Wow, I’m blown away with the amount of people who entered to win my 2012 Freddie Awards Swag Bag. The amount of comments this contest received makes me wonder a few things:
a.) The swag really is something to die for.
b.) I really have great readers who enjoy reading the blog.
c.) You just stopped by for a chance to win free stuff because free stuff is cool (that’s OK too; I’m guilty).
d.) All of the above
Whether your answer is A, B, C, or all of the above, or perhaps a combination of A&B (but not C), B&C (but not A), or A&C (OK… you get it), I’d like to thank everyone who provided feedback.
Based on some analysis from the comments, it seems that a huge number of you love trip reports (I guess that’s going to fuel my intrinsic motivation to finally get moving on my Asia trip reports. Now that I think about it, I never finished Chicago either, ah). There’s also quite a few of you who enjoy the ways to get free points and miles too. Oh, and I can’t forget the 3 or 4 people who said they loved the Dad Posts (he’ll kill me for saying this, but you 3 folks were the highlight of the weekend. He kept rubbing it in my face..).
Without further delay, using, the lucky number that was generated was 86, making commenter ajd the winner! Congratulations!
ajd, please send me an email by May 7 with your mailing information for me to ship your prize.
Thanks to all for entering! Keep reading – I have some more fun giveaways lined up regularly, as always.
:( and :(