Earlier today, a few of my travel friends reminded me of an IHG summer promotion that I had previously overlooked called “Reel Summer“. With this promotion, not only do you get a chance to win 1/5 grand prizes, but theres also tons of instant win prizes available when you participate in some of the fun and easy “challenges”.
I personally won myself a free popcorn and soda at AMC theaters, and 3 other friends won movie tickets. 4 out of 6 of us were instant winners, so my guess is that there are tons more prizes waiting to be claimed!
Here’s how to try your luck:
Click here, and once on the landing page, after your log in with, click the “challenges” tab on top
You will have 3 chances to win by making a story and taking a quiz to find out about your travel personality.
After taking the “What’s Your Traveling Style?” quiz, I found out I was a winner!
Within minutes, I had an email in my inbox acknowledging that I was a winner, and as another added bonus, I received a second email saying that I would receive 2,000 bonus points with my next IHG stay within 60 days.
The only bummer is that the prize won’t reach me until 4-6 weeks, but it’s always nice to win something, right?
Any other instant winners there?
Thanks for this suggestion. Won a movie ticket also.
Congratulations, you have won free Coca-Cola® and popcorn at AMC theaters™.
I just logged on because or your post! Thank You so much!! Yay!!
Yeh! I won a movie ticket!
Yup, i just got my free popcorn/drinks! Thanks Angelina!
It seems like everyone is a winner of coke and popcorn. Nice prize however the email says it takes them 4 to 6 weeks ! to send you details of your prize. Why I ask. It’s a simple prize. It’s not like they are sending me a check for $500 or something. I would have rather just had immediate IHG points or MCR points.
Not sure if my previous post when thru, but just wanted to thank you. If not for this blog post, I wouldn’t have won my popcorn/soda combo too!! With the prices these days…it will be nice to enjoy. So thank you!
Another soda and popcorn winner! This should pair nicely with the Visa signature one a month buy 1 get 1 free amc summer movie ticket promo!
I won popcorn and drinks, then entered my wife’s number and she won movie ticket!
Thanks Angelina!!!