With so many enticing Chase credit cards on the market, it’s hard to have to decide which cards to put in your wallet. Granted the fact that I already have 5 Chase personal cards at the moment… and add in the fact that I haven’t flown with Southwest in almost a decade (the good news is that’s all going to change on Friday when I fly EWR-DEN-LAS on SW), I naturally haven’t put much thought into getting a SW card… even though it really is a sweet deal (especially if you combine the personal with the business card for a total of 100,000 Rapid Rewards points and aim for the companion pass).
I’ll probably consider applying for the personal card sometime in early 2013 during a future churn, so I’m not sure if I can exactly qualify for the 500 bonus point offer, but those who are already cardholders can now get an extra 500 Rapid Rewards points just by using your card for one purchase from the Rapid Rewards shopping portal. If you want a cheap and easy way to 500 points, you can always purchase something as small as an iTunes song through the portal to qualify for the bonus. 500 Rapid Rewards points is valued at approximately $9. You can find the complete details, along with the promotion’s T&C here.
- LOG IN with your Rapid Rewards account information here.
- SHOP online through the Rapid Rewards shopping portal.
- GET 500 BONUS POINTSÂ as a one-time reward for making any purchase through Rapid Rewards Shopping with your Rapid Rewards Credit Card by the end of the year.
I’m prepping for a new churn now. I’m debating whether or not to include the SW cards in it. Like you, I’m based in the NYC area.
To me, it feels like the SW companion deal isn’t so great out of nyc as they have fairly limited direct flights vs others (Jetblue, AA, United).
What do you think?
Hi Steve, I am in the same boat as you so I have naturally moved the SW cards down on my priority list. What cards do you currently have? I’d go for the Sapphire Preferred or the INK or the Citi AA cards over the SW if you’re based in the NYC area. Don’t hesitate to send me an email if you need help constructing a churn :)