Hopefully everyone got chance to earn their $10 statement credits with American Express during Small Business Saturday yesterday. Many people were upset that the SBS promotion dropped to $10 from $25 in previous years. If anything, this awesome Amazon AmEx sync promotion makes up for it!
Until December 31, you can now receive $25 back on a $75 or more purchase at Amazon when you use your synced AmEx. You can add the offer to your card(s) via the “My Offers” section of your American Express account, through the American Express Facebook sync page, and/or by simply tweeting #AmexAmazon with your synced card.
I loaded this offer onto all 3 of my American Express cards and I’ll have no problem taking advantage of this great “free money” offer with holiday shopping!
How will you take advantage of this offer?
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Hi..Do you know if we can get the credit for buying Gcs at Amazon.
Angelina I’m interested in how you got it on all 4 cards. In my mobile app it only allows one. I’m not online but that’s usually my experience as well.
When I open my American Express app on my iPhone, I can see all offers and when I click on the Amazon offer, it asks me which credit card I want to link the offer to. After I did that, I didn’t see the offer anymore. It seems like it was available for all 4 cards but can only be linked to one card.
@RK: I haven’t tried it myself but I would imagine so – YMMV.
@Heather/Grant: I was only able to add the offer once per “medium”. For instance, once I added it to a card using “My Offers”, it disappeared from the rest. Then, I added it to other cards visa Twitter and Facebook. Here’s what it looked like: Amex Starwood Biz- Added offer via Facebook, BlueSky Amex- Added offer via “My Offers” page, Amex Platinum- Added visa Mr. Points Traveler’s Twitter.
You can also do this (though time consuming). Add each offer onto your Amex card via Twitter, then sync and unsync your Twitter account and register another Amex card and Tweet. Once the offer is added to your card, it stays regardless of you syncing your social media account with a different Amex.
I’m sorry if it sounds confusing – feel free to email with other questions and will do my best to help you get these across your other cards :)
I keep separate accounts at amex.com for this purpose. Log into each card’s account and go to the “offers” tab. You can then sign up each card. Takes a little longer than facebook or twitter but you don’t have to remove and add each card for each offer.
Any chance it will work with Amazon Payments?
You can just link all the cards one by one if you go to the following:
Been without internet access for the past few days, this offer is no longer offered :(