UPDATE 8/31/12: The HHonors Earnings Mall is still available, but it has recently been re-introduced globally as the Hilton HHonors Shop-To-Earn Mall, offering members around the world merchandise and exclusive deals from more than 1,500 retailers – from jewelry and apparel brands to electronics and home furnishings. You can still visit the Shop-To-Earn Mall at www.shoptoearn.hhonors.com.
Whenever I shop with online retailers, the first thing I do is check evreward.com to see which shopping portal will give me the most points/miles per $1 spent. I primarily try to accumulate AA miles or United miles when shopping online, but every now and then I’ll allow small purchases (such as iTunes) to earn hotel points if they’re close to expiring (see post: 36 Easy Ways to Prevent Miles and Points from Expiring).
Not that much of my shopping went through the Hilton HHonors shopping portal, but I do think it’s important to share this notice that I received in my inbox today:
Hilton HHonors Earnings Mall has been discontinued, but your online shopping benefits don’t have to! To continue enjoying the savings and rewards of Earnings Mall, simply register for OO.com.
OO.com is implemented by the same perks provider as Hilton HHonors Earnings Mall, so you will have access to the same great deals on dining, travel, electronics, and more.
OO.com partners with DonorsChoose to provide technology to classrooms in need. So in addition to saving money, your purchases made through OO.comwill help fund a child’s education. Just shop as you normally do, get prices that are better than retail, and help give a child an opportunity.
With that said, all purchases made through OO will no longer earn you Hilton HHonors points, but will fund education.
For those who have been loyal Hilton HHonors shopping portal users in the past, how do you feel about this replacement? Do you miss the ability to earn points instead?
OO had that great priceline $25 for $50 deal about a month ago, so I’m keeping an eye on it.
Definitely disappointed by this Change. Unused the shopping portal frequently for the points. Marriott still has theirs up but it wasn’t nearly as extensive :(
They just put out a press release that like two weeks ago that they were launching a global shopping mall, is that the one that was cancelled?
This is rather odd news. I have used the HHonors shopping portal in the past, but have not received the e-mail. Further, the HHonors shopping site still appears to be up and running.
Another blog said that the hilton mall still works but it was the previous mall vendor the one that sent those emails since he doesn’t manage the hilton portal anymore. We can still earn hilton points~!
More info:
Hilton launched a different online shopping mall, where you still earn HHonors with the HHonors Shop-To-Earn site:
i hate shopping malls!!!
Very Disappointed! I used the HHEM to make small purchases each year to keep my points from expiring.
I could even purchase from Homedepot something small.
Even the smallest purchase $1 would tide me over for
another year. The New HH shopping mall is a Joke!
Very little to choose from and Expensive. HH has ensured
that it will cost me way more to keep my points. I guess I better go somewhere b4 sept and blow those points then I’m out! No HH no More!