated broadbrush much? Absolute nonsequitur.
Nice try, though.
I really wish Uber would just raise the rates already. I would prefer to pay more for each ride and not have to deal with tipping so both parties could just enjoy the ride. Drivers being chronically underpaid is one of the reasons cab drivers have become so cranky over the years.
People who say Uber should just raise rates are just BS. Uber is so popular because of its low rates. MOST people are just CHEAP.
Yes I’m a driver. I like driving for Uber as I don’t view it as a job. I’ve never asked for a tip or called for destination from a rider. I gave riders 5 stars if nothing went wrong even if they didn’t tip. After 2 months of dealing with a lot of cr*p from riders, things changed. Most of it isn’t from people not tipping either. Now, I give most riders 4 stars and under. Tippers have all been nice(not because of tip) so they all have gotten a 5 star.
Don’t care about your star rating? Good luck getting a quick ride with your bad rating. Most likely a few drivers will pass on your request. Show that you appreciate your driver by tipping.
Uber may be popular now because it’s cheap, but there are *plenty* of riders like myself who in no way give a hell what the price is, as long as it’s not insane. We have been using Uber since it was introduced to our respective cities, and the convenience factor is what folks like me care about.
You want to know what is not convenient? Having to deal with remembering if I should tip or not, and if I have enough cash on me to call a ride. That’s half the reason I chose Uber *5 f-ing years ago* – to stop having to deal with cabbie BS. Price wasn’t even in the top 10 of my considerations, and I even took Uber Black at 4-5x cabbie rates when it was all that was available in my area.
Now? I take Uber 2-4 times a day depending on where I am in the world. I simply could not carry that number of dollar bills (or equiv) without a crazy amount of effort.
I don’t care about my rating, but I’ve also found I tend to get rated high tipping or not. Why? I hold up my end of the bargain. I’m there at the curb as you pull up, not messy drunk, and generally am a pleasant if rather silent ride. Or at least I like to think so. Get me from point A to point B and you get a 5 star rating, even if you made a couple wrong turns on accident.
If I make you wait for me at pickup? Go out of your way? Even unexpected traffic? You will likely get a tip – unless I’m truly unexpectedly out of cash. I make it a point to say why I’m tipping you when I do it – such as “hey, sorry about that 3 minute wait” as I hand you a $5 bill. These are the exceptions, not the rule.
But, I’m a piece of crap according to most Uber drivers these days. Oh well, it was good while it lasted – if I have to tip, I’ll simply go back to driving to the airport myself, and flagging cabbies down when needed.
What is plenty? A thousand out of millions of riders? Who knows but your plenty is nothing compared to how many people ride Uber everyday. If anyone decides to stop using Uber because they feel pressured about tipping, guess what, there will be a couple people replacing you to take Uber. You remember that short moment when that whole deleting Uber thing went around? I saw no decline in request.
Sure your argument will be against drivers because you have never been one. I’ve been both. You say you “hold up your end of the bargain” but most people don’t. Although drivers should not verbally request a tip, tipping signs should not be a problem.
Uber prices will be dropping. How do I know? Uber is rolling out a new promotion that will let riders buy a package consisting of a set of rides for a price of less than $5 a ride for up to 30 miles. You don’t get that you don’t want to help with the problem. Guess what happens when drivers get paid less? Customer service drops. Driver who provide great customer service will not be driving and then you will be left with “thugs” driving you around desperate for a $2 payout.
Uber’s usage by business travellers has taken off. A lot of these guys need a receipt for reimbursement. Lyft w/ in-app tipping, cabs, etc – all make this easy without needing to hassle with carrying around cash. So most business travelers, if not price-blind, are looking for reliable service at a fair price and minimal hassle. I’m happy to tip – but in general it needs to be electronic. I generally don’t carry cash. And I’m damn sure at the location I place the pin ready and waiting.
Uber took off because it was affordable and easy. If you force people to splitting payment types, messing around with cash – it’s no longer what either rider or driver signed up for.
So drivers agree to drive for Uber with the expectation that tips are not expected or encouraged, but then get angry when customers choose not to tip? Should customers also tip airline pilots since pilots are getting them safely from point A to point B?
Drivers are getting upset because rates have plummeted! You’re getting a private car for bus fare prices. Stop being cheap and compensate your driver for fast, clean and safe service. If you tip a cab driver, server, etc for good service, it’s a no brainer.
If an airline wants to drop plane ticket prices (and pilots pay to go along with it) I’ll gladly tip the pilot.
I don’t recall a tip jar in the exam room at my last dental cleaning.
Again if I could set my rates like a dentist does I wouldn’t have an issue with no tips. If a dentist would drop his rates the rate Uber has dropped their rate I would gladly tip them.
The dental hygienist, like you, has no influence on the retail rate charged for services. That’s set by the dentist and charged to the customer/patient. The hygienist gets what the dentist pays him/her via agreement.
In both cases, the customer has no idea of the pay arrangement for the one actually delivering the service. Knowing this, will you tip your hygienist and also give a litle extra if you had onions at lunch?
Why is there a tip jar for the Starbucks’ barista and other crew, but none for those at McDonald’s?
Originally Starbucks did not accept tips. McDonald’s opened in the days when tipping was not routine. It never allowed tips as it is low cost food, itiginally serving “starving students.” Now mcdonalds is in low end neighborhoods, Starbucks is luxury drinks at luxury prices in upscale neighbirhoods. But you knew that. Different cultures and customers at each location.
Pilots are getting way over 100 dollars an hour. Duh. Great comparison jackass
No. Airline pilots earn a very high salary that allows them to pay their bills and have a 4 bedroom home and decent car and live a higher middle class lifestyle, along with insurance, etc. They don’t buy and fuel the plane out of their own pocket. That analogy in not valid.
Uber drivers use their own car and gas and they have to buy additional insurance. They are not getting paid while parked and waiting for a passenger, or driving to pick up the passenger, or going back to a populated area after dropping off the passenger. When they are actually driving the passenger, they are getting paid a very low rate because tips are part of the equation. Uber just doesn’t make that clear to riders.
You see the difference?
Soon, very soon, you won’t need to to tip because there will be no drivers. I’m sure vending machines could take the place of many other workers.
Many will be converted Soylent Green.
1. Drivers usually have to go out of their way to come get you
2. Drivers are independent contractors – This is their business, uber is a facilitator.
3. This is the drivers personal vehicle. They chose what rides are best for them.
4. Rates are so low, if you don’t like it, take a bus for the same price.
5. This is not limo service.
6. Acting like an entitled jerk = low ratings.
7. Anything the driver does other than getting you from point A-B is EXTRA SERVICE. Tip them. They don’t have to carry your things or wait for you. They don’t have to make extra stops. Hell. they don’t even have to take you anywhere.
I think you’re confusing uber with a taxi service, or a private limo service. That’s your mistake.
I only tip if I want to.
Quit forcing the issue. It’s not your decision.
It’s obvious Uber is the bad guy. Advice: Don’t use them, don’t drive for them.
I am an Uber driver, and am sorry you feel this way about tipping. I now drive part time. All the extra expenses involved ($1,000 insurance deductible, additional insurance required by my insurance company, gas, maintenance, cleaning fees) makes making a living difficult with the new lower pay scales.
Drivers are only paid a base fare plus mileage and time while an actual passenger is in the vehicle. So “dead head” miles are completely out of pocket.
To generate a profit, I can not go further than 10 minutes away to pick up a passenger (I used to go much further). Additionally low rated passengers tend to rate drivers low and increase the demands on drivers, requesting additional stops, not being ready for their pick up all of this cuts into the driver’s earnings.
I never rate riders lower for not tipping, I rate passenger simply by asking myself would I like to give them another ride in the future. I am extremely happy to do anything extra but I do hope to get something extra for the effort.
Unfortunately Uber will deactivate (fire) drivers if their rating average drops below 4.6. So drivers tend to not want to risk their jobs by taking low rated passengers who also tend to rate drivers lower even though the driver does his job for them.
Please rethink recommending your followers to lower their rating of drivers, unless they truly want the driver to be deactivated.
Tip begging drivers (signs, talking to me about it, whatever) get a 1 star rating. End of story. I take Uber to not deal with that BS, and if you want to bring it there then I’ll play that game with you – no problem. I likely take more rides than you give out, so I’m not super worried about a “ratings war”. My 4.8 stars are fine, and a single 1 star won’t even move the needle. Bring it.
That said, I am also ready at the curb when you pull up, I know my destination – and likely better directions than what the app is giving you. I don’t expect you to be perfect, and as long as you reasonably get me to my destination in one piece (even with mistakes, I could care less – I mess up too!) you get a 5 star rating.
If I inconvenience you? Make you wait due to my mistake? Have you drive through insane traffic to get to me (sports game letting out,, etc.), or carry my stuff? You’re getting a hefty tip. You’ll also possibly get a tip (depending on if I’m paying attention or if I have cash on me) if you drive better than expected and save me time. This is when tipping is appropriate, and you’re an asshole if you do not.
Just getting me from A to B with nothing unexpected happening? If you expect a tip for that, rate me 1 star and lets get it on.
Phil, this is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I promise you that even part-time drivers give WAY more rides than you take. You are the epitome of the entitled passenger. You are not taking Uber 15 times a day. Period. Stop it.
Ummmmm there’s no way you get more rides than what we give out. That’s a really stupid challenge. You’ll lose that one for sure.
Please, any of you complaining about being carted around safely in a nice vehicle for a 1984 cab fare… Come to Chicago and try us with your entitlement. I’ll personally drop you off in Englewood.
All you drivers of lyft and uber. if you think your wages are too low and you are p—off, quit your field and go on welfare!! Self driving cars will be here soon, so use your thinking cap and remember, the field is greener on the other side.
Haha! You’re probably the type to complain about all the lazy folks on welfare too.
Great advice!
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there’s more s*** there
See, you are revealing your entitled, superior, attitude. “If you’re driving and I’m riding, I must be better than you, so I’ll act surly and not tip you.” That’s your attitude, and you are mistaken.
I’ve been driving Uber this summer. I am in my fifties with a kids and college and another almost there. My husband is a working engineer. I was a naval officer through the 80s. I have a bachelor of science degree from one of the best colleges in the country. I have an MBA from a private university, all of which I paid every cent for on my own. While raising kids I was an at-home mom, doing occasional part-time jobs to pay for kids’ sports and an annual family camping trip. I worked as a hospice volunteer sitting with the dying for 7 years during those non-career years. I was a steady volunteer at the public school for 10 years. When the career women couldn’t be there, I hosted all the playdates and kid events and picked up the neighbor’s kids when they were sick at school. I was the Sunday school teacher and the Girl Scout leader and assistant coach. And we paid the bills with my husband’s earnings, always, every month, no matter what. When the kids got old enough, I worked as a special education professional, helping kids with learning disabilities read and write and do math. It pays $12 per hour, 30 hours per week. This goes directly to tuition. I drive Uber this summer because I the school can’t employ me for the summer.
I am not at risk of turning to welfare. Not everyone doing a lower-paying job wants to be on welfare. Where do you get your elitist ideas and judgements?
Go ahead and stiff me, you snob. When I drive 20 minutes to pick you up and offer you a bottled water and my courtesy on your 5-minute ride, and I earn $3.00, go ahead and stiff me. I’ll live without your $2.00. And I won’t have to go on welfare.
Uber is about supply and demand. If the pay is too low, drivers won’t come out. If fee is too high, customers won’t come out. Uber’s policy is NO TIPPING REQUIRED OR SUGGESTED FROM RIDERS. Period. Drivers who bitch that the pay is too low should QUIT, or go work for Lyft, where tipping is part of the expected transaction. Stop trying to play a different game from the one Uber is providing, or stop driving for Uber, please.
And most intelligent drivers will NEVER pick up you or your uneducated, entilted friends unless it’s a VERY high surge. You need us more than we need you, sweetie. Xo
Can my driver ask for a tip?
As independent contractors, drivers may request tips at their discretion.
Drivers care about rider ratings and do their best to create an ideal trip experience. While Uber does not require riders to offer drivers a cash tip, you are welcome to do so. Should you choose to tip, your driver is welcome to accept or decline.
Please note that the trip fare charged to your payment account does not include a gratuity.
Phil you are correct. It was about supply and demand but don’t kid yourself. If drivers stop driving people you will be left with 3 choices for your transport needs:
1- Ride a bus and deal with the inconvenience it entails.
2- Catch a taxi and pay 3 times as much
3- Drive yourself around town.
Passengers and drivers alike make Uber work. I hate the us/them fight when really pax and drivers are actually on the same side. We provide a service. You pay for that service. We interact with each other and both are united in our feelings of Uber business practices creating a blurred line.
I understand what you are saying. And you would be right, except… Uber changed the policy. They dramatically reduced the rates they pay the drivers because they were going to bring in tipping so as not to lose all their drivers to Lyft and be put out of business. But it took them forever to actually bring in the tipping after lowering the rate they pay the drivers. They profited from the delay. Meanwhile, they did not make any of this clear to riders. So riders got used to a very affordable ride and no tipping. Now the drivers want to be tipped and everyone is upset. Everyone except Uber. Uber is just fine with it.
You are confused.
Uber dropped prices to remain competitive long before tipping was even under serious consideration. If you continued driving after Uber dropped prices, that was a choice you made. If you didn’t do your math, then you probably now know you should not have skipped school so much during the third grade.
Now that Uber has enabled a tipping function, It will take some time before riders become familiar with it and accustomed to using it. Some may never tip anyhow. Your only choice is to like it or lump it.
Seems like the tipping option isn’t helping much. I decided to give it a try last night and pick up passengers I wouldn’t normally pick up such as those rated under 4.85 stars and those who I wouldn’t even pick up during a 2 surge such as certain neighborhoods.
Sure enough none of those under 4.85 tipped and they can’t use the excuse of having no cash. I’m going back to only picking up 4.85 stars and higher during non-surge, not worth it.
At least I did get some satisfaction last night from two non-tippers which I normally don’t get. One is my wife’s hairdresser who normally gets a 20% tip so at least my wife is going to start saving a lot on her hair now that she no longer is going to tip her. Unbelieveable someone my wife has tips very generously stiffs an Uber driver (I don’t think she remembered me and knew who my wife is which is fine, I’d rather my wife save the money on tipping here than getting a one time tip).
Another passenger who not only didn’t tip me and left an empty soda bottle in my backseat also left what appears to be an expensive paid of bluetooth headphones in my backseat. It found it’s way to the same place that the water bottle did, the trash can at the gas station. Again penny wise, pound foolish. He got a low rating for leaving the water bottle behind but if he had tipped I would have probably overlooked it and would have driven back to his drop off point to deliver the earphones. Seeing he didn’t tip me the first time, I’m sure he wouldn’t have tipped me for returning them and I’m sure not driving unpaid to deliver something to an ingrateful passenger.
I started avoiding those 20 minute pickups and Uber sends me a lecture when I don’t pick up the ping. But Uber does not tell us until we have picked up the rider where the rider is going! I had a night where I made NO profit because I drove back and forth picking up riders a half hour away who were taking $3.00 rides and not tipping. I was behind the wheel using gas for 6 hours and made $30 minus expenses. Not a single tip. The reason Ubers are being asked to drive 20 minutes is that Uber can’t populate with drivers because they pay so low and don’t pay for the miles or time to go pick up the rider and the riders don’t tip.
This could be handled by Uber paying the driver and perhaps charging the rider, for the drive to meet the rider. If the rider needs a quick ride two miles away, and the closest driver is 20 minutes away, the rider and Uber could pay the driver for the pickup trip. Everyone wins and it is fair.
The long pickup drives to get a rider going a short way are a bigger problem for me than the riders who have been misinformed by Uber about tipping and the ones that are just cheap.
Owners of businesses get to set their own rates. Gtfo with that analogy.
But driver’s don’t set their own rates. If I could set my own rates I’d come out of retirement and drive full time for Uber. And we don’t even know how much the trip will net us before accepting a ping it just gives the drivers name, location and rating. I’d love to be able to text a ping back with a rate of my choice based on how far away they are, how fare they are going and rating.
Most massage therapists and people and pet groomers set their own rate. Use that as an excuse to stiff them on a tip and see how long it takes you to get in for your next appointment IF they even will even schedule you again.
I have never called a rider to ask where they are going but I only pick up pings near where I am and riders who are rated at least 4.75. I’m sure these people getting these calls are people who have poor ratings. If they have a 5 rating they are probably tipping their driver and treating them right.
If they have a low rating they are probably the type of passenger that goes 1 mile and expects their driver to install and remove their kids safety seat, leaves trash in a car, etc. Who can blame the driver for not wanting to drive to the airport (which probably means a passenger with luggage who will except the driver to put it in his trunk and take up to their house) who won’t tip for a short haul when they can get a passenger who will tip?
I get it, Uber doesn’t require you to tip. But Uber also doesn’t require me to pick you up if you are a low rated passenger or to carry your groceries into your house or install your car seat for your kid
Ugh! Groceries! I was headed to a city area for a night of driving when I picked up a ping 25 or so minutes away in a torrential downpour. I drove up to the entrance of Walmart and picked up 4 adults with their week’s groceries and got soaked helping them and was cheerful. Two of them got in the car and didn’t even help. They were going less than a mile away. I helped them unload. One ran in to stay dry while I helped unload groceries. I wished them a great night. They did not bother to rate me or tip me. This was after the app was accommodating tips. I made $3 for my half hour of driving and carrying their stuff and getting soaked.
They can see on their app how far the driver is coming to get them! They see they are only being charged a few bucks for the ride. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I’d never pick them up again. Where I live, we do get repeat riders.
Angelina you are an entitled cunt. Hope one of your uber drivers doesn’t do something to your house because of your cheap fucking attitude. I mean they know where you live. Sleep tite.
Really? Come on Man. Would you talk to someone in real life like this?
He has a point of sorts.
While I do believe in tipping the Pizza Delivery guy out of principle, he also has unsupervised access to my food for extended periods of time. I’m going to make sure he knows I’m a good tipper.
Now, Uber drivers know where you live and work. Maybe it would behoove most people to tip them To Insure Promptitude… or no broken windows on your house? Haha, I joke of course…
What a horrible thing to think, let alone post.
I honestly can’t believe some of the comments here. Spirited discussion? Sure. Different view points on the issue? Have at it, let’s have a healthy disagreement.
Calling someone names I’d be embarrassed to say in front of my mother?
That really makes you feel better?
I don’t know in what universe you think it is ok to refer to anyone like that, especially when it is to the owner of the site you think you need to visit and leave your insulting comments on. If you don’t agree with her point, give a reasonable point for dispute. But, seriously, grow up and get some manners before you start running your keyboard again.
I agree her hobby is trying to get something for nothing, then bragging about it.
But I would not call anyone a name like that.
Should I be tipping the city bus driver? He told me in advance that the Randolph street bus stop was coming up. He got me where I wanted as quickly as he could, and very safely.
If Uber wants to give me the pay that a city bus driver gets along with their pay, I have no issues not getting tips:) I’m sure a city bus driver doesn’t pick you up and drop you off right at your destination, won’t install a car seat, won’t carry your groceries. Or see if a bus will wait for you five minutes after he pulls up to the stop:)
I understand your point. But both situations are a defined arangement. In both cases, my pickup and dropoff points are defined. I don’t carry or require assistance with groceries or a car seat. And I would never expect either bus or Uber to wait for me.
Yet, as I read your team’s comments above, I’m only worthy of a “5” if I tip, and if I’m less than a “5” I may not be worthy of future pickup via the Uber “wink” system of ratings. Makes the rules pretty clear. You demand a tip.
The legal term is extortion.
Sadly, I’m actually a pretty good tipper in real life. It’s just arguments like this that make me see just who the “entitled ones” really are.
It was news to me reading this blog that the driver pay system has degraded. But the venomous (read: anti-customer) comments posted by Uber drivers here is astonishing. Last time I saw this was the Hostess (“Twinkie”) folks who pushed themselves out of a job/company (bankruptcy). If that’s your goal, good luck to you.
But on one thing I’m sure we agree: your CEO is an unmitigated jerk.
The bus driver gets paid whether people get on the bus or do not. He gets paid by the hour or gets paid a salary. If the Uber driver doesn’t carry passengers, he doesn’t get paid.
OK, got it. So you don’t tip at Starbucks, right?
Actually, I’m not here to make all these arguments. I’m really just trying to point out two things: One, how crazy/incongruous the US tipping system really is. And Two: how totally vitriolic and irrational these Uber drivers are being in the comments. None shuld be in a customer-facing job.
Although I don’t agree with what seems to be the Uber compensation policy, I am disgusted with the “blame-the customer” responses by Uber drivers.
Oh, and that those drivers hate, call the blogger a cunt, wish death on non-tippers.
You didn’t answer the question: why not tip bus drivers too? Wouldn’t it be stingy not to?
No. Never. We should be cleaning up this whole nebulous “tip/no-tip” problem in America, not exacerbating it with stupid stuff.
And there was no question of “why not tip bus drivers too?” except my own rhetorical one. It’s pointing out the absurdity of where we, as a culture, tip or not. There’s no rhyme nor reason. I feel terribly embarassed for foreigners.
A bus driver doesn’t use his own bus and makes a lot more than an uber driver. If Uber pays me the pay and benefits of a bus driver I have no issue with the passengers not tipping. One of Angelinas was not wanting to take certain rides and asking where she is going. If you want to equate a uber with a bus then try telling a bus driver that you want him to go to a different area than where the bus is scheduled to go. Or try getting a bus at 2 a.m. like she did with Uber in Atlantic city. If someone is going to use the excuse that they don’t have to tip a bus driver then they should ride the bus or at least not expect any better service than they get on a bus. If a passenger isn’t at the bus stop when the bus is there they leave without them but people using Uber expect us to wait if they aren’t ready. a bus driver picks up someone at a grocery store with six bags of groceries he isn’t going to help them get them on the bus and he sure won’t help them carry them in their house.
Again if someone doesn’t tip that is fine but they shouldn’t expect a five star rating and they shouldn’t be upset if a driver picks up a five star rated passenger and ignores their ping
Suggestion: quit Uber and apply to be a city bus driver. Either way, you’re not entitled to special compensation. But you may get great benefits as a public employee.
In both cases, the compensation scheme is transparent.
Good luck to you in your career and working through your anger, especially as you direct it at customers. You’re on a trajectory of your anger consuming you. I wish you well.
I do tip some bus drivers now that I think about it. The remote airport parking lot I use has a tip jar and quite a few passengers including myself put money in the tip jar. On tours I usually tip the bus driver. When I use a hotel courtesy van I tip the driver. I’m sure quite a few people don’t though.
Yep. Me too. Me too. Me too.
The examples you cited were all private companies. Exactly my point: the system is totally screwed up. I tip the Hertz guy. I tip the tour guy. I tip the hotel shuttle guy. Uber told me not to tip.
Why do we do this? The city bus guy. The McDonald’s hamburger guy. They get bupkus.
I’m not asking this as a disrupter; just why are some required, others optional, and still others silly?
There is no concrete answer as to why some service oriented jobs expect gratuity while others do not. Salary plays a big role but that still doesn’t answer why some low wage workers (i.e. McDonald’s) do not receive gratuity. I think another aspect is the fact that times change. In the 20s and 30s, it was standard to leave 10%. Over time, that number has risen to 20%. Some suggest even 25% or 30%. Also, the notion of a “tip jar” left out in front of the register was unheard of prior to the late 80s/early 90s. Now, it’s become ubiquitous in most counter serve places. I guess my point is that we may be seeing a tipping point with Uber where tips weren’t initially required, but as the social (and political) climate has changed, more and more drivers have come to expect it.
No. the bus driver gets a good hourly wage. Not the same as an uber driver. Tipping is coming to Uber in 2017. It will be added as an option to the app program and will put an end to this mess. Also as soon as the company goes public and the CEOs are accountable to the stock holders – Rates will go back up. Watch and see. Even so.. It will still be much lower priced than a cab but more fare to the drivers.
Dude i really seriously hope you are right.
He isn’t out of the job if his bus breaks down, and he makes more money. Taxis are expensive because cars are expensive to maintain. Uber is cheap because everyone involved isn’t math-ing properly.
For all the non-tippers can I ask why you feel the need to NOT tip your Uber other than the fact the company enabled you to believe this is ok.
I am talking in particular if you tip for services such as the barber/hair stylist, the server, the bartender, the valet, the bell hop at a hotel, the cleaning lady at a hotel, and last but not least the taxi driver.
I stated before, I do not drive for tips nor do I expect them. They are VERY rare. I am a little confused as to why the notion is met with such venom though. The get a better job answer is not spewed to the other jobs in question. Your Uber driver is literally coming into the game with a $20,000 piece of equipment, must maintain that $20,000 piece of equipment completely out of pocket and Uber gets to tell you how new it should be. We incur business expenses to provide you nice ride such as car washes 3 times a week, oil changes every month when you only give an oil change to your personal car every 3-5 months, purchasing iphone chargers even though I have an adroid. Not to mention, physically cleaning windows and vacuuming daily.
You mean to tell me you cannot spare a buck to the polite, respectful driver who picked you up in a spotless 2015 toyota with leather, perfectly air conditioned at 70 degrees and dropped you off safely in front of your driveway?
You are all the kind of people us p/t drivers dream of having on our last day. Just keep it up and one of you will end up on Youtube crying in a squad car one day :)
Yes. In Portland recently my driver put a dollar bill folded, pinched in her center console. It was so perfectly placed that it had to be a tacit indicator for a tip. I think Uber should go back to including the tip automatically, and if someone wishes to tip more, they may. They could also put it in the app AFTER the rider has left the vehicle. I wouldn’t mind that. I’d like that. This way I tip via the app, not in cash, and that’s how it is.
Hello Fam,
I’ve read comments from Kirk and Janet that make me as, “wait what?”
I’ll start out by saying, I agree. There are some riders that do weird things. If the drivers don’t help out with groceries, car seats etc.. then who cares. A rider should not base their rating or tipping based of if a driver did or did not do those things. If a driver does do this, then, yes, hopefully there is tipping involved.
Next, y’all know you work for Uber right? Maybe not, because it’s a cashless service. They pride themselves on being a cashless service regardless of how shitty their values are. A lot of times drivers don’t have cash on them. The app doesn’t have a tip option like Lyft. So how the heck would you want someone to tip with no cash? You ask Angelina to step in your shoes to be an Uber driver. Why in the heck would she want to do that? She was passionate about something, did it and is successful at it. With your philosophy, why don’t you stop and realize how shitty Uber treats you or pays you (which you have) and Step 2. Look for another job or perhaps a career. Try McDonald’s if anything. Nothing wrong with that. You don’t control your tools. You don’t control the app, but dang I can’t wrap my mind around the concept that you can’t leave a job you feel underpaid and undervalued and do something else. Like really? If that’s too hard, try lyft. But don’t bash on people or give them a lower rating for not wanting to tip when it isn’t mandatory. Come on now.
I only do Uber for extra cash and fortunately I don’t have to depend on it for a living. With these suggestions of knowing we work for uber and don’t like it do something else, I sort of am doing something about it.
Seeing the latest rate cuts (which means the driver gets paid less), I rarely drive unless it’s a decent surge that way I am not losing money if passengers don’t tip. If it’s a high demand period I only pick up higher rated passengers, even if I don’t get a tip (and there are some passengers that won’t tip during surge that will during non-surge just due to the higher fare an I’m fine with that) I figure I’m making sure a more valuable passenger is getting picked up first. If it’s a night without a surge I am not driving very far to pick up a low rated passenger, that way I’m not driving 5 miles to pick up a fare I make $3 off of with no tip. Passengers are under no obligation to tip and a driver is under no obligation to pick up a poorly rated passenger that is far away. I’d love to see these passengers that say they are under no obligation to tip and if we don’t like it to find another job go to bar and tell the bartender that and see how fast they get their next drink:)
Uber sold the cashless transaction. Then cut drivers rates in half. Then the courts said Drivers are welcome to try to get CASH tips. Although many riders still want to believe cashless transactions. Hence reason cheesy tip cups. I don’t have a sign or cup. I appreciate every tip I get. & appreciate other drivers educating pax that the tip is NOT included. Tips make me feel like people are generous.
How I rate my riders. pax either get 5 stars or 1 star. I’ve only given two one stars. Both puked.
This is not my main form of income. I’ve only been doing it for 4 months. I do not like 25% of my earnings going to Uber. Feel I’m fueling the evil empire. Pax use it cause it’s cheap. Many drivers are “trapped.” trying to pay bills keep their car running and probably don’t have any current prospects. Lyft is coming to my market but is not here yet. & Uber told/sold new drivers a line of BS like saying drivers were making $90k.
Passengers are little out of control for service they expect for rates they are paying. Many “trapped” Uber drivers are terrified of their rating falling below 4.6. So a 4 star rating for a driver means they should no longer be able to drive. So out of fear, these drivers will wait with bunch of drunks at McDonald’s drive through making $6 an hour.
I think in another post Angelina blogger told a driver to not start the meter until kids car seats were installed and her stroller loaded. So driver works 10 minutes for FREE. Taking advantage of Uber’s BS rating system which allows pax to make crazy service requests or else get driver fired. New drivers put up with this until they realize how little they are making wearing out their car. Many of the drivers are a little/lot ignorant of costs and income.
I’m ok being deactivated. I like most of my pax. Although driving a coke head to a stripper’s apartment made me lose a little faith. I normally have 3 similar episodes to this each night.
Bottom line I enjoy turning on app whenever I want. Clueless pax that don’t understand I drove 20 minutes to make $3 do piss me off. Then they expect red carpet service. Of course Uber won’t share with its drivers how long the trip is going to be.
As far as Angelina driving Uber. Typically if you can’t do someone else’s job better than them or you don’t want their job, dont whine about how they do it.
Troll title?
Uber Driver Tip-Hustling Schemes Are Getting Out of Control
She hasn’t responded to any comments yet as far as I can tell. Guessing she’s off vacationing/harassing some poor trapped ignorant Uber Driver about driving her and her wet sandy family back from the beach. telling driver Don’t start the meter until all car seats, my beach umbrella is loaded. Then getting out not tipping and whining that the Uber driver didn’t provide her with ice cold water for a $3 fare. Then writing another post about how horrible her worthless driver was on vacation after she her family left drivers car all wet and sandy.
I actually do feel bad posting here and increasing her blog content.
I am in the process of making the switch to Lyft. I’ll probably do both until more riders become aware of Lyft.
I rate almost every rider 5 stars. Honestly, I have enjoyed my riders in the 6 weeks or so I’ve been doing Uber. But I have reached the point where if someone “expects” a service such as driving far to pick them up for a short ride or leaving their used tissues and coke cans or wanting to make stops, I expect a tip. If I don’t get one after I’ve rated the 5 stars, I go back in and change the rating to a 2. I site the reason, such as “discovered rider left disgusting trash after I rated him a 5.” Lets see how many drivers will go 20 minutes to pick up a rider with a 3 average. He can call a cab, or drink at home.
Altogether is one word, with one L.
Hello Angelina
Enjoy increased wait times as you get 1 stars & drivers specifically request not to be matched with you.
So, even tho tipping is optional?
You are confused.
If all these “professionals” knew that the folks who tip are your regular joes … who may not be doing as well as them , they would and should be embarrassed.
I drive very part time, I don’t expect anything but I take notice and review all my trips. When I even see $1 it puts a smile on my face.
I always tip, period end of story. These folks are so self entitled. Now excuse me while I go back to my big nice house, beautiful family and put my head down knowing I shaft nobody I come across in life and put a smile on my face.
Do you do the same….
TPOL hates tipping! Charge more or leave me alone. And I used to bartend and wait tables and I drove a taxi, a real one, not Uber. I’ll begrudgingly tip bc American etiquette calls for it but I’ll never tip the Uber guy! That’s the whole point of Uber. And I agree, who carries cash!
Why bother with tips? They are not required by law. It’s money out of your pocket to a person you’ll likely never see again. I never leave tips for anything – there’s no point.
Wow! I bet your mother is really proud!
I believe drivers,hotel maids and many service folks are not paid enough for making the life of others more convenient.
Convenience is a huge help to busy people.
Please don’t cheap out at the expense of others.
America, you need to move on from tipping.
Signed, the rest of the civilised world.
Driver here. 3k trips. Many to the airport, and I can almost remember every rare occasion that I gotten tips. At the beginning I used to be so nice and cordial. Now I barely talk to passengers. If I see they have luggage I only open the trunk, even when it’s women. It kills me to just sit there while they load/unload their heavy bags. But I got tired of entertaining, driving and lifting heavy bags to just get a “thank you” while the cab driver in front of me is getting cash plus the thank you. I can see how not everyone carries cash and how the cashless transaction is one of Uber’s key advantages but it can be very frustrating when you take 4 people @ 3am to their expensive home and only make $4. Not one of those 4 riders has a couple of dollars? It’s great not having to worry about tips but you DO have to tip almost everyone else. Did you not tip the bartender who just got you so drunk you can’t drive? Some trips are long and cost a lot – we are actually grateful for those and Dot care about tips but if we both know you are paying $5 instead of a $15(cab), why not throw us $2 or $3? So maybe the problem is all the shirt trips which only leave us $4 with no tip that keep us from taking the long trips in which we don’t care about tipping.
I live in a country that doesn’t have Uber. We have a clone of sorts, along with the regular taxi service, and nobody expects (nor offers) a tip there. It’s hilarious to me when I read how much sense of entitlement Uber drivers have, at least in the comment section here. Are you really serious when you expect an already paying customer to compensate you in place of the company you work for? And you’re comparing yourselves with taxis, saying they’re crappy but people still tip? Here’s an idea: go ride a taxi instead of Uber and quit whining for crying out loud.
Yes, we are so entitled, wanting tips for our efforts when the pay structure is based largely on tipping. You are a freeloader, wanting other people to work for you for free. Who’s really the entitled one?
> Then I’ve discovered first-hand that more and more Uber riders are calling ahead to ask for your destination to see if it’s “worth it” to pick you up.
I think you meant to say the *drivers* are calling ahead.
I agree with you that tipping in general is getting out of hand and I’d like to see the whole practice die in favor of just paying fairly from the start. (This goes for restaurants too.)
I think you mean DRIVERS vs RIDERS here >> “Then I’ve discovered first-hand that more and more Uber riders…”
I live in NYC and take Uber a couple times a week, I’ve never once had anyone try to hustle a tip from me.
But what does bother me more than anything is the terrible air-freshner / cologne combo that so many drivers seem to think is a FEATURE vs. a BUG with their cars. It’s out of control with 50% or more of my rides requiring me to hang my head out the window like a dog because these guys don’t realize how toxic their cars smell.
There sure are a lot of problems with Uber these days. I haven’t received those calls or texts asking for the destination but I do know if you cancel Uber charges you a $5 fee. So if the driver wants to cancel, they should do the cancelling not you.
As a rider AND driver of Uber, I understand both sides to the issue.
I drive for extra money, but don’t rely on it to survive. It would be a tough way to make a full time living. Driving part time allows me to cherry pick the most profitable time of the week and avoid “down times/non surge rides”
What riders need to understand is that they are getting an incredible deal when they take Uber at non-surge rates. The margin for drivers is incredibly low… In fact, depend on travel time to pickup and whether it is a short enough ride…it may COST the driver money.
The expectation by SOME riders for their patronage is simply over the top. They expect you to provide a water, a snack and be allowed to stop for a coffee (while the driver makes pennies) while waiting.
These expectations have soured many drivers to the process. They shouldn’t demand tips, but at the same time, it’s tough to swallow LOSING money to provide a service to someone who doesn’t seem to appreciate what they just got.
I don’t down rate riders for no tip, but I certainly do avoid those with low ratings and down rate for a poor attitude.
If you knew you could make a drivers day by handing them $1 (for an already cut rate service) and in the same action ensure your own high rating. Why wouldn’t you?
The whole “cashless” society thing is just a cop out. When I ride, I make sure I have a couple bucks on hand… It’s not like you need to line up at a bank to withdraw money any more. There are ATMs on every corner.
Multiple things going on. I never really thought to push the boundaries of hospitality when getting an uber, so I can see how a few bad apples can ruin the service for everyone. Just rate those people 1 stars. If they added a place where people can tip with their cards, that’ll be great. People tip more with cards than cash anyways. Also it’s not the customer’s fault that uber doesn’t give you a good wage. If you don’t like the pay, don’t apply for the job.
If I could get away with tipping nobody ever, I would. US tipping culture is just downright terrible. Raise prices and compensation if you need to but I don’t want to play the stupid game of tipping.
I’ve never been harassed for a tip but I’ve had multiple cancellations because my destination wasn’t ‘convenient’. I just give the driver 1 star (wish I could give zero) and request a refund. What the world has come to when yellow cabs are still preferred over this.
Cancelled trips do not allow to be rated. Cancellations by drivers before they get to your pickup point and wait 5 minutes do not get charged a cancel fee. Riders only get charged a cancel fee if they cancel after 5 minutes from requesting the ride or driver waited 5 minutes at pickup location.
In all the above cases, you still can’t rate the driver.
I had a rider not show up. I called him and reminded him I was there waiting and he said his plans changed. I was polite about it and asked him if he would please cancel the request so I can accept my next ride request. He said, “No. Uber will charge me $5, so Im not doing that.” I told him I had driven 15 minutes to pick him up and I would appreciate him cancelling. He said, “No. I don’t care. I’m not paying.” I had to cancel so I could move on.
I contacted Uber immediately and told them about it. They changed him the $5 cancellation fee and I got about $3. I have his address and Uber name because he had already put in his destination. If I even pick him up by accident and realize it is him, I’m cancelling the ride and telling him cancellations are a two way street.
@michelle a couple things you could do in that situation. What I would do is just wait it out for the no show fee and check email or text on your cell phone while waiting.
If I end up in an area where I don’t think I’ll get tipped or an area I don’t want to be in I don’t call the passenger. I just wait it out and collect the no show fee (a lot of times it will be drunks who don’t type in the address and rely on the pin and mess it up).
In that case where you were nice enough to call and the guy was a jerk and refused to cancel you should have just started the trip and if it was a spot you didn’t mind driving to made the trip and ended it when you got to the drop off point and one or two starred him:) I normally don’t advocate doing crap like that but the passenger deserved it in that case
Gary – Wow! Thank you so much for this advice. I am still learning the ropes. (I’m also joining Lyft to see if it is better.)
Since you have such a strong knowledge of how this all works, I wonder if you can advise me on another situation. I think I made a rookie mistake:
Uber sends me lectures and lowers my acceptance rating when I decline far-away pickups – the majority of my pings are over 20 minutes away. So, I was driving one evening and thinking of going home as I was getting close to home. I accepted a ping for 25 minutes away because I could not look carefully at the phone in that 15 seconds of driving due to the speed and the traffic. I noticed the pickup was at a small-town train station. I called the rider twice and she didn’t answer. She finally called me as I drove toward the destination. I asked her where she was going, as I was driving from 25 minutes away and had planned to finish up soon. She said she had requested the ride for her husband, who was on a train that was arriving in 20-30 minutes. She said he was going to need a ride to their beach house, (in the most congested, slow-moving traffic in my state). I told her I would do it, but I was concerned about whether there was a risk that I would drive to the train station and the train would not be there. She said to do ot or she would put in a complaint about me. She said she had been home alone with a baby while her husband was away and urgently needed him home and promised a 5-star and a big tip if I would do it. I agreed and wished her a good night. When I arrived, the tran was late. Then I had to get out and find the guy because he wouldn’t know what I was driving. I mentioned what his wife had said and he told me she was not alone with the baby. They were hosting a cookout at their beach house. He said she treats service workers that way all the time. We had a nice ride. He thanked me and said he’d tell his wife to tip me $10 in the app. She tipped $4. I rated 5 stars so I would not get a bad rating.
I waited two weeks and changed the rating to 2 stars, with an explanation. Uber changed the rating and then they TOLD HER!!!! She had not rated me, so she went in and rated me 1 star! I’ve been driving only six weeks. This is my only non-5 rating. Because I’m fairly new, it affected my overall rating, which is now 4.85.
Uber won’t delete the 1-star rating. I’m telling them they should delete her rating because she was not the passenger. They don’t care.
I should have refused to pick him up!
I’m driving late tonight in a surge area. If I drive to the surge area and they ping me out of the surge area, I’m not accepting. I’d rather have a low acceptance rating than drive 30-60 minutes for $3.
Any other good advice for me to keep my ratings strong and actually make some money, and work the system better with the riders who are freeloaders and a$$holes? (I’ve enjoyed most of my riders, though most don’t tip, and I’m losing money with all the long pickups for short distance trips.)
@Michelle I wouldn’t take a trip 25 minutes away unless there was a huge surge but there were a couple things you could have done. If I would have been far enough away when the wife was being a bi**h I would have just cancelled figuring the apple doesn’t fall very fall from the tree and the husband would have been just as difficult and would have been no tip, especially if the rating was under 4.85.
If I would have showed up two things you could have done. Risked it and just started the trip and collected a nice wait fee. What I would have done is just waited the five minutes and reported him as a no show and collected the fee. If it’s a small train station with only a couple trains a day and you knew what train he was on I would have checked the train status and if he was more than five minutes away went back online and no showed him again if his wife was dumb enough to request an uber immediately after and collected another no show fee. Trust me Uber will back you up in those cases since they can tell you were at the pick up location.
Other thing you could have done is if you wanted to go home is just go online when the train arrives indicating your home area as the area you want pick ups. If you didn’t mind going out of your way if the idiot pinged you again just ignore the ping and take the first ride with a good rating.
NEVER pick up anyone under a 4.85* in a non surge EVER. If it’s a surge only pick up people nearby and make sure the surge is good enough that a non-tipper will be worth your time
How are you rating a driver one star for cancelling??????? Uber only allows both the driver and rider top cancel on completed trips not a cancel!!!!
The only way you will get charged a cancel fee is if YOU cancel the ride yourself after five minutes of the ping being accepted or if the driver has arrived and you aren’t there.
Only time I’ll ask the passenger to cancel is if it’s their fault so I can collect the cancel fee (i.e. they enter the wrong pick up point on the app, I show up and they have an infant/small child but no car seat). The driver has no clue as to where you are going until he starts the trip. The only times I have cancelled after getting the destination is if it is out of our pick up area where I can’t pick up another fare (our nearest big airport is 50 miles away in another state and I can’t legally pick up a passenger there) so if I find out they are going to the airport or another place out of our pick up area I will more than likely cancel (Uber should alert the passenger when requesting those kinds of rides to contact the drive first to make sure they will take it). I’ve had rides as far as three hours away requested and have refused them and it wastes the customers time and my time and they can risk missing their flights if it’s a trip to the airport). Uber allows us to cancel out of area rides and the only time I will take them is to the airport and ONLY if the passenger tells me up front they are going to tip me at least $25 which I think is reasonable seeing I’ll be driving at least two hours and won’t be able to get another pick up in that area. I never ask for a tip though.
The only time I ask for a “tip” is if a non-tipping passenger leaves something in my car and wants me to deliver it to them. I’ll tell them I am out the time and gas and would like to be compensated for it otherwise I’ll drop it off at the police station by my house. If it’s a passenger that has tipped me I’ll gladly deliver it to them if they are nearby gratis
I just did a stint for Lyft, and I’m pretty sure the fares are similar because that’s what my riders told me. So here’s the economics:
Ride request, drive 2-4 minutes typical to the pick up zone
Rider makes me wait 5 minutes before coming to the car. I’m sure you never do that but nearly every one does.
I take them 2-3 miles in 5 minutes. Minimum fare.
My take on the fare: $2.65. That comes out to $10.60 an hour, less than working at Trader Joe’s. But wait there’s more, I had to wait 3-20 minutes to get the ride request in the first place. Then deduct the cost of fuel, renting the vehicle, etc.
So tip your goddamn driver you cheap bastards.
No, we will not. If you don’t like the job go find another one. Tipping is not required or expected. Stop being greedy.
You must be a plutocrat if you characterize $6/hour as “greedy”.
@HappyUberCustomer, STOP BEING CHEAP! Greedy?!! Are you serious????????
Tipping is coming! Over is changing their policy! Pretty soon you will be a one-star customer and you will not be picked up
I my area, I average $4 per hour when I don’t get tips. I’ve only been at this for about 6 weeks. I’m going to try Lyft, or just not bother. It isn’t worth it. I teach, so I was doing this for the summer. Now I have stopped picking up most riders more than 15 minutes away and riders with low ratings. I can’t work for free. I pick up in well populated areas where I can get as many riders per hour as possible.
Uber was already allowing tips when I started. Then they put the tipping in the app. They never told the customers how much they lowered rates to the drivers because tipping was being allowed.
The drivers are not greedy. They are providing a service that people need and enjoy, but Uber has arranged this in a such a way that drivers and riders have this tense issue and Uber profits.
Michelle, please stop lying. I’m starting to think your issue is congenital.
Uber dropped rates long before tipping in the app was even a concept. The rate decreases were an effort to remain competitive and keep / gain market share.
Having different information than you have does not mean I am lying.
Lyft was allowing tipping and Uber was losing drivers to Lyft. Uber lowered fares and talked about a tipping roll-out. That took many months. When they finally did it a few weeks ago, riders were so used to Uber being both very inexpensive and free of tipping, and Uber has made very little effort to turn this around so there is a middle ground. It is causing a great deal of tension between drivers and riders, as we see here. The drivers are trying to explain the situations they are in and many of the riders just don’t believe it.
I don’t ask for tips. I do my best driving and offer professional customer service and items like bottled water, mints, charging cords, rain ponchos, etc. Nothing works. The riders still rarely tip.
The rate decreases were an effort to remain competitive WITH LYFT…WHO ENCOURAGES TIPPING.
your argument just collapsed on itself.
I had a driver in the Bay Area ask me if I wanted to cancel the ride and just pay cash. I said no thanks I am not going to do that. He pulled over and told me to get out.
Never used Uber again.
DON’T EVER let a rideshare driver drive you somewhere off the meter. Taking a ride in such a situation means the insurance provided by the rideshare network is not active during that ride. And chances are, the driver doesn’t have a Commercial policy that will cover you in case of an accident while the driver is driving you around for hire. So, get in a wreck, and you’re on your own.
You might also consider immediately reporting that ride to the rideshare network if this happens to you.
Absolutely agree with this. It is also against Uber/Lyft policy.
Agree. And same for drivers, if a rider asks you to drive them off the clock. One time I refused a trip to the airport from a lower rated passenger figuring I wouldn’t get a tip and told him I couldn’t pick up and would be deadheading 50 miles and was allowed to cancel per Ubers policy and recommended he page another uber and call the driver immediately to make sure they would take the trip and he asked me if he could just cancel the trip and pay me so I could keep Ubers cut since he would miss his flight if he had to wait much longer and I refused knowing I wouldn’t be covered if something happened. He wanted to know how I could get him there so it would be profitable and I told him I didn’t have an issue doing airport trips for a $25 tip but most people didn’t tip and he asked if I would take the trip if he gave me a $25 tip up front so I accepted the ping.
I was and Uber driver for a little under a year. I mostly drove Friday and Saturday nights. I stopped once the rates were cut. I would have kept driving if tipping had been added to the app. I know quite a few drivers that have stopped for more or less the same reason.
I never asked for tips and would say no when a customer asked if they should. Tipping should be a discrete, anonymous part of the app when you’re rating the driver. The rider should never feel pressured and I wouldn’t want to handle the cash anyway.
If Uber would offer a tipping feature through the app, I’d be back on the road that minute. A lot of good drivers would. I occasionally take rides with Uber, and it’s sad to see how far the quality of the drivers has fallen.
Kirk should be posting less and driving more if he needs money so badly.
Thanks Angelina!
As I stated I only drive surege drunk Friday Saturday crowd.
DUN here
What kind of person pretends to be on a phone just to ignore the person helping them?
The driver isn’t helping the rider; they’re only trying to help themselves to money they have no right to be asking for. Grow up.
This post is really shameful. These are people trying to make ends meet, and it’s somehow an affront that they ask for reasonable compensation? Here’s an idea: instead of whining on the internet, why don’t you tip them?
Uber is NOT a tipping service. Stop trying to say it is. IT IS NOT.
What’s shameful are the handful of greedy new drivers who are trying to shame people into giving away THEIR hard earned cash for a service that is already paid for.
Here’s an idea: Time for this crazy tipping culture to end. In Europe “service” is included in the price in restaurants. In Japan, it’s almost an insult to tip. In Australia, it’s, “wanna leave something extra mate? – leave it in that jar for charity”. Get the point? Sounds like the only whining is from you.
You claim the drivers are so greedy, but God forbid you part with a dollar to take care of the person serving you.Fucking selfish entitled people are what needs to end.
Tipping is just an extension of food stamps for those who, for the most part, feel undeservably entitled to what others have achieved. It’s sort of like the ultimate pity party for those who don’t want to live the life they’ve made for themselves.
That said, I can see incentivating someone who goes above and beyond. But when you have slackers like our Tommy & Sick Human who think they need to aggressively beg a captive audience for spare change and, when it doesn’t work out the way their welfare-mentality sautéed noggin hoped for, turn into the ultimate, vindictive whiny little bitches.
Tommy and Sicko, you should have listened to your mommies when they told you to stay in school. If you had just struggled to get your GED or learn a trade maybe — just maybe — you could move up a notch on the evolutionary ladder and instead of browbeating fine, hardworking folks for a handout you could be offering apple pies with Happy Meals.
Such a highly educated and valued person of society, but still doesn’t know ass from elbow.
Next time you go to a bar tell a bartender you feel tips are an extension of welfare:) Or next time you dine out tell that to your waitress before she takes your order and see how fast (if) you get your food:)
I hope you don’t send your kids to public schools. I could say the same about public schools, I don’t have kids and am stuck paying taxes so people don’t have to pay tuition to send their kids to school. Sam reasoning
Oh Dear J.C., (irony?)
That is just the elitist attitude and judgement of others that is the problem. Uber drivers have to own a car made past a certain year, have insurance plus extra insurance, a clean driving records, no criminal history. I don’t know why you make these assumptions about being on public assistance. They are actually working for a living. That’s why they are driving Uber! Most Uber drivers are also employed in regular jobs. Many companies avoid hiring hourly people full time now because they don’t want to offer health insurance, etc. So, most Uber drivers are supplementing their income. This is the opposite of people asking for public assistance that you described.
For example, myself. I’ve been driving Uber this summer. I am in my fifties with a kids and college and another almost there. My husband is an engineer, employed steadily with one company since 1983. I was a naval officer through the 80s. I have a bachelor of science degree from one of the best engineering colleges in the country. I have an MBA from a private university, all of which I paid every cent for on my own. My second career was in marketing management. While raising kids I was an at-home mom, doing occasional part-time jobs to pay for kids’ sports and an annual family camping trip. I worked as a hospice volunteer sitting with the dying for 7 years during those non-career years. I was a steady volunteer at the public school for 10 years. When the career women couldn’t be there, I hosted all the playdates and kid events and picked up the neighbor’s kids when they were sick at school. I was the Sunday school teacher and the Girl Scout leader and assistant coach. And we paid the bills with my husband’s earnings, always, every month, no matter what. When the kids got old enough, the time I had taken off to raise kids had damaged my career prospects. So, I’ve worked as a special education professional, helping kids with learning disabilities read and write and learn math. It pays $12 per hour, 30 hours per week. This goes directly to my kids’ college tuition. They get no financial aid beyond merit scholarships because we have always worked and have been responsible with money. I drive Uber this summer because the school can’t employ me for the summer. I thought if it worked out well, I’d continue to drive year-round, after my regular job and on weekends to help my kids pay for college. It is NOT working out well because Uber pays so low and the riders won’t tip.
I am not at risk of turning to welfare. No food stamps. I’ve never taken money from the government, but I have SERVED my country and my community well. Not everyone doing a lower-paying job wants to be on welfare. Where do you get your elitist ideas and judgements?
So, even though Uber lowered the driver pay rates and allowed for tipping, you can keep your extra buck or two. Go ahead and accept the service without compensating me. When I drive 20 minutes to pick you up and offer you a bottled water and my courtesy on your 5-minute ride, and I earn $3.00, go ahead and stiff me. I’ll live without your $2.00. And I won’t have to go on welfare.
Regarding public schools, use whatever education YOU have received in your life so far and investigate how countries who don’t have adequate public education are doing. You pay taxes for public education, which was available to you as a child and which is available to you children if you ever become a parent. You pay to educate society because you are a member of society. This nation can’t function without educating its people. You want to keep people off of welfare? Educate them.
I wish you could see how very misguided you are. And if you had ever paid your way through as a waiter, bartender, hair stylist, or providing a service, you would know that he employers of service workers are legally allowed to pay well below minimum wage to those workers because they are compensated by tips from their customers.
In a few weeks, I’ll be back to my day job and I’ll do private tutoring for kids of wealthy families. If I continue driving, it will be with Lyft.
First of all, reading is fundamental. “I can see incentivating someone who goes above and beyond.”
That said, tipping is never mandatory. If someone doesn’t feel like you should be tipped or for whatever reason doesn’t feel like tipping, suck it up. Some days you win, others you lose. If you feel under remunerated or unappreciated, put on your big-boy pants and make a career move. Otherwise, whining about it just makes you look like a whiny little bitch.
@JC you are right passengers don’t have to tip. I do suck it up but I also don’t pick up passengers rated below a 4.85 star. If passengers don’t want to tip that is fine. But low rated passengers should quit being whiny if I chose to pick up a higher rated passenger and ignore pings from them.
@jc the problem is you never win with uber. Everyone is a prick, just like you! They think tipping a lowly driver would just be a horrible travesty. Heres a news flash: your driver could be a college student right now. You might have to beg him for a ‘real job’ in the future. Keep your mind open amd stop pretending to know about people you never met.
@ Gary: And that’s fine. That’s between you and Uber.
@Marshall: You really need to ditch that extra chromosome and learn how to read. And while you are at it, stop sucking on mommy’s boobie and learn how to function in the real world. When someone doesn’t leave you a tip, deal with it like an adult instead of going into whiny little bitch mode. If it’s too much to handle, quit and find a new job. Maybe you are just not cut out for a job involving customer service.
Oh, and the chances of anybody I meet in an Uber being in any position to employ me in the future is laughable. I’m set in my career and have an iron-clad retirement scheme that I will be using in a few more years.
@Jc ok buddy since you know so well…
I will graduate next may with a degree in software engineering and a minor in math…you’re right, nowhere i will work would ever be in a position to employ you.
My mother passed a few years ago, my father and i rarely speak. I have a wife and two childreen i provide for with my three jobs. I have been firmly planted in the real world longer than youve been trolling uber drivers. I actually just started uber recently and havent so much as given out a 4-star rating to any passenger, anfd i have only received one tip in over 1000 rides. But yes, i am in whiny bitch mode. I read these comments and i am disgusted by both drivers and riders alike. The lack of education on uber’s constantly changing price scheme on behalf of the riders, as well as the lack of empathy for the confusion of it all by the drivers.
I have a son with down syndrome. I hope one day you come face to face with it as well so you will stop using that as your go-to insult.
The bottom line is uber stopped including a tip when they matched the price with lyft. Now they have a tip feature in the app. I wish they’d just match the taxi pricing scheme penny for penny because you will never find a cabbie who can drive as good as me and you definitely wont find one who loves their car as much.
@Marshall: If you attended the same university that I did, I might be impressed. We both know, however, that would have been impossible. You wouldn’t amount to a pimple on a Canoe U midshipman’s ass. So have fun writing code for Wal-Mart and helping them balance their cash registers every day.
Yeah, your life sucks. You want a pity party? Deal with your issues. Get a shrink, kick rocks, check out — whatever it takes. You can find sympathy in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. You are not the Lone Ranger; there are many people who have had tough breaks. They deal with them. They know that the whiny little bitch schtick gets old fast. They know that if they aren’t part of the solution, then they ARE the problem.
I find it hard to believe that out of 1,000 rides you have only received one tip. But if that’s true, then you need to find out why and then start working on changing it. Or moving on to something else. I can’t believe that you ran into 999 cheap, bastard dicks. There has to be something else going on. Maybe Uber as a company really does suck and drivers can’t get them to listen, but then you need to work the other end of the equation. Why don’t people tip? Find a way to educate them without being obnoxious. If you can’t find a solution, decide whether to move on to other endeavors or not.
You are delusional. I’ve got news for you, all this talk about comparing Uber to a taxi is pure bullshit. Uber isn’t a taxi and never will be. Ever. A taxi driver knows the city like the back of their hand. He needs to buy a medallion for 1/2 a million dollars plus his vehicle. Then there are the political and legal complications. But even then, you’d still starve.
You know, I rarely use Uber for anything except dropping someone off at LAX maybe once a month. Round trip from Yorba Linda to LAX, a taxi would be $200 or more. Uber is about $85 plus a tip of usually $30. If Uber charged the same as a taxi, I’d either drive by myself or else use SuperShuttle. SuperShuttle has a dedicated SUV service that will pick me up at any time I designate and take me and my guests to LAX, wait 1/2 hour or even longer for me and return me home for $130. You are going to spend a long time on food stamps if you think I’d pay you $200+ — no matter how much you love your car. Uber can never be a taxi and never will want to be a taxi unless their goal is instant bankruptcy.
J.C., please consider what you are saying. All of these insults are unkind and off-topic, and not based in fact at all. You are just hurling insults at working people because they are trying to earn over minimum wage in this relatively new service profession.
By God’s grace, this is not Europe! Europe is s place where people have to live like they do in a third world country. This is the United States of America! A country founded on Christian values.
And this is why Uber is a fad and will fail spectacularly.
Don’t get me wrong, automated driving and ride hailing is the future for our society, but it will not be led by a corporate culture as tarnished as uber :)
Part of the reason I tip people like waiters and waitresses is because it’s well known that tips are expected and that they make less than minimum wage because of expected tips. It’s been over 20 years since I waited tables but I made $2.15 an hour when I was also making $9 an hour being a cashier. I’m sure that has changed but has probably stayed somewhat proportionate.
I am not an Uber driver nor have I ever used the service but I have read a lot of articles about both. It does seem to me that these drivers came on with promises of a wage of, for example, a cashier, only to be later dropped to the wage of a waiter. So first, being fine with no tips, then later, needing them to scrape by. And the customer also feeling the bait and switch with the no tips feature then feeling extreme pressure from drivers. It seems pretty clear why everyone is frustrated and disappointed.
I certainly don’t have a solution to this problem. But perhaps something along the lines of a feature in the app that shows how much the fare would translate into as an hourly wage for the driver, then the customer can decide to add a tip based on that, or any other reason, or not. If you knew the driver had traveled 10 miles for you and would only be getting $2 out of your fare would you be more likely to tip? I would be, because that doesn’t seem right.
I think ultimately most of us want to be fair to each other. If we can see the real life consequences of our choices, we can make decisions we can be more comfortable with in the long run. It’s unrealistic to want Neiman Marcus quality at Walmart prices and expect the worker who made the item to have cheap, comprehensive healthcare coverage, a decent salary, and retirement package. KWIM?
This was probably one of the best and unbiased reply in the comment section.
Thank you for your thoughtful analysis, it was quiet accurate!
The rates were lowered significantly. If you value paying 3x less than a cab in a nicer car, it would behoove you to start tipping your drivers. Unless you want the Uber experiment to die out so you can go back to paying 3x more for a cab + tip!
Uber drivers should quit? Many have been. Any one that takes Uber regularly will know that the quality of vehicles and drivers are dropping significantly. It won’t be long before Uber is worse than a cab by a large margin.
Finally some thoughtful perspective on a problem that Uber created in concert with self serving folks that wanted something for nothing. After all, as you clearly point out it was sort of in the interest of the persons taking the rides to keep the party going in a manner that could be maintained. Not in a manner that was subject to assured destruction of 1. A nicer car picks you up than a taxi, 2. Cheaper than a taxi, 3 Drivers made some extra cash scooting folks around, 4. Uber got their commissions, 5. Employees at Uber could keep their jobs and the dream going.
So instead what we got is the net result of nut’s personality vomited out in the market and everyone now suffers the consequences.. Even spoiled Angelina
Excellent post. Thank you.
English dude here who comes from a non-tipping culture. I don’t want to feel awkward or guilty when being taken from A to B. We already pay tax to help the less fortunate.
If they increased the prices by $1/ride and actually gave that to the drivers, I’d be happy
I strongly dislike this whole “tipping” thing in the US. I don’t buy an argument about great service – take Japan, for instance: service in Japan is much (much!) better than in the US yet they find tipping offensive and tipping is a taboo.
Another thing is that tipping creates confusion – who do you tip? why tip a bartender who just pored you a drink and not a nurse who gave you a flu shot?
Another thing is plain inconvenience – many (if not most) people, especially those into points/miles, do not carry cash with them routinely. And if they carry cash, they might not have the whole assortment of it – just so many $1 bills, so many $5s, so many $10s. Big attraction of Uber is that this inconvenience seemed to be eliminated. If Uber does not pay their drivers enough – first of all, I would not want to encourage Uber to continue their practice by “covering the gap” in price. Secondly, it’s supply and demand, so if it’s unprofitable for Uber drivers, perhaps they can switch to Lyft or something else entirely.
This is not Japan dude! This is the United States of America. The greatest country on the face of the Earth. Who are you to criticize us?
Typical yank self delusion. How many American cities made it into the top 10 livable cities worldwide?
If you want a cheap ride without tipping, be prepared to get a low quality driver who’s going to play games. If you want high quality drivers, vehicles and service, be ready to spend a few extra dollars. It’s that simple.
Get real. Uber is a NO TIPPING service. The drivers are all professional and courteous and have been for years before this bs tipping campaign started by a bunch of greedy newbie drivers.
You are absolutely wrong! Get on board or ride with someone else
You mean vefore they dropped the rates to match lyft? Where tipping is not included?
I’ve never had a driver ask for or hint about a tip, which is a good thing because I would immediately report them and post their name and license plate all over social media. If the drivers don’t like the business model that is Uber, find another job, no one is forcing them to work there. Not being hustled for a tip is precisely why I continue to use Uber. Contrary to what others state here, tips are NOT required NOR expected. This is just a handful of greedy drivers trying to overwrite the business model of Uber.
Pity the driver who dares hustle me for a tip. And no, I don’t work for Uber, and don’t respond about the plight of the little person working for the big corporation. Go work for Lyft if you think a tip is required.
I absolutely DARE you to post my license plate on socia media. You’ll find yourself in a lawsuit so fast you’ll wish you’d tipped me.
As for reporting the driver? Good luck with that. Whats Uber going to do? That’s right, not a damned thing. :)
You’re about as stupid as you are pathetic. Lawsuit for what? Please enlighten me you subhuman filth.
Keep driving Ubers in your pathetic boring life while I live large and collect my fat bonuses.
Your response says a lot more about you than it does me. ;)
Oh, No!!! Don’t report us DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF??? Wow. Get a grip, you cheap POS.
I think it’s cute that op thinks Uber is going to do anything to the driver that asks or hints for a tip.
As per Uber’s own policy:
“Can my driver ask for a tip?
As independent contractors, drivers may request tips at their discretion.”
This didn’t start with “newbie” drivers. Uber lost a 60 MILLION dollar lawsuit over lying to riders about gratuity. And I can’t imagine you get many decent drivers with the rating you most likely have. Entitled, ungrateful people like you ALWAYS get what they deserve. Hope that happens very soon.
Cunt is the perfect word to describe Angie and her kind.
Well, then I guess you should refer to me as one, too. We’re having a discussion about whether to tip in an Uber. I’m sure there are plenty of other blogs where you can discuss narrow-minded views with others.
I’d use the word freeloader,
or user, or cheapskate, or elitist, entitled snob to describe the attitude she promotes toward service workers.
All drivers for Uber have been notified that tipping is coming! Your common is null and void
Oh please oh please oh please post to social media how much of an asshole your uber driver is for wanting to vault his earnings up to nearly minimum wage…in 1996.
I don’t mind a discrete sign advising tips are appreciated. But verbal spiels about why I need to tip you will result in no tip.
There’s a big difference between tipping a cab driver and tipping with Uber. I can include the tip when I swipe my card. I seldom carry more than a few dollars in cash so there can well be times when it’s simply not possible to tip an Uber driver. If the Uber driver can come up with a way to put the tip on my card, there will be more tips.
I like the Uber rating system. Drivers who think that giving me a low rating is a valid form of revenge are only screwing themselves over. After each Uber ride I know precisely how the driver rated me. If a driver rates me low for not tipping, I then rate him a 1 for being an idiot. Revenge IS sweet.
Hilarious that you think ratings matter to us!! Hahahahhahaaaa. News Flash, sweetie… THEY DON’T. However, yours does. And u will continue to get shitty drivers as your ratings continue to plummet. Have a GREAT day!
Or if they do manage to get a pick up with a driver during surge pricing with a crappy rating (I have picked up a couple crappy rated drivers during a decent surge figuring even if I don’t get a tip I’ll make money off the surge) good luck getting them to do anything beyond getting you to your spot. If I have a passenger with a crappy rating I only driving them to where they are going. If they have groceries it’s up to them to get them in my trunk after I pop the lid and remove them and get them in their house after I arrive. And the trip starts the second I get to their pickup and stops after everyone and everything is out of the car. If they have an infant in a car seat they are paying wait time while they get the car seat and little one strapped in and paying wait time when we arrive until after they are safely removed. Tonight will probably be a decent surge with plenty of riders and I’m only going to pick up higher rated passengers and ignore pings from anyone under 4.75 Even if I don’t get tipped (and I don’t really care if it’s a high surge since it’s more than most tips) at least I know I’m giving priority to the best riders.
I drive the same way. Im so tired if these entitled, ungrateful ass holes who treat me with disrespect in my own car. It needs to stop. They just don’t seem to understand to difference between MY property and a car service. It’s truly unreal.
Exactly. These people use the excuse we are business owners or not taxi drivers for not tipping.
A business owner only accepts profitable clients and/or treats their profitable clients better. If these tightwads want to say we are business owners then they should accept the fact that I can chose my clients (riders) and am going to try picking up profitable ones (5 stars) and try to avoid ones that will lose me money (i.e. non tippers and low rated passengers that want you to drive 8 miles to drive them 2 miles for a minimum fare with no tip). A business owner will do small favors for his most profitable clients and Uber drivers are the same way (i.e. unloading groceries, starting the trip after everyone is loaded just like a business owner won’t charge a profitable client for a five minute phone consult). If people don’t want to tip fine, but then they should also realize I am going to give preference to my clients who make me money.
You must be confused. Enough 1s and you will be flipping burgers when Uber gives you the boot.
Thankfully most aren’t douchebags and appreciate when someone helps them.
If you don’t want to tip that’s fine but don’t expect a driver to unload or load your luggage, groceries, etc. A lot of drivers will rate low when a non-tipper ask s for things like making an extra stop, unloading groceries etc and when I’m asked to assist with those types of things I pay attention to the rating. If someone is rated high and/or gives me a tip when I arrive at their house, no issue unloading their groceries and carrying them in or taking their luggage out of their car. If they have a low rating and it doesn’t look like they will not tip my trunk gets popped and they can retrieve their own luggage, I’m not going to provide any service above the minimum for someone that doesn’t tip. And doesn’t it occur to the people that claim to never carry cash to have some ones? What do they do when they take a shuttle bus, tell the driver they don’t have ones? If they are at a hotel and a valet puts their luggage in the uber or cab do they claim not to have ones? I’m sure these people are the same ones that will stiff others though.
I like the suggestion of the non-tippers to try driving for Uber for a month and see how fast they change their tune.
If people don’t want to tip their Uber drivers fine, but please don’t get accept when we ignore your ping for a higher rated driver and please don’t ask us to do anything besides getting you from point A to point B or get upset that a driver doesn’t want to drive eight miles to pick up a passenger with a low rating and risk it being a minimum trip. I realize we can chose whether or not to work for Uber and we can also chose what passengers we are going to pick up.
I’m sure none of you business owners are going to accept a new client that isn’t profitable and/or give preferential treatment to your best clients. It’s the same for an Uber driver.
And if you don’t tip your Uber driver and he remembers please don’t get upset that he won’t do anything additional after getting you to Point B. Just as you aren’t obligated to tip, I am not obligated to carry items into your walk up or strap your kids car seats in and if you aren’t courtesy enough to tip not expect me to courtesy enough to not start the trip until your kid is strapped in or end the trip the second I arrive. If I know you’re a non tipper the trip starts the second the second I arrive and I’m getting the wait time while YOU strap your kids car seat in and the trip isn’t ending until after you have the car seat unstrapped and the kid and everything is out of my car.
A month ago I had a Costco pick up and a lady had an infant and a car seat and I foolishly accepted the ride. She had the nerve to ask me to strap in the car seat which I did and load the trunk of my car with her stuff. I made the mistake of not starting the trip until everyone was in the car and when I arrived she removed her infant and asked me again to not only remove the car seat but to carry the seat into her house along with making two trips into her house with the merchandise and NO tip. She got awarded with a three star rating.
Karma worked in that siutuation. I decided after that ignore pings from grocery stores (it’s always been my policy to avoid pings from Walmart and any Uber driver who has made the mistake of picking up at Walmart will never make that mistake a second time) or cancel any trip where someone has more than two bags they can carry themselves. I received a ping 10 days later at Target and when I saw the ping had a lot of items was ready to cancel until I saw it was the passenger who stiffed me at Target again with her infant and this time a kid that appeared to be 12. Decided to have some fun and was hoping she would cancel so I could get the fee after I was going to refuse to load her items but no such luck but still had a lot of fun and she was on my way home anyway and was my last trip so decided to have some fun.
This time I started the trip as soon as I pulled up. She asked me again to strap the car seat in and I refused this time and also refused her request to load the stuff in my trunk. She had three cases of bottled water and five sacks of groceries and a box with a vacuum cleaner. Wasn’t too happy but didn’t cancel and she strapped the infant in the back seat while Jr. loaded the trunk. I told Jr I would load the vacuum cleaner last and would unload it (didn’t want the kid scratching my car with the big box and that’s the only reason I did it). If she would have tipped first time I would have gladly loaded the trunk and strapped her car seat in and not started the trip until everyone was in the car.
On the way home jr wanted Micky D’s and she asked me to go through the drive thru (I have received several requests for this or to stop for coffee). Again if she would have tipped the first time I would have gladly done it but I wasn’t about to lose money on a non-tipper (our waiting time is only about 13 cents a minute in my market, not even minimum wage) and I told her I couldn’t do it and if she wanted to change the destination I would be happy to drop her off at McD’s and she could unload the trunk and eat there and page another Uber and she declined (I was really hoping she would have done me do it and have Jr. wait with the merchandise while I waited in the parking lot and accepted the new ping and told her no eating in my car LOL). Arrive at her house and this time she didn’t ask me to unfasten the car seat but did remove the infant and asked Jr. to hold him while she unloaded the car seat and I popped the trunk and unloaded the vacuum cleaner and she had the nerve to ask me if I would unload the water and groceries and help her son carry the items in the house. I refused and said per Ubers agreement my only responsibility was to get her to her arrival point safely and not handle unloading her merchandise. She said she remembered I did it for her before as did other Uber drivers and I replied that like tipping it was option and some passengers did it and the drivers appreciate it and others don’t and unloading merchandise and carrying it in is the same things some drivers do it but totally optional. I figured she would have gotten the hint and if she would have offered me a nice tip to bring in the items I would have. I’m sure not going to bring in bags of groceries and three cases of bottled water for a non-tipper. I ended the tip after the car was unloaded and did give her four stars this trip since I didn’t have to carry the stuff in.
Just remember Karma:) And the same with merchandise left in my car. If someone leaves something in my car and they tipped I’ll gladly track them down if they hadn’t contacted me yet and deliver it gratis. If it’s a non-tipper I’m not going out of my way to track them down and if they contact me they can call an uber to pick it up at my office and have it delivered.
If you don’t want to tip me that’s your right but it is also my right not to give anything above the basic service.
When she told you that she remembered you taking her groceries in on a prior trip you should have told her that you also remembered her and remembered she didn’t tip you for it and you aren’t making the same mistake twice and how she gets her groceries in her house is her own damn problem:)
I’ll have to remember that trick next time someone wants me to stop at a drive thru (I get that request a lot for Taco Bell with late night drunks and for the Starbucks drive thru), I’ll gladly drop them off and just wait in the parking lot for another ping. Or if you hadn’t eaten yet tell her you will go through the drive thru if she would buy your lunch but no eating in the car. I’ve had a couple passengers offer to buy my food at a drive thru or buy me a drink at Starbucks. In those cases I will allow them to drink the Starbucks in my car but usually request they wait until they get home if it’s food. I always take them up on the Starbucks and if I’m hungry the drive-thru. If I’m not hungry I’ll get a diet coke at the drive thru and still take them anyway just because they made the offer
I was recently very tolerant of six drunk adults who didn’t call for XL in order to avoid the higher rate, and then crammed into my 7-passenger car with food from a sausage truck. Still tolerant when they asked for a convenience store stop and they drank in my car and spilled and stepped on chips. Still tolerant when they had three stops and one of them needed to pull over for puking. All the while, they were SOOOO friendly and promised to all pitch in for a monster tip. Only the last guy, who was also the rider who’s account they used, kept all the cash the other friends gave him as they got out of the car. He promised top tip me from the app, $50, so I rated him a 5 and thanks him for the business. Then he didn’t do it. He didn’t even bother to rate me. I had to clean up their mess.
I changed the rating! I know where he lives and his first name and I would never pick him up again. He’s lucky I am not the kind of person to give HIM some trash to pick up. No more stops. I’ll end the ride and wait for a new ping.
@Michelle I hope you put in for a cleaning fee. No disrespect intended, but your big mistake was not asking for the tip upfront. Whenever someone asks me to do something I’m not required to do (i.e. drive from NJ to NYC) and promises me a tip I request it up front and tell them no disprespect but I’ve been burned before.
Personally I would have made them cancelled and ordered an XL so I could have collected the cancel fee.
Excellent advice. I’ll use it going forward. Thanks.
people like these Uber drivers who commented here – who call the blogger and her readers names, who toute and sneer and whine – they are the reason I will not tip and will tell others not to tip. their true face is ugly.
You wouldn’t tip anyways, don’t lie. People like you use any excuse not to tip, even random comments on a piss poor, grifting travel website not to tip people you have never met. You are actually showing your ugly face. I feel sorry for anyone that has to interact with people like you.
As much as I hate the blogger’s attitude toward service workers, I also commented with my objection to the language one of the drivers used about her.
So, how are you going to know who is who? One Uber driver said a bad word about a person blogging about Uber drivers wanting to earn tips to bring their pay near minimum wage, and you are not going to tip any Uber drivers now? I don’t believe you. You probably weren’t tipping before either. You just want an excuse to freeload off of workers.
Who’s really the ugly one, E.T.?
As both an uber driver and Uber passenger tonight I found out how it helps to tip your driver.
I decided not to drive tonight since it is St. Patrick’s day and even though there was a decent surge to just go bar hopping by my house instead.
Client of mine owns a bar a few blocks away from my house and went there for a few drinks and then walked to another bar to meet a friend for a drink and dinner a few blocks away and then we walked to a popular irish bar a half mile away and ended up a little over a mile from my house.
Friends stayed but I decided to Uber home since it was 10:30 and I was a mile from home and didn’t feel like walking in the light rain. I paged an uber and was told it was about a two minute wait and walked outside and someone else was complaining they page an Uber and it was a ten minute wait and they paged them a few minutes ago and couldn’t believe my Uber was so was picking me up after just paging me. ((there were several Ubers nearby on the app).
I apologized to the driver for the short haul when I got in her car and explained I drove for Uber for side money and knew what she was going through but assured her I would tip her $5 and that she wouldn’t have an issue finding other pickups right away in my area. She responded that she didn’t mind a short haul in that area since there are so many bars and the reason she picked me up was my high rating and she had a few pings before mine and was only picking up higher rated passengers on nights like tonight, new years eve and game days and other special events day downtown. We had a couple good laughs about how tight people were and the expectations of a limo driver experience for a bus ride fare.
I know I would have only waited 10 more minutes or so for an Uber but when you live only a mile away it’s nice to get home ASAP. And it made me feel good to know I was helping out a fellow driver also doing this as a part time job and not being a tight wad. The $8 uber ride plus $5 tip sure beat waiting around for 10 minutes or waiting for a cab or walking a mile after a long day.
She showed me she rated me a five and told me the fare after it came up after the rating and I thanked her and showed her I also rated her a five and told her to be safe and hope she had generous riders and encouraged her to only pick up higher rated drivers tonight since there was a lot of demand
So $13 for a one-mile trip is good for whom, again?
Explain to me again how Uber is the low-cost solution. $13 for one mile?
I thought the fare was $7.95 and looked was only $5.95 so surge must have disappeared so I only paid $10.95 but even $12.95 would have been a great deal.
I was probably below the legal limit to drive last night but my friend wasn’t and even then I don’t like to drive at all after drinking any alcohol. But for the people above the legal limit it is a LOT cheaper than a DUI and not to mention what happens if you get in a fatal accident.
It was snowing lightly when I left and going between bars so wasn’t a big deal walking but at the end of the night it turned into rain and it’s worth paying $13 as opposed to walking in the rain. We could have parked but parking was $10 and would have meant staying at the same place or paying parking in multiple places plus there is tipping the valet to retrieve the car (amazes me how many people have no problems tipping a valet but won’t tip an uber driver or claim they don’t have cash but have cash for a valet, I guess I could have used the excuse that the parking charge doesn’t accept cash for the parking fee and you have to use a credit card to get your ticket validated and it’s a cashless system like people do with Uber).
Other alternative was a cab which would have been a 45 minute wait if they would have taken the call (they know from dispatch where the fare is going and a lot of drivers don’t want to take a short trip). Fare would have probably been more anyway since my friend lives a couple blocks from me and the Uber driver didn’t charge an additional drop off fee (another nice thing about high ratings and telling the uber driver you will tip, they don’t charge you the additional drop off fee) and a cab would have charged an extra $2.50 for the extra drop even though the driver would have to pass directly by my friends condo to get to my building.
On that trip I normally tip $3, and most drivers would probably by ok with even $1 or $2 since they could
easily get another pick up. On that $5.95 fare Uber gets the first $1.65 so the driver was lucky to make $3. I think a $5 tip was fare seeing she gave up on of the best partying holidays of the year.
The whole concept of Uber is that it’s cashless. Need tips? Stop driving until Uber configures their app so tips can be included.
Meanwhile, it’s amusing to read all the lame drivel about passengers abusing drivers by expecting all kinds of extra services. I seriously doubt that people expect you to carry their groceries for them. Making up these stories doesn’t help your cause.
You need more money, get a job. Flip burgers. Wait tables. Go to school. Or get Uber to add tipping function.
Meanwhile, play games with ratings. Ratings for drivers are far more important than for riders. Riders know how to see what you rated them and respond accordingly.
Not anymore. It takes a 4.3 to get deactivated now. U would have to murder someone or not be able to tell the difference between the brake and gas. So keep dreamjng. Your false sense of entitlement is JUST that. You have no power over us ;)
You are delusional. I have seen Uber drivers get shitcanned and a few dedicated riders can work wonders. ;)
Start remembering how to flip burgers.
Hahahha. You have SEEN it, have you??? So sad. You people are just so fucking sad. With your stars hahahha. Seriously, WAKE up. Treat humans with decency and respect. It’s not my fault you were born with a small dick and only enough mental capacity for a shitty accounting job. People like you are ruining this world.
What a snot!
I meant to call the people with the buyer flipping comments a snot.Dont forget that you might run in into that driver you one starred in a bar.
+1 As a rider I rarely pay attention to the drivers ratings and I have never cancelled an uber ride due to the driver’s rating once I’m matched.
Now when I’m driving that is another story. If a low rated passenger pings me from more than a couple miles away I’m not accepting where I would from a 4.8+ rated.
If a ping comes up for a Walmart and I don’t realize it’s a Walmart until I get nearby I will more than likely take the ping from a 5 star rated passenger but you better believe if it’s a low rated passenger anyone that has driven for Uber more than a couple weeks I going to hit cancel button.
It’s obvious drivers care about rating otherwise Angela and others wouldn’t have drivers cancelling on them or refusing a short trip. She is saying to not drive for Uber if we are losing money. We are doing just that6 by not taking money losing trips and then she turns around and cries about that.
If Uber riders are so superior they can be calling uber drivers losers, well you must not be that successful if you have to take the cheapest mode of transportation you can find. If you were successful your time would be worth it to take a private car service.
But the author of this blog is so cheap that if you look at her newest thread she is whining that she has to pay $50 to take her two year old 9in the Am Ex lounge. Not only does bother to inconvenience business travelers trying to relax and get work done by brining in a two year old, she is whining now she has to pay to bring him in. (I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t tip the bartender or shower attendant at the lounges either).
There is a simple solution to this problem though. Uber drivers don’t like tips they don’t have to drive or simply do what I do and what ANgelinas drivers that cancel on her do, just not take money losing trips. If the passengers who are too tight to tip don’t like cancels or having drivers refuse their fares then start tipping to get your ratings up so drivers will start accepting your pings or quit whining and take a taxi or better yet a private car.
I always thought the idea that drivers were rating passengers that did not tip them with 5 stars was silly if you felt that person had the wherewithal to actually tip. You know the consultants and folks with fancy watches and on and on. I don’t mean you give granny or grandpa less than 5 shit they have paid their dues.. But it is an affront to those persons who do tip to lump everyone into the same group. By definition a person who has the ability to tip should and if they don’t single star should be granted simply to alert ALL future drivers you are putting yourself at financial risk if you pick up this pax. Everyone wants to help grandma but consultants for PwC or Deloitte that have their expenses already paid by the client is sticking to the driver? That is just plain nastiness and a sort of hatred that is not something I probably can explain.. You jerks know who you are as I work with you nasty bastards.. It is not even your money you could give. You don’t tip because an asshole the likes of Travis Kalanick said you shouldn’t? Nasty consultants making what we make in the 200K range and up…… It tough working in the world of consultants being surrounded by so many asses.. Tip the Uber driver and stop being asses
Matt, glad to see you took advantage of that ESP training while you were on the nonce wing.
You shouldn’t feel so underprivileged. They say double-wides ate pretty nice these days.
Doesn’t suck to find out that you’ve been lied to. Like when you bought the Uber propaganda that ratings mattered. You felt that you had magical omnipotent powers at your star finger tips and it turns out it was all BS. Very few folks would rate a taxi with 5 stars but without Uber/Lyft they would keep on taking taxis. Damn that sucks when it was all just a lie.. Like the lies Uber/Lyft peddle to their drivers. This blog for example is the cat sneaking ever so slowly out of the bag.. Folks are getting shocked to find out the whole Uber thing was a house of cards sitting on a foundation filled with lies to everyone. Good Public Relations firms can only do so much. They did a great sale on the Uber deal until the CEO kept f’ing up for everyone. No one told him to be an asshole, no one told him to use illegal software, no one told him to cut rates to a 3rd of their original amounts. No one told him to do any of that crap.. He must have hated his dad or something so he keeps doing destructive acts to lash out… Every bit of Uber is every bit of this guy’s mental issues.
In a lot of other countries where tipping is customary the employees are paid better and in restaurants quite a few will add a service fee. I wish Uber would do that, like with the safe ride fee (which goes to Uber and the driver doesn’t see a penny of) have another charge called service that is based on the fee and if the passenger wants others services such as having groceries or merchandise carried in allow for a preset fee for that. Other countries also provide health insurance for their residents and the tax in other countries is usually a lot higher than the US. It’s absurd not to tip people in the US because other countries don’t do it, I’m sure everyone on here using that excuse wouldn’t tolerate it if congress doubled the federal income tax or put a VAT tax in place saying that’s how it is Europe:)
As far as comparing tips to welfare is just absurd. I’m sure people on this board who get bonuses don’t consider it welfare. It’s the same thing you are getting paid above your normal wage for doing a good job.
But I agree tipping has gotten out of hand and they should just raise rates at restaurants and bars and uber and taxi fares, etc but then I’m sure the people would whine about that seeing how many people in this country are opposed to raising the minimum wage.
A good way around this to keep everyone happy may be to run Uber the same way they do taxi’s in Peru.
You negotiate the fare ahead of time with the driver and everything is included and there is no tip.
Have the app so the passenger contacts the nearest uber driver and they tell the driver where they are going and if there is any other special services like loading and unloading merchandise etc and the passenger and driver agree on the fare.
The passenger won’t have to tip and the driver will know if the trip is worth it or not. If the driver agrees to the fare then they have no one but themselves to blame if they lose money on the trip. If the passenger doesn’t like the amount they move on to the next closest driver. The Uber driver is getting what he wants, Uber is getting their cut and the passenger doesn’t have to tip.
Could agree more. But what you see going on here Gary seems to be a bunch of brats who travel and don’t want to be good humans. They want a sadistic license to treat folks poorly.. Tip? Won’t ruin them.. Telling a driver where they are headed zero cost.. Nah that for some reason makes their already miserable lives more miserable? I don’t get it.. It sadism full stop. The truth is tips should go. Or a structured tip such that the customer can say they want an adjustment cuz the driver smoked in the car while driving. No this story is NOT about tipping this story is about the fact that passengers want something for free on the backs of the unfortunate. As does Uber.
I am a regular user of Uber and always tip the driver and am also a part time Uber driver. Due to the rate cuts Uber continues to make I find myself driving less and less and being pickier on my pick ups. I will only drive during a decent surge and will only pick up 4.5+ rated riders.
With cancels, drivers aren’t told the name of the location typically, we get an address. I am one of the drivers that will no longer pick up at a grocery store or Walmart and often times we won’t know it’s a grocery store until we arrive. If I know it’s a grocery store or Walmart I just ignore the ping. This is a flaw Uber needs to fix along with having a tip option and telling the driver where the passenger is going before accepting a ping.
Angelina and several others have said if driving for Uber isn’t profitable find another job. I have a full time professional day job and there are lawyers that drive for Uber for some extra cash. If I don’t think a trip will be profitable I don’t accept the ping or if I find out after I accepted the ping it won’t be profitable I cancel so I am doing just that. I’m not taking trips that will lose me money. But then Angelina and others complain about drivers cancelling, come on make up your mind. You are telling drivers to find another job if we are losing money but then turning around and complaining we are cancelling on you when drivers find out they will lose money on your trip.
I’d love to know what Angelina’s rating is as well as others who have complained of multiple cancels. If someone has that many cancels they have to be pretty low rated. I’ve only had one driver cancel me on all the Uber rides I have taken and the only time I cancel is if I find out the ping I accepted is at a grocery store or Walmart or if I get to a retailer and find someone has more merchandise than they’ll be able to carry in by themselves in one trip, the other times I will cancel are things that Uber allows me to cancel on without penalty such as a passenger traveling with a young child with no child safety seat, a minor riding without an adult or someone travelling outside of my pickup area.
And people try contacting the driver if you require a service beyond going from your pick up point to your destination as soon as the ping is accepted and tell the driver you’ll tip. You’ll have a lot fewer cancels and you’ll save yourself and your driver time if he won’t take the trip. If you are at Publix with a cart load of groceries and want assistance into your house with them, contact the driver immediately and tell him or her your situation and tell them you’ll tip them $x for their help and as long as the tip is a decent amount you’ll probably find he’ll accept it, I know I will. If your a low rated (or in most cases even high rated) passenger and I pull up and discover it’s a grocery store or it’s a retailer and see you have a lot of merchandise I’m more than likely going to cancel. If you ask us to drive you out of our area, contact the driver and make sure he’s ok accepting the ping and tell him how much you’ll tip. When we go outside our area the trip back home is deadhead miles and we can’t pick up any fares and therefore are wasting our gas and time on the return trip. If someone calls me as soon as they find out I accept their ping and tells me where they are going and offers me a decent tip I’ll take the trip as long as I am not under a time constraint. If I pull up and see that it’s out of my area and you aren’t offering me a tip up front, I’m going to cancel the trip.
Spot on Ray.. Simply put help fix your problem instead of whining about drivers. Uber is the problem and it can be fixed with a few bucks.. That’s how I would solve it as it STILL would be cheaper than usual black car services.
Good point about contacting the driver. I had broke my femur a couple years ago (before I was driving for Uber) and wasn’t able to put weight on my leg for a couple months and hated to depend on friends and family for everything and once in a while would take the parabus to the grocery store and take Uber back. I would always contact the driver immediately and tell him I had a few bags of groceries and lived in a condo with parking in front of the building and an elevator and would tell him I wasn’t able to take the groceries upstairs but if he would be willing to I would tip him $10 to $20 depending on how many groceries I had and I never had a driver turn down the request. I am sure if I wouldn’t have contacted him first I would have had quite a few cancels. I was using those motorized carts in the grocery store and would wait out at the curb and one time a carryout guy saw the uber pull up and put the groceries in the car for him and I made sure to tip him as well. Like most Uber drivers I ignore pings from Grocery stores and if I unknowingly accept a ping to a grocery store as soon as I find out I cancel but if a rider were to call me ahead of time and say they’re going to tip I would accept it. Same with airport trips, I always call the driver immediately and tell them I’ll tip them $25 and most will accept the ping but a few won’t due to the time to get to the airport and back so I am saving us both time and I always allow plenty of time to get to the airport.
And good point about not taking profitable riders. These anti-tippers are telling Uber drivers to not drive for Uber if it isn’t profitable but then complaining we are refusing money losing tips. If the riders want us to take them then start making it worth our time so we aren’t losing money and we will. I’ve never heard of people having a lot of cancels, if they are having drivers continually cancel on them they are probably the cause of the problem not the drivers
Gary, clearly you are a good person and human.. What we have seen from this blog is that there really does exist a sort of sub human group that simply expects and expects but does not give. You only saw on the three posts related to Uber just the most amazing nastiness of human kind. I am a horrible tipper. But it still pains me to stiff someone so much so I have to apologize. I know they don’t want to hear the sound but prefer the cash. I never carry cash ever..except find some for those moments going to an airport etc where tips might just be needed. I don’t tip well but do indeed feel bad when I don’t. These folks make it a point to feel f’ing great about sticking to folks. To the point they would go out of their ways to remove someone’s only earning source if it suited them. The only word I can use to summarize these folks is nasty.
Matthew, try rebooting and getting out of whiny little bitch mode. Use that energy to either convince Uber to put a variable tip function in the app or set up your own supplemental system where riders can swipe to leave a tip, if appropriate.
The whole concept of Uber is a lean, efficient cashless platform. If you can’t make it work within those parameters, looks like you’ve made yet another lousy career choice.
When did I say I drive for Uber? The only reason I started commenting on this thread was due to the insane whining of spoiled assholes who are essentially demographic racists.. As you too probably are. Whiney little bitch mode is PRECISELY why I commented. Just as you did yourself with the talk to Uber comment. You think these folks are just sitting there waiting to pick up as a career? You have just demonstrated your age and your level of stupidity. Not my job in ANY way to ask Uber to do anything. For two reasons. I NEVER use Uber and I do not drive a car.. So why the fuck would I be doing the dirty work for those whining about having decent people call ahead to determine if they wanted to go where the passenger wanted to go since Uber’s model set it up based on an IC model. You and the rest of idiots that use Uber should contact Uber. Don’t go putting your whiney little needs on the general public who think Uber is a nasty company as it truly seems are Uber’s passengers.
As for lean? Again you demonstrate you are a moron. There is not a damn thing lean about losing close to 3 billion dollars in 2016 and nearly 2 billion dollars in 2015. They are set for more losses in 2017.. Uber subsidizes EVERY single ride a Uber passenger takes. Lean? Yeah I guess you think welfare is lean too. Free money.. The school system in this country has produced nothing but morons who were never taught to think.. There are folks on this thread that talk a lot of sense however I keep wondering if it is millennials that actually the morons? I can’t say I know here because I don’t know the ages of these folks puking out nonsense and whining. They don’t know the law nor finance.. Please don’t tell me JC you are under 35.
Good for you! You are my Uber hero and that’s what I’m doing from now on.
Uber drivers beware – if a person wants a pick up at a grocery store, They are a short trip with groceries to load. This is a charity trip.
You are right about Walmart. I was burned once. Never again. I’m not driving and carrying peoples bundles for free. I’ll do charity work that is real volunteerism. But I won’t do it on my Uber driving time. I’m driving to supplement my income.
Fk me, what a,out of comments, The tip is included in the price. This can be altered by going to help then finding gratuity. It is set st 20%. The the driver that,
There is no tip set in the App. You are thinking of Uber Taxi which is a regular taxi, there is no tip set in Uber X. Look at your trip history in Uber and you will not see a tip for any Uber trip except Taxi.
You are confusing it with something else. Uber LOWERED its rates to drivers and added a tipping option to the app. If you look up the current policy, you will see that there is no tip built in.
being badgered for tips is what you should expect when being carted around by people thoroughly underpaid. if you find the to be an invoncience take a normal tax. never been hasseled.
I hope you ranting about uber driver about tipping makes you feel wanted. Oh poor you. Clearly you are an entitled passenger. I hope you keep using uber. Don’t worry the drivers will start not taking you for ride requests. After that you can either walk or take the bus.
Sounds like she is having trouble getting rides now if she is waiting and having multiple cancels. Personally my time is worth more than a few dollars. I’d rather tip my Uber driver a few dollars each trip and getting picked up right away than have to deal with the wasted time of cancelled trips and taking phone calls to see where I’m going to know if it’s worth their time or not to take the ping. I use Uber at least a couple times a week and I’ve been cancelled on once the entire time I’ve been taking Uber and have never had a driver call to ask where I’m going. But there have only been two times I have never tipped my and have a 4.98 rating (the one was driving like a maniac and the other time was in an Uber pool and we drove past a gay pride event and he made a homophobic remark to the other passengers complaining about gay pride when the other rider asked about what was going on with all the people in the area when we passed by and I said something and sure that is what kept me from a perfect five).
I’d love to know if these people that claim they don’t tip because they don’t have cash on them also use that excuse not to tip the bartenders at the airline lounges (that’s another thing that kills me people pay hundreds of dollars a year to belong to an airline lounge or have access through a credit card that costs hundreds of dollars a year and then are too cheap to tip the bartender).
What I’m really curious about is if before Uber they had the cash to pay for a cab since there is a $3.50 fee to pay with a credit card or if it was suddenly worth the inconvenience of not being cashless
IheartUber.. You are another example of someone who not only thinks of his fellow human but also are practical enough to realize that not tipping longterm might affect your ability to get rides. You cover everything in your response. I too am wondering now if any of this whole story has anything to do with the tip part and cancelations. I am not convinced that these are the relatively nasty folks you find Uber drivers are yelling at to get them out of their cars for being assholes. No this cancellation story probably has nothing to do with tips but rather just what type of nasty people these are. I am hearten to find sane and compassionate folks who just care enough to give a driver something as they would a bartender. I don’t drive a car but I am human and can appreciate just what is might be like to drive some spoiled asshole across New Jersey to the airport while these nasty people bark order at them when to change lanes etc… I get it now.. We all just happened upon a points blog that turns out is frequented by a demographic that likes to fly for free and also are plane and simple nasty? Or is it just a small subset of this site that couldn’t take it anymore i.e. not getting Uber drivers to pick them up after months of being nasty to them. My guess is these folks are already on some black list
Ratings is not the reason I tip, I tip because it’s the right thing to do. The two times I mentioned I didn’t tip, I was justified. Obviously tipping helps, people like Angelina and other on here who brag they don’t tip are complaining about drivers cancelling on them and long wait times and drivers are stating they are giving higher preference to higher rated drivers and rating appropriately for non-tippers.
Their low ratings could also be due to other things besides not tipping. Some of these posters are acting like Uber drivers are low class citizens. If they treat really respect their drivers the way they do here it is no wonder they are having trouble getting picked up
Iheartuber, perhaps I mis-stated something here or there as my real point in response to your original post was precisely to say it probably has way more to do with the way these people act vs how they rate or tip.. Ratings are just probably a method that drivers are using to determine who is nice and who is not. Clearly your two non tips were fully understandable and you are not and should not feel obliged to always tips. By no means. But the folks in this thread that have demonstrated themselves to be nasty are just horrible people… I surely will tip if I ever use an Uber but my guess is they will be 40% of the size they are now when the market, the drivers, the courts, and customers are done with them. Uber is in the wind down phase. But what Uber did do is disrupt and a good Uber firm will replace it and it probably will NOT be Lyft.. So many firms with creative ideas are popping up all the time. Some dedicate profits to charities etc. Wow what a shift in purpose that is by comparison.
YES! Thank you!
Drivers are recruited with $50-$500 bonuses. The popularity of drivers trading time with their families to take that deal is a pure reflection of our down economy. Why are you so blind to see that these people aren’t begging for extra pay. They are simply not being paid by Uber. You are the one who pays them. Uber rapport with driver inquires is a brick wall. 1. Riders pay. Uber facilitates. 2. Riders listen to drivers. Uber made an app and they don’t listen to drivers. If you only had proper perspective, then you might also have a different opinion on the issues at hand. I hope you enjoyed your ride with your Uber slave.
Spot on Tom Smith. To think the slave would want to eat the same food as the masters? How petty of the slaves to be begging for an extra piece of bread. When will the madness stop.. I can’t take it anymore. The horror of having to spend a 20 minute airport ride listening to the plight of the slave. Why can’t these slaves just drive and shut their mouths? Yes Angelina, you never thought it came out like that nor did your cohorts but this is precisely how you sound and more sadly how you act. If this were a small village you would be marked for life. Lucky for you you can ignore all of this and keep on being the nasty persons you all have demonstrated yourselves to be. Uber drivers are not slaves and thank goodness they have the gumption to ask to paid something whereby Uber and yourselves try to assure they are not. They weren’t asking for something extra. Uber does not pay them YOU do.. You just go along and conspire with Uber to assure the drivers are treated like slaves. Next one of you and your morons will bark back they are not forced at gun point.. Neither are you to participate in encouraging the abuse of a social under class with few options.
Matthew, is that the best you and your whiny little bitch cohorts can come up with? Slaves???
Uber drivers make a conscious decision to drive and are free to quit at any time. If they are there because of poor life / finance choices they have made, that’s life. The pity party forms at the food stamp line not with the captive consumer sitting in their vehicle.
Uber is billed as a cashless experience. I know with limited mental resources at your disposal you have a hard time grasping that, but reading really is fundamental. Try actually reading the agreement drivers have with Uber. It’s Uber that pays drivers.
Want a higher percentage of riders who tip? Cry to Uber so they add that function to the app. Or install a POS machine in your car. Or here’s a novel idea … get your criminal record expunged so you can actually drive a cab. At least in NYC cab drivers can earn a living and get steady tips. And there is no fee for passengers who pay with credit cards.
Okay I get it you have a bad drinking habit or you can’t understand English.. You assume that a guy who knows that a bartender get tips is a drunk and you assume that since I call out assholes like yourself I must drive a car. I don’t have fucking car you moron.. I told you that already yet you keep assuming I do and that reminds me of drunk people who forget shit in seconds.
Bottom line you are loser and having troubles with that.. Nice part is it is catching up with you.
AND… They recruit with those bonuses but then do everything they can to prevent you from meeting the fine print requirements of those bonuses.
Gary, does it hurt when you think?
The old bartender analogy is getting lame. First of all, I don’t frequent bars. That said, however, bartenders are skilled. Uber drivers not so much. Tips for bartenders can probably be included when you pay the tab with your credit card. But you are the expert on that, I suppose. Maybe if you laid off the booze your money would go further and you wouldn’t have to beg for tips.
I like your tax analogy. Reminds me how I dislike paying for your food stamps. Oh, do you actually pay taxes on your Uber income plus tips? Unlikely.
Well that pretty much clears up any doubt whatsoever that JC is an asshole and an idiot that wants to call folks drunks only because they know that bartenders get drinks. My guess is that JC might have been a bit drunk when he wrote what he did to Gary since he seems to be babbling. No folks JC is always going to be an ass and he won’t be treating people anything more than like dogs.. I suppose he would treat his kids that way too.
Matthew, if you walk like a dog and bark like a dog …
I know the truth is unpleasant for you. I understand reality is a bitch for you. I’m sure you are not in the Whiny Little Bitch Club because you have nothing better to do.
Can’t dumb it down for you any further. Want a tip? Tell your grand partner, Uber, to fix the app. Uber won’t listen? Then install a POS in your car. It really is that simple.
JC I can’t dumb it down any further for you.. I don’t have a FUCKING CAR!! get it.. No tip needed. Now that does not change the reality that you are loser who treats folks like shit.. Go back upstairs and beat your wife and kids again.. U
No car, Matthew? Look on the positive side. Your parole officer is doing his part to keep the community safe.
More stupidity out of a moron
Hi Jessica. I’m sorry, but how can you start working for a company without doing any background research. Such as reading about uber being sued over a year ago about the tipping falsly being advertised as included. They lost, and had to pay out millions to drivers. Since then, they had to openly tell the drivers that they can accept tips, post signs, tip boxes, etc. Don’t forget, you are working for yourself in a sense that you can accept or deny the business, so if you are told the pick up is 20 or minutes away, there is a very likely chance that the rider may only want to travel a few minutes down the street, which means in the end, you are paying out of pocket to drive people, that’s negative income…thats just bad business. You may want to do a bit more research or join a forum like Uber People and find the threads for your city. There you will find some great insight into the business and suggestions on how to make the most of your time on the road. But seriuosly…thinking to this day that tipping is not allowed, that’s the rider’s excuse, and in now way should be a statement made by a driver, as it shows a complete lack of knowledge of what you do and who you are contracted by (uber).
@Rider AFAIK Uber didn’t have to pay anything in cash to the drivers. One thing that did come out of the law suit was we are allowed to start asking for tips now. I don’t know why it took so long to put the in app tipping feature on the app but seeing Travis wouldn’t benefit and it would cost Uber money it is no surprise. It was probably because they were losing so many drivers to Lyft that they were forced to add it.
Uberpeople is a wonderful website.
A source I find great are local uber/lyft driver facebook groups. These are closed groups and the admins usually require you upload a screenshot of your driver app and that the pic matches a pic on your facebook page to insure that it’s only actual uber drivers in the group.
The facbook pages are very useful. There’s a few medical practices that arrange rides for their patients using the same Uber account and one of them has more “desirable” patients and the practice actually tips in app and it’s known a lot of their patients tip. The other three never tip and a ping came in a couple days ago (somehow they have a decent rating) and thanks to the facebook page I knew the ride would be going to the chiropracter office and would result in no tip and that area is a place I wouldn’t want to pick up in and I declined the ping where I would have been burned otherwise. I’ve also learned a couple other areas to avoid.
Liked other drivers including myself have said many times learn your demographics. Don’t accept a rider with a rating lower than 4.85. Their are certain areas and “demographics” that never tip.
If I don’t get tipped that a risk I take and I don’t scam them and simply give them a low rating. But riders who don’t tip also shouldn’t get upset when drivers give them a low rating to warn future drivers and shouldn’t get upset when they don’t get picked up right away as a result of their ratings.
Looks like Uber lost another executive.. This guy was supposed to try and find a way to calm the drivers down.. He was the supposed adult in the room. He lasted 6 mos.. The gig is up.. Looks like the winner will end up being Lyft until the drivers turn on them.. At least Lyft might find a way to survive since they have a tip function in the app and perhaps passengers scared to fuck of having to go back to taxi rates might rethink the whole nearly zero cost ride thing.. and perhaps anti up.. Remember, passengers pay drivers not Lyft or Uber.. These firms take a cut.. How the funds are collected via credit card is inconsequential.
I don’t see things changings much with Jeff leaving. The one that should be stepping down is Travis.
I wish Undercover boss would do a show on Uber with Travis but we all know Travis would never agree to it. I can just imagine the reaction on his face when he drives 8 miles to pick up a one mile ride who doesn’t tip:) Or pulls up to a Walmart with someone who bought everything but the kitchen sing and wants him to put it in his trunk and take her to her house with no tip. Or the idiot that wants him to go through a starbucks drivethru and wait in a 10 minute line for 13 cents a minute:)
I’m going to be on undercover boss in June of 2035
Uber drivers are lowlifes , the tip is included in the fare. Uber drivers make good money. DON’T TIP THEM! !
I don’t know which drivers you mean, or how you would know what they make. I can tell you only about myself. I’m a special ed assistant at a public school, driving Uber part-time for the summer. I can’t seem to make it profitable, or even break minimum wage.
It is for all the reasons the other drivers here are stating. Uber pays low and they deceive the riders into believing that it pays well without tips, when it doesn’t. That’s the reality.
I’m not a lowlife. I’m a educated, hard-working mother of two, trying to put them through college. I’ve served my country as a naval officer and I’ve served my community as a hospice volunteer. I have two degrees. I damaged my career by spending several years at a stay-at-home mom / hospice volunteer / school volunteer while working a series of part-time jobs. I’m driving Uber for the summer, but it has been a failure because of the low pay, and Uber’s policies. They insist on sending us on long pick-ups for short rides. It is a big expense of time and gas, and the passengers have been trained by Uber not to tip.
I see that your comment was posted afre Uber lowered their pay rates and before Uber put the tipping app in place. You would not have known this at the time, but the drivers were working for well below minimum wage. Many still are (me) because passengers still think that Uber adds a tip to the driver, but they don’t.
Tip by means “To Insure Promptness”. To hail a ride on the Uber or Lyft platform and it arrives within minutes and safely delivers you to said destination in late model clean vehicle. Most times providing you with heat or air, music, wifi, charging cables, and unscheduled stops and more.
You darn right I deserve A TIP and I deserve it without asking you for it.
Angelina Uber has double crossed the driver. Lyft has done the same. The 28 riders I had this Friday and Saturday only 4 used the in app tips. No tipping the driver is a culture that Uber created and Uber needs to correct.
Insure promptness? Where else can I insure promptness? Do you think I can take out a policy with Progressive or Geico?
Maybe do some googling and you’ll learn that the acronym is made up bs
That’s pathetic only 4 out of 28 tipped with the app? These tightwads are claiming the reason they don’t tip is Uber is cashless yet Lyft has a feature that allows you tip cashless and people still don’t tip, there is no excuse for it other than they are stingy.
As for as tips insuring promptness, regardless of it’s made up about being what the acronym stands for or not, it’s obvious from Angelina’s drivers that not tipping is a good to NOT insure promptness and get a poor rating. From being an uber driver and passenger I can tell you that I have never experienced the issues with getting pick up and cancellations she has (and I use Uber at airports a couple times a month) as a passenger and when I drive a good way to insure I won’t pick you up is if you have a low rating (which usually comes from not tipping which is something she whined about last year in her blog).
Don’t believe these disgruntled Uber drivers, as a passenger your rating could be 1.0 and someone will be glad to pick you up.
And as a passenger unless you punch the driver uber will never kick you out of Uber.
I don’t think anyone needs to be deactivated to be affected.. I do believe from what I hear and read that passengers are the last to think that a passenger rating could affect them.. No tip is the fastest way to get bad ratings and eventually not picked up or longer waiting times. I think that was what this whole story was all about. “Why am I getting canceled on?” Well I think that cat is pretty much out of the bag.
You Uber drivers can’t cancel , you will be deactivated by me, ROTFLMAO
Bad ratings is a good way to insure you won’t get picked up, especially is you’re during a time of high demand or are a good distance from your Uber driver, especially from veteran drivers.
If a ping comes in from five miles away from a low rated driver, I’m sure not going to accept it and if I were to accidentally accept it you better believe I’m going to cancel it. If it’s a high demand period where I know I’m going to have no problems getting pings such as when a concert or sporting event has just let out, I’m ignoring pings from lower rated customers. Even if it’s a high surge and I get no tip (and I honestly don’t blame passengers for not tipping if it’s a really high surge period, they are paying a lot for the trip and I’m making a lot) I’m going to make sure the best rated customers get picked up first since they are the ones that probably tip during non-surges and/or are the best to deal with.
If someone tips they always get a five from me. If it’s an elderly or diasabled passenger that I can gell doesn’t have much from the looks of their house when I pick up or drop them off at their home, etc. I am usually really understanding and rate them five since I know they don’t have much providing they treat me nice. Now if someone lives in a mansion, wants help with groceries into their house, acts entitled, etc. and doesn’t tipped they are getting a low rating.
Ratings don’t matter much if you are in a city with a lot of Ubers and travel during non-peak times but if you are travelling after a big event or are an airport pickup then ratings could play an important factor in whether you get picked up in three minutes or thirty minutes.
Don’t tip uber drivers, they are well paid by myself.
What is wrong with you? its cheaper and quicker then a taxi and you cant tip?
These are the same kinds of people that act concerned about how you are doing!
Then build it into the app, Einstein.
I refuse to tip anyone if you dont like the wages then dont do the job no one tips me so thats it.
I suspect this entire business will go away soon because it violates so many state taxi rules.
I know you live in NYC. In the case where the driver called you where you at EWR or New Jersey by any chance?
An Uber driver going from NJ to NY can’t pick up a fare once he’s in NY and has to return to NJ and the same for someone going from NY to NJ. In those cases the driver isn’t required to accept the trip and is saving you both time. In the cases where someone is going into an area where the driver can’t pick up another fare I recommend contacting the driver as soon as they accept the ping to see if they will take you. It saves the driver a wasted trip if he won’t go and also saves the passenger time if they have to page another uber and wait on them. I could understand a driver that isn’t going into NYC calling a passenger at EWR seeing all the rides they get into NY. Whenever I fly into EWR I always contact the driver immediately and tell them I’m going into Midtown and that I will tip them at least $20
In the city I drive in the nearest airport is in a city about an hour away and we aren’t legally allowed to pick up. Seeing I am wasting an hour without being able to pick up passengers and the gas and wear and tear on my car I refuse airport fares unless the passenger tells me up front they are going to tip. The passenger is under no obligation to tip me but I’m also under no obligation to take them out of my area where we can’t pick up.
I’ve had a few very good Uber drivers, but most have been mediocre to say the least. I tip when its warranted and don’t when it isn’t. If they beg, I certainly don’t and I write why in my 1 star rating. Its not Uber’s fault that its drivers choose to beg, no one is forcing them to drive for Uber.
Do all of us drivers a favor, stop requesting Uber and go back to your regular bus, train, yellow cab, walk, etc to get from point A to B
Keep thinking only your waiters, barbers, salons and taxi drivers deserve tips and soon enough you will not be able to find one single driver who is going to accept your request.
Most drivers will not accept a poorly rated passenger and you are on your way to below 4 star ratings sooner than you think.
I use uber fairly frequently, and I never tip. That is one of the attractions of uber – fixed price. It really has nothing to do with whether I think drivers deserve more money. It has to do with the drive-myself vs rent-a-ride cost. And it only makes sense to use uber (or lyft) if the price is very low.
You can try to compare it to a taxi, but I don’t, I NEVER use taxis. Virtually every uber driver I have met has been very nice and they show up quickly too, but they are not taxi drivers. The only time I would think a tip might be appropriate were if I were to take a ride way out of the metro area – but I don’t do that either. Uber provides an income stream where none would exist otherwise, and I have not heard any uber drivers complaining about having the opportunity to make money using a vehicle and their time which would be idle in the absence of uber. The television is there waiting if the pay is too low, but I believe the supply of drivers is increasing. Am I cheap – you betcha. Am i the rider uber is trying to entice with low fares – absolutely. If you are a driver who doesn’t like that business model, you are probably out of luck with uber. If on the other hand you want to make small but reasonable pay, please keep driving for uber and recommend it to your friends who have a car, but not a job, or who want a little extra on the side. Thanks much for a continuing good job.
Have drivers noticed an increase in tips since in app tipping as come along for lower rated passengers?
I picked up a couple lower rated (4.4 and 4.5) passengers last week and neither tipped so I’m going back to only picking up 4.85+ rated. Wasn’t sure if i just had bad luck and should try picking up lower rated passengers again who might have not tipped due to having no cash or stick to 4.85+
I’ve noticed when I stick to only 4.85+ rated passengers and avoid certain demographics my tips are a lot bettere
Well i guess thats it…there is no money in this. Iys driving peopme around for gas and maintnance would have made a difference but even with in app tipping i havent received a single one except for returning a lost wallet witg all the cash inside.
@marshall you are doing better than me, about the only thing non-tippers leave in my car are empty water bottles (another reason I don’t provide water anymore unless I know they will tip). The only two decent things I had left in my car where an IPad and someone left an expensive paid of Bose QC headphones in my car last week. The Ipad had a business card on it but was unlocked and I remembered the passenger from the first name and the address on the card and he tipped me really good on the ride so I called him and received another tip for $10 for dropping it off to him a mile away. I only did two rides the night someone left the Bose headphones in my car and neither one tipped so I didn’t bother trying to track them down figuring they wouldn’t tip me again if I returned them.
I agree the in app tipping feature hasn’t helped much and I haven’t noticed much difference in tips. I received a few but two were from repeat passengers who have tipped me in cash before so now I have to wait for the tip money and will be tipped. I’m about 60 percent passengers that tip but I only pick up passengers with a high rating (they tip about 80 percent of the time) or during high surges which more than makes up for the lack of tips.
Instead of doing in app tipping Uber needs to raise their rates back up to where they were.
Especially when requesting a ride from nj to ny or vice versa where a drive can’t pick up another passenger and has to deadhead it back. If you are too cheap to tip in that situation don’t whine the driver wint accept the ping if you have a low rating or gives you a one star rating if he dies. The driver is under no obligation to accept an out is stYe ride or out or area for that matter if he can’t put Kc up another passenger. The least you can do is tip the driver .
You state that you have been cancelled on many times between NJ and NYC. The driver has a right to refuse a fare from NJ to NYC and vice versa. If I am a NJ driver and take someone to NYC, legally I can’t pick up any passengers in NY and the same with a NY driver going to NJ. The driver is out his time, gas and tolls driving back from NYC to NJ
As a NJ driver if I get a ping from EWR I am going to make sure the passenger isn’t going to NYC. By calling the passenger I am saving myself time and gas as well as saving the passenger wasted time if they are going to NYC. If the passenger tells me up front they will tip and are highly rated then I’ll probably accept the trip. You better believe I’m not wasting a half hour of my time and gas and tolls to get back to NJ from NYC on a lower rated passenger who isn’t going to tip. unlike cabs, Uber drivers dont’ get an out of state fee. Uber could rectify this by charging passengers the same fee a taxi does and giving it to the driver or at least charging a convenience fee and the tolls both ways.
Now if someone says they are going to a Newark hotel from EWR I will take the ride even though I know I will be losing out on money since it’s in my area.
@ Kyle: I, for one, appreciate your well-expressed and logical explanation.
The problem is, though, that the vast majority of riders probably have no idea whatsoever of the issues you’ve raised. They simply don’t know how the NYC – NJ Uber system works.
I’d think that, depending on the tone and presentation, calling the rider and offering an explanation would result in an agreement acceptable to both.
I realize this blog is a couple months old but I just found it and as a NJ Uber driver wanted to clarify a couple things.
The text about the tips and the conversation were both totally out of line and inexcusable. I would never think about asking a passenger for a tip and if I feel that one is warranted (for example taking someone from NJ to NYC where we can’t pick people up), helping with a luggage or groceries, etc. and don’t get tipped I simply rate the passenger appropriately to warn future drivers.
As far as the cancellations on trips from NJ to NYC and drivers calling ahead, that is perfectly acceptable (assuming the driver will accept the ping from NJ to another NJ address). If an NJ driver takes someone to NY (or vice versa) they can’t pick up in NY. AFAIK, if any uber driver takes a passenger to another state they can’t pick up and have to dead head it back with no passenger and Uber doesn’t reimburse us for our gas or tolls back to NJ. Same if I were to take someone to PA.
Uber allows drivers to cancel without penalty if the passenger is going to an area where they aren’t allowed to pick up. Angelina states she uses Uber mainly from NJ to NYC and doesn’t usually tip. She blogged a while back her Uber was only 4.7 (and I’m sure it has gone down since then if she uses Uber from NJ to NYC where a driver can’t pick up where the driver losses money).
When I was green and starting out I really didn’t pay much attention to ratings and would take passengers into NYC until Uber cut their rates and I was making less money and the cheapskate passengers still wouldn’t tip even though they were paying less for a fare (and don’t get me going on Uber pool because I refuse to drive pool). I rarely accept pings from passengers who aren’t at least 4.8 but if it’s a slow night and I accept a ping from someone that is rated 4.7 or below and they are going to NYC or PA where I can’t pick another passenger up, I’m cancelling the trip and refusing the ride since I refuse to lose money. Maybe if you tipped your driver on trips from NJ to NYC and vice versa your rating wouldn’t be low and more drivers would accept the ping.
Uber says a passenger isn’t required to tip but it works both ways, an Uber driver isn’t required to take a trip out of a pick up area. If you people expect Uber drivers to respect that uber says tipping isn’t required then passengers should also accept Uber’s policy that we aren’t required to drive you out of state.
As far as receiving a call as to destination, as others have mentioned there are some areas in NJ where a lot of passengers are going to NY instead of NJ and they may be wanting to save you as a passenger and themselves time on a fare they aren’t going to accept (and are allowed to). If I have a pick up at EWR or Penn Station-NJ and the passenger is rated under 4.9 you better believe I’m going to refuse the fare to NYC. If I contact the passenger and they tell me they are going to NY or PA I can politely tell them I am not required to accept the fare. Not only does it save me time and money it also saves the waiting passenger time by requesting another ride instead of spending 15 minutes at the airport or train station only to be told the driver is refusing the ping and to page another ride.
Now if the driver is refusing to pick up at EWR or Penn because the ride is only 1 mile in NJ that is wrong.
Simple solution is if passengers don’t want to tip don’t get upset if your driver refuses your trip to an out of area location where he can’t pick up, just like you aren’t required to tip the driver isn’t required to go out of state. If you don’t want to tip and your rating is low don’t get upset if you have to wait longer and drivers skip over your pings for higher rated passengers.
And driver should stop hustling for tips. Just starting accepting only higher rated passengers and rating appropriately. Skip the sub 4.8 pings like I do and if you accept lower rated passengers then be prepared to get no tip and refuse out of area trips. If you are a NJ or NY based driver you have the right to refuse an out of state ping since you can’t pick up at the drop off point.
HappyUberCustomer says
Get real. Uber is a NO TIPPING service. The drivers are all professional and courteous and have been for years before this bs tipping campaign started by a bunch of greedy newbie drivers.
I would immediately report them and post their name and license plate all over social media.
If the drivers don’t like the business model that is Uber, find another job, no one is forcing them to work there. Not being hustled for a tip is precisely why I continue to use Uber. Contrary to what others state here, tips are NOT required NOR expected. This is just a handful of greedy drivers trying to overwrite the business model of Uber.
Pity the driver who dares hustle me for a tip. And no, I don’t work for Uber, and
don’t respond about the plight of the little person working for the big corporation.
Go work for Lyft if you think a tip is required.
You’re about as stupid as you are pathetic. Lawsuit for what? Please enlighten me you subhuman filth.
Keep driving Ubers in your pathetic boring life while I live large and collect my fat bonuses.
Gary, does it hurt when you think?
The old bartender analogy is getting lame. First of all, I don’t frequent bars. That said, however, bartenders are skilled.
Uber drivers not so much.
J.C. says
You need more money, get a job. Flip burgers. Wait tables. Go to school. Or get Uber to add tipping function.
Matthew, if you walk like a dog and bark like a dog …
I know the truth is unpleasant for you. I understand reality is a bitch for you. I’m sure you are not in the Whiny Little Bitch Club because you have nothing better to do.
Can’t dumb it down for you any further. Want a tip? Tell your grand partner, Uber, to fix the app. Uber won’t listen? Then install a POS in your car. It really is that simple.
No car, Matthew? Look on the positive side. Your parole officer is doing his part to keep the community safe.
Either way, these earnings are amazingly low. It’s amazing that so many people are still driving for the company. These rates really are below minimum wage, especially after you factor in car costs and other driving-related expenses. It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of drivers are ultimately losing money per hour rather than making it.
Just fucking wow. wow. WOW holy fucking WOW
Maybe some of you don’t realize there are physicists, doctors, and engineers out of jobs all across the country, because our politicians and Wall Street know how to waste money faster than make our economy produce it. There’s only so many jobs flipping burgers let alone people with physical limitations that could barely work fast food, who could still drive.
I wouldn’t blame these drivers for rather being homeless than carting some of you braindead asswads around on their own charity.
The sad part is Uber clearly overestimated their ‘Contractors’ income, so when YOU as a rider say “I don’t expect handouts, I’m not giving anyone any.” Maybe step back and think, this Uber driver may be giving ME a handout with gas out of his own pocket because he CANNOT make Uber set a realistic payrate, or had to travel too far to get me.
Just fucking shame on your attitude to others that provide you a service. Maybe not that you don’t tip, but it takes alot more skill to drive a car for hours in traffic safely then to flip a fucking can hardly go wrong burger. Give your ass a rest and get your head out of it for a few hours per lifetime you might see something other than shit for lowlives that do more for you than you for them. Almost 60% of jobs in the US are minimum wage, that’s outrageous for a 1st world country when the living standard is almost double that.
Truly the fault with customer/driver satisfaction lies with Uber and it’s fake reported payrates unless you drive only surge hours.
Maybe the drivers need to informally unionize or quit, or someone needs to write their own competing app, that does factor service requests, tips, dead travel time, distance, and pathroute projections for decent follow-up pings.
Clearly the CEO is a POS and got himself fired from his own company, but holy crap wow humanity is failing. Capitalism has driven a lower class further down then some of you would acknowledge. We might not be as classist as India, but God help us we don’t stoop that far, cause with some people’s attitudes toward others wow you must be a drunk criminal or retard to not have had luck with jobs or careers in this life. Newsflash: it can happen to anyone.
I am a Uber driver, I have been driving for about 9 months and I too was shocked to learn that people generally don’t tip. When I looked into the “why” of this issue back when I started I figured out that a lot of times it’s misinformation (Uber passenger thinks that we get 90-100% of the fare, UberEATS consumers thinking we get that whole $5 convenience fee they are charged) or they simply are doing what most do, being as cheap as possible and therefore not giving a tip because they are literally saving a few bucks. As a driver I don’t expect anything. But if I go above and beyond for you, if I take you thru a drive thru after you’ve been out drinking with your friend and also take said friend home for you after the trip has ended because they are right around the corner and it’s “not far”, throwing your driver a couple of bucks is not “asking for something for doing nothing”. If I put all your luggage in my car from the airport, give you charger cords, provide you gum and water for free and also change the music for you 3 times for a short 7 min ride, then unload everything for you, open your door since you’re still sitting in the car and want to feel like a important, rich kid, then act accordingly and tip your driver for going above and beyond. I too have a small (a 4×6 photo size) sign on my dashboard that welcomes you to my vehicle, tells you what amenities I have, asks you to rate the ride when done and states that tipping is not part of the fare nor is it expected but highly appreciated if earned but I never berate my customers for a tip, I never point the sign out or draw your attention to it. It’s there as info and if I earn your tip I am appreciative but I never sit there and hassle someone for it. Why? It’s unprofessional and wrong. It puts a bad light on the drivers out here like myself who are just trying to earn a living. I also believe in working for that tip like I explained above. Also, I have been hearing more and more about these drivers calling passengers and asking about destinations and I also tell those passengers that get those calls to contact Uber and let them know those drivers are doing that. I have never once called and asked someone where they were going to see if it was “worth it” because that is the whole point of being a Uber driver over a standard taxi driver, you don’t get to ride pick based on destination to earn more, that’s why you don’t see where your customer is going when you accept and for others to do that is WRONG. It’s basically fare shopping and it’s unfair to the whole platform. I am proud of my 0% cancellation rate and I am proud of every comment and badge I earn and when I get a tip I am proud that I EARNED that tip. I agree Uber should do more and they are slowly starting too, (adding a tip via the app will be available by the end of July) it makes me sad that it took a multi-million dollar lawsuit for them to simply add this function to their app but they are doing it. So maybe it will get better, but bottom line is always this, the ones who work for their tips and their riders will get more in the ways of ratings, tips and sometimes other forms of “tips” from passengers because they actually are willing to do the job. I once had a little old lady who lived in a multistory apartment building who only had a short 5 minute drive from Walmart to her home. She lived on the 3rd floor and the good manners in me refused to let this little old lady carry her groceries from my car to her apartment up stairs because they were fixing the elevator in her complex. So I carried them to her door for her and she told me she didn’t have money to tip me because of her fixed income and I told her not to worry about it, but she told me to wait, went in to her home and gave me a cell phone holder I could use in my car vent clips and some cookies. I thanked her and I actually replaced that clip from the one I originally had that blocked some of my view on the windshield and the cookies were welcome as I hadn’t eaten anything yet that morning. The experiences Angelina had were by drivers who simply want more for less work and they are the ones who spoil it for us hard workers.
@Adri Glad you haven’t become jaded like some others.
The new tip function should be interesting. Hopefully it will increase driver income. Of course, there is the possibility Uber will eff it up with how they place / engineer / market the function.
As if to prove my point! Hope you dont have a son with downs or youll always wonder if its because of sometging you sain in a comment section of a cut rate travel blog the commenters dont even care about
Here’s the deal. First – it’s a personal service. You tip people who provide you service. Second – you just got your butt hauled across town for eighty five cents a mile. No driver is rolling in the dough for that. A cab in NY and Miami cost 4 times as much. In orlando more like 6 times as much. And your Uber is probably cleaner. So tip your driver.
Ok so new discussion: now there IS a tip feature in the app…why is it that people still feel that tips are not expected? I have picked up 45 passengers since the tip feature was unveiled, and I have gotten exactly one cent in tips. I guess that guy couldn’t figure out how not to tip me…
If you tip 100% on your Uber ride it won’t cost as much as the same cab ride, before the tip. Why is it so horrible to tip a service worker? And sorry but bartending is not a skilled labor position.
There have been several posts on this thread using the excuse for not tipping due to no in app tipping feature and never carrying cash.
Now that you can tip in app what’s the excuse for not tipping? I’ve received two in app tips so far and those were both from high rated riders who probably tipped their drivers in cash in the past to have those high of ratings.
I’m going back to picking up only higher rated passengers since the lower rated ones are obviously just tight and won’t tip regardless.
When I have been an easy passenger, made sure I was outside and on time, quiet and clean… and I get dinged because I don’t tip, I change the 5 star rating I gave the driver to 4 stars.
So why don’t we just tip the drivers? When uber said it was included the fare was like 4 times what it is right now. They lowered the fare to compete with Lyft, where tips are NOT included…so obviously tips aren’t included in the fare if it’s the same service for the same price and usually even the same drivers…
Tipping culture isn’t leaving, because the population is only fighting against tipping Uber drivers…not hairstylists, tattoo artists, servers, bartenders, etc. If you all want tipping to go away so bad make sure all the aforementioned workers get less than a livable wage as well for the next 10 or so years.then maybe something will change.
How can you tell who dinged you?
i have a message for all of you whiney passengers
rent a car
buy your own car
take a taxi
you are most annoying entitled human beings .
one star because your just completely clueless and extremley ungrateful to say the least
@Uber: you may want to consider another career path. Perhaps Uber isn’t a match for you. You seem to be a very angry person, and not suited to a service job.
Don’t worry about us; we’ll be OK. Honest.
@BLubBer –> You are obviously under too much pressure. Learn to live within the constraints of your EBT card. I’m sure it started all going downhill for you when you got fired from Burger King, right?
Uber, if you are getting stiffed a lot on tips then you are probably picking up low rated passengers. If it isn’t a surge only pick up passengers rated in the high 4.8’s or higher. Whilst it doesn’t guarantee you won’t get non-tippers it helps weed out the people that people that you know won’t tip. I have never been tipped by anyone rated under 4.8 so that is why I don’t accept those pings unless it’s a high enough surge I know I’ll make a decent profit. And if someone stiffs you don’t rate thm over a four to help warn future drivers.
Now that inapp tipping is available these tight asses can’t use the excuse they don’t carry cash.
Dear Gary,
But you’ll never know now, since you don’t get the info until later, right? Honestly, you guys have turned a good tipper into a FU ride. You are bullies.
My favorite is checking my rating to determine how the driver rated me. If anything below a 5, I change my rating for them to a 1.
How do you find out how the driver rated you?
Look at your rating before the trip. Basically, if after the trip the rating has decreased, you were rated less than a 5.
Because of ppl like you are cheap lyft drivers work their ass off and getting paid 5 doller an hour! And normal taxi drivers lost jobs! So dont look for whats cheapest ! At leat pay for the convenience! Gosh
Well thats it…there is no money in this. Its driving people around for gas money and a bit to save for maintenance.. Our only payment is the pleasure of their company and monthly oil changes.
Don’t be a bit*h or a jerk. You are riding in a private car with the fraction of a taxi fair. If you cannot live a tip for the driver not even a dollar you don’t deserve to be a rider. you know you should walk do not complain about it and start walking instead of calling uber. Bit*h put your foot into the Uber driver’s Shoe and Than complain bit*h. No wonder why the taxi drivers doesn’t like people like you bit*h. If the taxi fare is $20 you are paying the Uber driver only five dollars for your fair. so why does it too hard for you to leave a dollar for the f**king poor driver.stop complaining bit*h.
Mmm. Jack you seem nice. Can’t imagine anyone not falling over themselves to tip you. Perhaps you’d be suited to another career? Just wait ’til you experience corporate life, if any company accepts your negativity and vitriol. Good luck to you.
I’m seeing several post from drivers complaining about out of state dropoffs where they can’t pick up another passenger and deadheading it back and the passengers not tipping.
I’m not sure of Lyft’s policy but I drive for Uber and live in Toledo which is next to the Michigan border and get requests sometimes for Detroit airport or the Detroit area. I was at the point where I refused the trip unless they offered to tip up front but found a go way around this. I’m assuming this would work for NJ/NY trips and other out of area trips as well.
If a passenger requests a trip out of area, Uber will allow you to wait until you are back in your area to end the trip. If I get a trip to Detroit or the Detroit airport and the rider tips me $20 or more I will end the ride at drop off. If they are a tightass and don’t tip then I end the ride as soon as I get to the Ohio border and can start pick ups again. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the passenger sees how much the fare is and to find out they agreed to it with Uber’s TOS:) Amazing people are too cheap to tip $20 for a 50 mile one way ride. I guess I get the last laugh now because of their cheapness to tip $20+ they are getting stuck with an additional $40+ in uber charges (which I have to split with uber and get taxed on so I would make more if they tipped me $20) and are paying more than what they would have paid a cab or metro cab for the same ride in a town car:)
I can still charge back to the state border if they tip me but I figure why be a jerk about it if they are being nice and tipping me.
@toledouberdriver Thanks for the heads up about out of area drop offs. Of course Uber doesn’t inform the drivers of this. I’m going to see if it applies to NJ pickups to NY dropoffs and if it does I’ll start accepting all NY and PA rides and just ending the trip when I get back to NJ. I’ll still end the trip at drop off in NY or PA if the passenger tips but if it’s a tightass I’ll just wait to end the trip and will probably net as much as if they tipped me after Uber’s cut and taxes and the tightass will get stuck paying a lot more in his fare than if he had tipped to begin with.
I want to make sure they pay tolls heading back. If this is the case it would be cheaper for the passengers to use Carmel or a taxi but I’m sure most drivers don’t know they can charge the passenger to dead head back
Ok seriously…
Yes there are other cultures in the world where tipping does not exist. Thos cultures also usually value honor, dignity, integrity, and compassion. I see none of these things in Amereica today. We have to pick our battles, friends. If this is one we will be remembered for fighting above fighting to maintain our values, then i hom glorious leader kim jong fatty nukes us all.
Aaand i butcher i with my fatass thumbs…whatever you get it.
Not your thumbs. It’s your extra chromosome.
I’ve always tipped a rideshare drive since I consider you are expected to tip shuttle drivers, taxi drivers, limo drivers, etc.
Seeing there is no an in app option there is no excuse for not knowing Uber drivers expect tipped but before that feature but is it possible some people didn’t realize you were to tip Uber drivers? Perhaps they weren’t being tight but just weren’t knowledgeable about it?
I travel 3+ times a month for business and am 45 and learned only earlier this year that you are expected to leave a tip for your housekeeping staff in a hotel. If I wanted something extra I would always leave a note with a request and a tip but never knew I was to leave a tip at the end of the stay for housekeeping even if I didn’t ask for anything out of the ordinary. Wasn’t being cheap and am a very generous tipper normally, I just didn’t realize you were to tip them and am wondering if this is the case with some people not tipping their Uber driver.
Nothing wrong with tipping an Uber driver. In fact, in most cases, you should — especially since now you can put it in the app.
But there will always be people who don’t tip. There has to be at least a few dozen reasons why those who don’t tip don’t. I don’t believe those who don’t tip do it because they are evil or want to scam the driver or even because they are cheap bastards. I can think of at least 1/2 dozen logical reasons why someone might not have left a tip.
The bottom line is people need to deal with it. Life’s a bitch. You are in a customer service job and that doesn’t mean you can’t act professional. How many waiters and waitresses do you see who say they are going to refuse to serve a certain segment of customers because they don’t usually tip or don’t tip enough? I’m sure any that tried doing that would be swiftly unemployed.
Some days you bite the bear and some days the bear bites you. You need to find a way to teach the bear not to bite. If you aren’t part of the solution, you ARE the problem.
J.C. is claiming to be a U.S. Naval Academy midshipman or to have graduated from the academy while publicly degrading service workers, hurling crude insults, parading his elitism, and making unkind comments like using “extra chromosome” as an insult. I hope he’ll never know what using that as an insult feels like to the parents of a child with Down’s Syndrome.
I hope he is lying about the Naval Academy, as I think his fellow midshipmen and fellow officers would be deeply ashamed to be associated with this kind of public communication while claiming his association with the Naval Academy. He’s either posing as being from “Canoe U,” or he won’t have the character to reveal himself here to truly stand by his disgraceful behavior.
That’s right, J.C. You call whiny bitch, and I call elitist coward. That fine education paid for with the taxes of everyone you callously insult was wasted on you.
For anyone who may think he is typical of a naval officer who has received an outstanding, free education on behalf of the taxpayers in exchange for an agreement to stay in the navy for several years after graduation, please believe me when I say his self-aggrandizement and scathing remarks toward service workers, the disabled, the poor, and anyone to whom he judges himself superior are not typical of a naval officer or midshipman. The Naval Academy values respect and self-discipline.
EXby J.C. : ”
@Marshall: If you attended the same university that I did, I might be impressed. We both know, however, that would have been impossible. You wouldn’t amount to a pimple on a Canoe U midshipman’s ass. So have fun writing code for Wal-Mart and helping them balance their cash registers every day.”
“Not your thumbs. It’s your extra chromosome.”
“You are obviously under too much pressure. Learn to live within the constraints of your EBT card. I’m sure it started all going downhill for you when you got fired from Burger King, right?”
“I know the truth is unpleasant for you. I understand reality is a bitch for you. I’m sure you are not in the Whiny Little Bitch Club because you have nothing better to do.”
“Maybe if you laid off the booze your money would go further and you wouldn’t have to beg for tips.
“I like your tax analogy. Reminds me how I dislike paying for your food stamps. Oh, do you actually pay taxes on your Uber income plus tips? Unlikely.”
@Michelle in many of her posts likes to strut her claims of having served her country. That and $1.25 will get you a cup of coffee. Just because you wore a uniform and served slop in a mess hall doesn’t give you an excuse to be a) a liar and b) a whiny little bitch. It’s clear to see why your illustrious career was cut short and you never were considered qualified for augmentation.
If you aren’t happy wth the way Uber is treating you, if they don’t fulfill your sense of entitlement, GTFO. Go sell AMWAY. Hold Tupperware parties. Learn how to work a lawnmower. Find another way to meet your financial needs. To find the sympathy you so eagerly seek, pick up a dictionary and you will find it between shit and syphilis.
What the Academy rewards is STFU and do your job even if you don’t like it. They don’t reward whiny little bitches and they think more highly of someone who simply pulls the plug than someone whining and crying for mommy every time the going gets difficult.
Extra chromosome? You should strive to have one. It can only be considered an improvement for YOU.
I was an officer and a navigator.
I don’t believe you graduated from the Naval Academy. They don’t teach disdain for paid laborers. They teach and value respect for self and others. You’re either posing as being from “Canoe U,” or you won’t have the character to reveal yourself here to truly stand by your disgraceful, narcissistic behavior. Why don’t you copy and paste all of your comments here and ask the Naval Academy to publish them with your name and photo so you can show off how you treat people -(all because you don’t want to tip service workers who otherwise make less than minimum wage)?
I don’t know where you get this deep hatred and harsh judgement for Uber drivers and why you are deluded that they’re all on welfare, but you are simply mistaken. Even your claims about taxes are incorrect. Uber pays through the app and they have each driver’s social security number and they report the income, including in-app tips, to the IRS. Most Uber drivers are supplementing other jobs. I don’t know where you get all this food-stamp and welfare nonsense. I drive Uber because I teach special education students and I wanted extra earnings in the summer, along with the tutoring I do, to help my own kids pay tuition. That’s not welfare, its work.
My naval career ended with a reduction in force during the Clinton administration. I was an officer for just under seven years, and never intended to retire from the navy. I also had a business career. I paused that to raise my own children and volunteer for hospice. You know nothing about the people you are insulting because they are sharing their experience with Uber’s pay structure that you do not want to believe because it would mean you’d have to admit it is appropriate to tip your driver. Keep your $2, and keep your ignorant insults, and keep the Naval Academy out of it. Your behavior is disgraceful.
@michelle. Thanks for all your service. I agree that poster is a troll and not sure why he has such a hatred for Uber drivers and tipping
There are plenty of former military that drive for Uber. I am retired and a CPA and donthis for part time income. Never been in welfare but I’m sure some trolls in here would consider my social security and pension welfare lol
Fortunately I don’t require the income so can be choosy about the pings I accept and don’t pick up people under 4.95 stars. I feel sorry for the drivers that have to pick up every ping and deal with some of the jerks.
You should go on the site and also see if your local community has an Uber drivers Facebook page. You can learn a lot and these sites are only for drivers so the cinersation is usually civil
Gary: Thank you.
I have a question for you. When I am driving and I see the ping, I see the person’s first name but I have not noticed their rating coming up with their name. Where should I be looking for this? I am very hesitant to read anything more than how far away the rider is before I accept because I don’t want my eyes off the road. If I know exactly where it is in the ping, maybe I can pull over and find it and decide whether to except or not before the 15 seconds expires. I wonder if it shows up or not based on a setting.
@ Michelle: Cute how you add the indignant touch to the whiny little bitch schtick.
Obviously the only thing you navigated was a spoon to the mashed potatoes. Navigators are known to have exceptional reading skills. You have shown your reading skills to be on par with a dyslexic chimp.
What you believe is irrelevant. Unlike you, I’m not here pimping out my uniform to justify, ad nauseam, lies and dissatisfaction with a job nobody forced you into all because customers choose, for one reason or another, not to give you a handout.
You really do need to engage that Literacy Volunteer. Now I this is difficult for you to understand and wouldn’t fit in with your “Poor Pitiful Me” routine, but I never said I do not tip. If you try to push your extra chromosome aside, you’ll see that I do tip. The contempt is for turds like you who feel the world owes them something. A gratuity, whether you like it or not, is strictly voluntary. Not everybody will tip, get over it. If poor little Lt. Michelle thinks it’s ok to whine like a baby because someone didn’t give her a gift, well … maybe there was a reason you got RIF’d.
Need extra money … an income supplement … something to do because you are bored … new friends … great! But if the job isn’t working out for you, stop pimping out your old uniform and whining like a little bitch when things don’t go the way your tiny little brain thinks they should. Quit and find a new job. Start your own business. Go on welfare. Beg on street corners. But the old “Woe is me!” because some people don’t give you a freebie makes you look inbred.
And for those who don’t understand reductions in force, the first to go are people like Michelle. You know, they do not push out the best. The first and foremost thing they look at are your OERs and your unit COs recommendations. If you are simply not up to standard or are not as outstanding as others, they put you out. In the unlikely event you deserved to stay, your CO knows she or he can go to bat for you and the Naval Personnel will listen. Obviously you weren’t worth the effort. No CO likes a whiner or malcontent. If you had just STFU and learned to navigate which spoon to use to stir the pot of soup, you’d be ok now.
Unhappy with Uber? Buy your way onto the board of directors or quit already. Before you quit, though, take advantage of one last Wal-Mart pick up and, before you start the trip, hop inside and try getting a refund on that extra chromosome of yours.
Read up on the RIF during the Clinton admin and you will see that they closed entire bases and reduced by clearing out thousands of reservists. That was me. My record is perfect. They simply did not believe there was justification to keep the military so large at that time.
Just because I found it tedious to read every post written by someone trolling for a reaction, doesn’t mean I can’t read. In this case, it simply means that I have more judgment then I have free time to waste.
Yes, I am proud to have served. I make no apologies for that.
Yes, I stand by my choices to be a special education assistant, a stay at home mom, a school volunteer, a hospice volunteer, a Girl Scout leader, a Sunday school teacher,… though these choices have never lead to financial ruin, they have also never lead to great wealth. That’s OK with me. So, in addition to my regular job, I am driving Uber to help with my kids’ college tuition. Any honest work is good work. I am happy to be working.
I do find your insults to be useless and insulting and they seem to be a desperate cry for attention.
Either you are posing with regard to the Naval Academy or you have missed the point of that fabulous opportunity. If you do go there or you have graduated, and they were to see how disgraceful your behavior is here, they would be ashamed of you.
Back to what the discussion was all about… With some exceptions, Uber really just does not pay well because of certain policies that benefit Uber without being fair to the passenger or the driver. Uber claimed the Tips we’re Bilton when they were not and they were held accountable for that so they stopped making that claim. For a variety of reasons, mostly greed, Uber lowered the rates it pays its drivers and did not make any do effort to let that be known to the passengers. Uber discouraged tipping because it was more profitable for them not to have shipping. When they found this was not working out, they instituted tipping.
As a passenger, you are free to tip or not tip. However, this is a service industry where the workers do not make minimum wage without tips in most areas. Still, the choice is yours to tip or not ship. You can fling crude insults or not. It’s a free country. You are free to behave with arrogance.
If you are ever in my car, keep your change.
@@Michelle just ignore the asshat.
It is so pathetic that some people are so frustrated and feel so very small and in adequate that they must go online and find random people to judge and insult behind their initials and wild claims of their superiority and grandeur. How very sad.
Here is a little gift for you. I dictated my previous comment. If you are industrious, you can go and find a homonyms that were not picked up by the spellchecker.
@Marshall: Give your kid credit. He’s obviously smart enough to have his hand up your ass making your mouth move.
Nobody believes your story about not one tip in 1,000 rides. Even if it were true, then you need to use your head and jump ship.
I haven’t used Uber since they’ve added the tip function so I can’t comment on why people don’t use it. Perhaps it takes time. Or maybe it will never change. In any event, the whiny little bitch schtick is getting old. If you can’t hack Uber, quit already. Find other sources of income.
@Michelle: Your problem must be congenital. First of all, I came through the Clinton RIF unscathed, but then again I wasn’t a reservist. If you were pushed out, you were not valued. Just because you have a good record, doesn’t mean you aren’t a turd. And your “perfect record” must have been a joke because in every RIF the Naval Service takes great pains to see the best are retained. That you could “perfectly” splatter mashed potatoes onto every sailor’s plate in the mess hall was obviously something they chose to do without.
You know absolutely nothing about the Naval Academy. The closest you have ever come is probably shagging a few graduates. What the Academy would be ashamed of is a whiny little bitch like you. If you aren’t happy with your pay, find a way to change the reality or just quit. Sell Tupperware. Offer to walk your neighbors’ dogs.
Uber is a corporation. They look out for their investors first and worry about attracting new customers. They offer you a certain amount of money and you decide if it’s to your advantage or not. In many ways the Navy is the same, but for the fact that whiny little bitches get captain’s mast and thrown out of the Navy. That’s likely why they dumped you.
You want sympathy? Webster’s has it between shit and syphilis. Don’t like Uber? Quit already. Save the drama queen schtick for someone like Marshall.
Ahhh i thought you had forgotten about me or disappeared buddy. I see you still have nothin better to do than hurl non-sequitur insults at people you know nothing about. Which program in Annapolis taught you that one? You bring shame on your country and fellow servicemen. You should quit. Offer to walk your neighbors dog or sell tupperware, but get the american flag off of your uniform. You disgrace us all.
I was actually offered nuke school in the academy but my vision and height preclude me from flying a jet and that is the only job in the military i have ever been interested in. Further, engineers in the navy will tell you, the naval academy is NOT the foremost engineering school in the country, by any means. Why dont you google and see where Auburn ranks on that list?
@Marshall: From whiny little bitch to liar. Not really surprised you’d make that leap. If anything, the Academy wanted you to clean shitters. The only way some inbred, trailer-park, midget drooler like you could get a letter of assurance into Nuke School would be by going down on half the US Senate. Not that you wouldn’t be game, mind you, but logistics would get in your way.
Auburn? Alabama??? You really do have an extra chromosome. Auburn is to engineering what your trailer park is to Rodeo Drive. Even the NROTC program at Auburn is trash. Not that they’d even accept you anyhow.
When you finish the whiny little bitch routine with Uber, go back to your day job at Wal-Mart. And try not to infect anybody with that retard gene you so proudly carry.
You really are pathetic. You wouldn’t amount to a pimple on a bilge rat’s ass.
Ahhh i thought you had forgotten about me or disappeared buddy. I see you still have nothin better to do than hurl non-sequitur insults at people you know nothing about. Which program in Annapolis taught you that one? You bring shame on your country and fellow servicemen. You should quit. Offer to walk your neighbors dog or sell tupperware, but get the american flag off of your uniform. You disgrace us all.
I was actually offered nuke school in the academy but my vision and height preclude me from flying a jet and that is the only job in the military i have ever been interested in. Further, engineers in the navy will tell you, the naval academy is NOT the foremost engineering school in the country, by any means. Why dont you google and see where Auburn ranks on that list?
What do you think? Should I tip? I recently started using Uber because my motorcycle is in the shop. It urks me so much to leave a tip because all of my rides are under 2 miles. My work is 1.5 miles away and any errands I run are less than a mile away but I still get charged the minimum which is around $5. I am a single guy and the most I carry with me is a bookbag. I understand tipping when the rider makes the ride more difficult for the driver like having multiple kids or a stroller but my rides are done in under 5 mins and are very easy for the driver. Are short trips better for Uber drivers bc even though the ride would normally cost $2-$3 they get at least $5? And should I throw a tip in on top of that when literally they do nothing extra or above and beyond. And just in case I get any haters I have been on the other side as a waiter and I think this whole obligated tipping scheme is crap. I have even told customers that have tipped me generously that it was way too much bc I knew the amount I work I provided for them wasnt really an inconvience. One customer just wanted to tip me $10 on a $15 meal even though I only provided him with one refill just because he saw how hard I was working on the other tables and multitasking. I told him it was too much but he gave it anyways and offered me a job.
I think you are under the wrong impression about the industry. Justcbecause uber charged you $5 for the ride, the driver only gets about $2.90. The time it takes the driver to get to you, and the time it takes them to drive you, even if a mile away, if its city streets and traffic, in total you’re looking at much more than 1 minute trip obviously. If you hate paying the 5 to uber for the short trips, If it’s less than a mile, why aren’t you walking? You’re willing to pay mega company uber the 5 to get you less than a mile down the street several times per day? But having a hard time deciding on whether to tip a buck? Just like your waiting gig, you were paid less than minimum wage because the employer/industry is based on service being tipped, same is with driving…uber drivers are making less than minimum wage thru uber, just as cab drivers were living off tips, so are the uber/lyft drivers. On top of it, they are using their own cars, own gas, own maintenance , cleaning, etc. Just as I advise those who don’t like to tip waiters and bartenders…don’t blame the workers for the industry practice…and if can’t afford to tip, don’t go out to eat or bar hop, same goes for this industry…don’t blame the driver, either try to change the industry by writing to uber or until things change just do the right thing and tip a driver if they did their job, get you from a to b safely, without trouble, without getting into a fight with you about politics, religion, tipping, etc.
I think I found my answer. I will tip drivers and I think I will text them my destination so they know before hand. If it is worth it. I dont think the drivers in my area have that problem. There are always at least 4-5 cars within a half mile radius.
Hi Daniel, Good suggestion. I saw a reply to one of my comments I am not going to bother addressing because the poster totally missed my point. Drivers usually arrive too quickly before I can text. I learned from drivers that 2 out of 20 tip and less than 5 out of 10 rate. I always rate 5 unless there’s some real reason not. I almost always tip. The only time I don’t is if driver refuses. Drivers are more chill here than some comments I read. I also try to pick a spot for drop off where driver will get pinged such as a busy train station. If I’m going some place rural where drivers don’t want to go, I go half way to a convenient spot for driver and take bus rest of the way. If driver is ok with final destination, then I cancel and enter new destination. It seems to work out ok. Trying to work with drivers. Some are happy and others complain, like any job. My rating finally got back to 4.97. Seems that what I am charged now went way down. Must be a result of consistency. Always tipping, always rating 5 for driver. For some, they care, others, long term drivers, they don’t care. They already proved themselves. On the job, any job, people with a great attitude always rise above pettiness. I think it’s fine for Angela to monitor comments and not allow the ugly ones.
The inapp feature for tipping Uber now has is a joke. It has made absolutely no difference. Whats wrong with people anyway? How can anyone ride in your,be dropped off safely and not leave even a $1.00 tip. Ive had people in my car for over an hour,a forty mile ride and get stiffed. I don’t even expect a tip anymore. You pick them up load there luggage. Get them home safely. Unload their luggage and get nada. Thats just plain rude. How can people be that f—– ? I would no more stiff someone like that then slap my mom. You people who dont tip are a blight on this world. My only hope is karma for you inconsiderate waste of humanity. Would two bucks really kill ya?
@ Tim – It seems strange that everybody fails to tip. These must be the same people who eat out and tip the wait staff, or stay in a hotel and tip room service / busboy / doorman / maid, or tip a taxi driver. Why wouldn’t they tip in Uber? Why is it that Uber is the odd man out?
The only thing I can think of is that Uber customers just plain suck. They probably don’t tip anybody else either. Or maybe it’s just the Uber app and nobody is used to the tip function? What about Lyft drivers? Do their customers tip?
It would be nice if there were some survey of Uber customers asking about tipping.
For as long as I can remember I have always tipped my pizza and other food delivery, but there is a new uber culture, uber customers not only do not tip drivers but also do not tip delivery drivers on their UberEATs food delivery service, especially now that McDonald’s delivers through UberEATs, these poor drivers spend at minimum 30 min to drive to the chain, wait in line for the order to be made and packed, check through all items make sure the competent McDonald’s employees got it right, drive to the drop off address, look for a parking space, downtown, pay to park or park illegally, find the correct building, get buzzed in, ride the elevator to umpteenth floor, roam the halls looking for the unit number, hand over food to half naked slob, so this is about an hour now, from the time the delivery ping was accepted, for the grand total of $3 payment from uber….as uber doesn’t pay for time on food deliveries (technically they barely pay for time for driving passengers either…a whole .09 cents per minute in the Cleveland market), so about .93 cents per mile for food delivery, where the driving is the smallest and shortest part of the job. Talk about abuse of people, labor, power etc.
So again the grand question: why don’t uber users tip on anything, tipp now being allowed through the app, did these people stop tipping all service folk all together? I could have sworn that pizza delivery has always been a universal tipping service. The food delivery options became more vast, allowing folks thousands of options to stuff their stomachs with more healthy or less healthy produce, so why the tipping shortage? Are you paying more for the delivered sushi than you would for the delivered pizza, so instead you punish the driver for your luxurious munchy preference to make up the cost difference?
It was an acceptable excuse when uber used to tell riders not to tip, when they falsely advertised that tips are included, but this has since been debunked, through legal court proceedings and more than necessary media coverage as well as word of mouth, so any uber user that still tries to say “oh..I thought tips are not allowed by uber” is either playing dumb and cheap, or living under a rock…which means they wouldn’t be riding in an uber as “rock” is not an acceptable pick up or drop off destination on an uber platform.
@ Stunned: You are 100% correct in that the pizza delivery guy gets tipped. At least the pizza companies I use make it really easy without being obnoxious about it. In a very subtle manner, there are at least three reminders about leaving a tip with at least three different methods by which you can tip. Uber fails in that aspect.
That said, I just cannot understand why folks do not tip an Uber driver now that it’s in the app. Does Uber cater to different clientel than taxi / pizza delivery businesses? Is there something with the app that hinders tipping? There has to be a reason. Then there has to be a solution.
What about Lyft? Do they also have the same issues?
@J.C. so what happened bud? Did someone finally hunt you down and kick the shit outta you? Cuz you certainly changed your tune in the past few weeks. Much respect for it if it was of your own accord though, but i doubt it.
Lol Marshall. I guess you spoke too soon. I though he was possibly just another jc, but obviously there’s a multiple personality disorder thing happening here. Usually such drastic change in behavior and attitude is a female attribute, so if he’s not a female then possibly bipolar or a worse disorder.
Angela, If you read this, it has been really helpful to read these posts, so thanks for starting this site. I learned a lot and received helpful feedback. Uber was created to combine the best of technology with classy drivers and beautiful, clean cars. Drivers usually arrive in less than ten minutes and are safe, friendly, and for the most part seem to enjoy their jobs. It’s been a great service for me. It is ironic that some of the comments here represent the rudest, hateful attitudes towards others that go completely against the grain of the average Uber experience that the company intended. If people in a workplace spoke like some do here to each other, they would be escorted out the door with security guards. Other comments are illogical, such as blaming riders for the low cost when the company sets the rates. The company offers bonuses to drivers to make lots of rides. That hurts riders who might want to go a slightly longer distance. So that defeats the purpose. At times I need to go a longer distance to work. To accommodate the driver, I take public transportation part way. Recently the public transportation was faulty. It was 110 in my area. I took public transportation part way. But then it stopped working. I called uber and texted my destination. Two drivers cancelled. Probably due to the destination. So I used uber as a bridge and concluded the trip with a bus for the final 5 miles. Coming back from work, I struggled with a ride part way from a co worker. Then public transportation without a.c. Then Uber for the last 5 miles. What would have been a 40 minute $60 uber ride, plus tip, resulted in a 3 hour trip home. Then the driver took my request. But picked up and dropped off 2 other riders before picking me up. She was a brand new driver. I waited 20 minutes when other riders who were on the same bus and called drivers got picked up 10 minutes sooner. Most people in my area use pool for shorter distances. So as a business, Uber is unpredictable. It’s run like a hobby or game, without consistent standards. One driver would welcome a longer trip, others did not take into consideration the heat, the disabled public transportation, and need for drivers. There were not many drivers. The company could have coordinated with drivers and given instructions as would happen in a regular business. As for drivers offering scams, it happens. Usually it has to do with what they are paid. So they suggest the most obvious way to get more money. I’m not referring to tipping. I politely ignore or decline the offer as it is not honest. So uber is run like a game, a novelty. Not a real business with real employees with consistent standards that customers can count on. The rules change from driver to driver. I never know if I’ll get a driver who wants to go only 1 mile when I need to go 5. Or one who is willing to drive the entire distance I would prefer to get to work. Hope this helps some new riders and helps drivers see things from the customer’s point of view. I’ll now try to unsubscribe.
@Marshall: With your reading skills on par with those of a dyslexic chimp, I’m astonished that even Alabama would have given you a GED.
I never said people should not tip their Uber driver. I have said that you going all whiny little bitch wasn’t the answer. If someone doesn’t tip, suck it up and go home and kick your mommy. The goal is to find out why, according to claims by Uber drivers here, “virtually nobody” tips. Once you find out why, then you can work on a solution. The old “I need to hound people for money / tips”, “I’m refusing pick-ups at big stores,” “I’m giving non-tippers a low rating,” or the “I’ll only accept those rated 4.9 or higher” stories are getting old.
Weld that dunce cap to your pointy little head, Marshall, and make full use of that literacy volunteer they give you.
There it is!!! I was wondering how long id have to wait to see another dyslexic chimp.
Maybe go back and re read my posts(better than a dyslexic chimp), as ive not whined about anything…in fact i think I said it was “funny” how nobody tips an uber but will tip a cab for the same thing at triple the price. People are hilarious. And you, my friend, take the trophy.
@Dyslexic Chimp: It must be that extra chromosome of yours that makes you think that all Uber customers are those likely to take a taxi.
@Name: Why Jethro, is that you? You’d make more sense if Marshall didn’t have his hand up your bass making your mouth move.
I drive for both Uber (Select) and Lyft (Premier) and get tipped about 10% of the time. Most passengers are very nice and pleasant, but there are are a handful that request multiple stops and sometimes mention that there will be a good tip for me (0 for 25 or 26 when a passenger states this!)
I used to pickup UberX and classic Lyft passengers, but the fares are too low to be even mildly profitable unless there is some type of promotion or prime time/surge rates at least 2X or higher. I do not expect to be tipped because prior experience has diminished my expectations.
What bothers me most are those that I pickup from the service industry such as servers and casino dealers that do not tip. How can that be? There is in-app tipping for both platforms now, but I think they just figure that they will never see me again so there is no potential for goodwill. One exception are strippers and dancers. They tip very well.
I will usually pass on picking up passengers lower than 4.7. Passengers should know that drivers can go back and change ratings for any ride as far back as they can remember. They just need to provide a reason for changing the rating. Don’t be surprised to see your rating go up right after the ride, and then go down later on even without another ride.
Other drivers with nicer cars will not pickup lower rated passengers. Meaning that lower rated passengers will get lower tiered/older/dirtier vehicles and drivers that will pickup just about anyone. It’s a roll of the dice.
@steven. One of the best posts in this thread I’ve seen. My wife’s hairdresser stuffed me last month (I dint think she knew who I was) and now my wife stiffs her so sinetines there is revenge lol.
There is no excuse for it tipping now that the app allows it. All these people that were using the excuse of no cash no longer have an excuse except for being a tight wad
One suggestion to help you get more tips is to raise your criteria from 4.7 stars to 4.8ish. My percentage of tips has increased a lot now that I only do 4.85 and higher. There are also certain areas and demographics I know to avoid as well that are non tipoers